Crate crossterm

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§Cross-platform Terminal Manipulation Library

Crossterm is a pure-rust, terminal manipulation library that makes it possible to write cross-platform text-based interfaces.

This crate supports all UNIX and Windows terminals down to Windows 7 (not all terminals are tested see Tested Terminals for more info).

§Command API

The command API makes the use of crossterm much easier and offers more control over when and how a command is executed. A command is just an action you can perform on the terminal e.g. cursor movement.

The command API offers:

  • Better Performance.
  • Complete control over when to flush.
  • Complete control over where the ANSI escape commands are executed to.
  • Way easier and nicer API.

There are two ways to use the API command:

  • Functions can execute commands on types that implement Write. Functions are easier to use and debug. There is a disadvantage, and that is that there is a boilerplate code involved.
  • Macros are generally seen as more difficult and aren’t always well supported by editors but offer an API with less boilerplate code. If you are not afraid of macros, this is a recommendation.

Linux and Windows 10 systems support ANSI escape codes. Those ANSI escape codes are strings or rather a byte sequence. When we write and flush those to the terminal we can perform some action. For older windows systems a WinAPI call is made.

§Supported Commands

§Command Execution

There are two different ways to execute commands:

§Lazy Execution

Flushing bytes to the terminal buffer is a heavy system call. If we perform a lot of actions with the terminal, we want to do this periodically - like with a TUI editor - so that we can flush more data to the terminal buffer at the same time.

Crossterm offers the possibility to do this with queue. With queue you can queue commands, and when you call Write::flush these commands will be executed.

You can pass a custom buffer implementing std::io::Write to this queue operation. The commands will be executed on that buffer. The most common buffer is std::io::stdout however, std::io::stderr is used sometimes as well.


A simple demonstration that shows the command API in action with cursor commands.


use std::io::{Write, stdout};
use crossterm::{QueueableCommand, cursor};

let mut stdout = stdout();

// some other code ...


The queue function returns itself, therefore you can use this to queue another command. Like stdout.queue(Goto(5,5)).queue(Clear(ClearType::All)).


use std::io::{Write, stdout};
use crossterm::{queue, QueueableCommand, cursor};

let mut stdout = stdout();
queue!(stdout,  cursor::MoveTo(5, 5));

// some other code ...

// move operation is performed only if we flush the buffer.

You can pass more than one command into the queue macro like queue!(stdout, MoveTo(5, 5), Clear(ClearType::All)) and they will be executed in the given order from left to right.

§Direct Execution

For many applications it is not at all important to be efficient with ‘flush’ operations. For this use case there is the execute operation. This operation executes the command immediately, and calls the flush under water.

You can pass a custom buffer implementing std::io::Write to this execute operation. The commands will be executed on that buffer. The most common buffer is std::io::stdout however, std::io::stderr is used sometimes as well.



use std::io::{Write, stdout};
use crossterm::{ExecutableCommand, cursor};

let mut stdout = stdout();

The execute function returns itself, therefore you can use this to queue another command. Like stdout.execute(Goto(5,5))?.execute(Clear(ClearType::All)).


use std::io::{stdout, Write};
use crossterm::{execute, ExecutableCommand, cursor};

let mut stdout = stdout();
execute!(stdout, cursor::MoveTo(5, 5));

You can pass more than one command into the execute macro like execute!(stdout, MoveTo(5, 5), Clear(ClearType::All)) and they will be executed in the given order from left to right.


Print a rectangle colored with magenta and use both direct execution and lazy execution.


use std::io::{self, Write};
use crossterm::{
    ExecutableCommand, QueueableCommand,
    terminal, cursor, style::{self, Stylize}

fn main() -> io::Result<()> {
  let mut stdout = io::stdout();


  for y in 0..40 {
    for x in 0..150 {
      if (y == 0 || y == 40 - 1) || (x == 0 || x == 150 - 1) {
        // in this loop we are more efficient by not flushing the buffer.
          .queue(style::PrintStyledContent( "█".magenta()))?;


use std::io::{self, Write};
use crossterm::{
    execute, queue,
    style::{self, Stylize}, cursor, terminal

fn main() -> io::Result<()> {
  let mut stdout = io::stdout();

  execute!(stdout, terminal::Clear(terminal::ClearType::All))?;

  for y in 0..40 {
    for x in 0..150 {
      if (y == 0 || y == 40 - 1) || (x == 0 || x == 150 - 1) {
        // in this loop we are more efficient by not flushing the buffer.
        queue!(stdout, cursor::MoveTo(x,y), style::PrintStyledContent( "█".magenta()))?;


  • A module to work with the terminal cursor
  • A module to read events.
  • A module to apply attributes and colors on your text.
  • A module to work with the terminal.
  • A module to query if the current instance is a tty. Making it a little more convenient and safe to query whether something is a terminal teletype or not. This module defines the IsTty trait and the is_tty method to return true if the item represents a terminal.


  • Executes one or more command(s).
  • Queues one or more command(s) for further execution.


  • An interface for a command that performs an action on the terminal.
  • An interface for types that can directly execute commands.
  • An interface for types that can queue commands for further execution.
  • An interface for types that support synchronized updates.