Higher level functionality to work with entire runs



Compare the list of event ids to a list with consecutive rising event ids for the same range

get_file_tof_status(fname[, check_rbs])

Get the number of active TOF paddles and rbs for each file

get_run_tof_status(files[, check_rbs])

Get the number of active TOF paddles and rbs for a whole run as represented by the list of telemetry files

load_run_from_telemetry(start, end[, data_dir])

Load data from telemetry binaries within start/end range, end, data_dir='/data0/gaps/csbf/csbf-data/binaries/ethernet') dict#

Load data from telemetry binaries within start/end range

# Arguments:
  • start : start time of the run in UNIX time since epoch

  • end : end time of the run in UNIX time since epoch

# Keyword Arguments:
  • data_dir : directory with .bin files ("Berkeley binaries"), check_rbs=False) dict#

Get the number of active TOF paddles and rbs for each file

# Arguements:

fname : file name of telemetry file (RAW*.bin)

# Keyword Arguments:
check_rbsIf yes, translate the active paddles in

Readoutborad IDs and add them to the returned dictionary, check_rbs=True) dict#

Get the number of active TOF paddles and rbs for a whole run as represented by the list of telemetry files

# Arguements:

fname : file name of telemetry file (RAW*.bin)

# Keyword Arguments:
check_rbsIf yes, translate the active paddles in

Readoutborad IDs and add them to the returned dictionary list) None#

Compare the list of event ids to a list with consecutive rising event ids for the same range

# Arguments:

evids : A list of event ids