Calibration related convenience functions
Load all calibrations stored in a certain directory and return a dictionary rbid -> RBCalibration |
DEPRECATED - this function is deprecated and we discourage using |
- gaps_online.tof.calibrations.plot_offsets(self, bins=20)#
- gaps_online.tof.calibrations.plot_dips(self, bins=20)#
- gaps_online.tof.calibrations.plot_incs(self, bins=20)#
- gaps_online.tof.calibrations.plot_tbins(self, bins=20)#
- gaps_online.tof.calibrations.load_calibrations(cali_dir: Path, load_event_data=False)#
Load all calibrations stored in a certain directory and return a dictionary rbid -> RBCalibration
# Arguments:
- load_event_dataif True, also load the associated events
which went into the calculation of the calibration constants.
- gaps_online.tof.calibrations.load_calibrations_cxx(cali_dir: Path, load_event_data=False)#
- DEPRECATED - this function is deprecated and we discourage using
the CXX/pybind11 API! Use the RUST API instead!
Load all calibrations stored in a certain directory and return a dictionary rbid -> RBCalibration
# Arguments:
- load_event_dataif True, also load the associated events
which went into the calculation of the calibration constants.