gaps-online-software 0.10
online software for the TOF system for the GAPS experiment
No Matches
RBEventHeader Struct Reference

#include <events.h>

Public Member Functions

Vec< u8 > get_channels () const
u8 get_nchan () const
Vec< u8 > get_active_data_channels () const
bool has_ch9 () const
u8 get_n_datachan () const
f32 get_fpga_temp () const
bool is_event_fragment () const
bool drs_lost_trigger () const
bool lost_lock () const
bool lost_lock_last_sec () const
bool is_locked () const
bool is_locked_last_sec () const
std::array< f32, 3 > get_sine_fit () const
u64 get_timestamp48 () const
 the combined timestamp
std::string to_string () const
 string representation for printing

Static Public Member Functions

static RBEventHeader from_bytestream (const Vec< u8 > &bytestream, u64 &pos)

Public Attributes

u8 rb_id
u32 event_id
u8 status_byte
u16 channel_mask
u16 stop_cell
u16 ch9_amp
u16 ch9_freq
u16 ch9_phase
u16 fpga_temp
u32 timestamp32
u16 timestamp16

Static Public Attributes

static const u16 HEAD = 0xAAAA
static const u16 TAIL = 0x5555
static const u16 SIZE = 30

Detailed Description

RB binary data header information

This does not include the channel data! The header contains rb id, event id, event status and timestamps.

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: