gaps-online-software 0.10
online software for the TOF system for the GAPS experiment
No Matches
SimPrimary Struct Reference

#include <simclasses.h>

Public Member Functions

f64 get_beta ()
Vec< u8 > to_bytestream ()

Static Public Member Functions

static SimPrimary from_bytestream (const Vec< u8 > &bytestream, u64 &pos)

Public Attributes

u32 pdg
f64 theta
f64 phi
f64 initial_energy_per_nucleon
Vec< f64 > energy_depositions_kev
Vec< u32 > volume_id
Vec< f64 > x
Vec< f64 > y
Vec< f64 > z

Detailed Description

A container to hold simulated primary information

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: