Expand description
Readoutboard binary event formats, former denoted as BLOB (binary large object)
The structure is the following
RBEventHeader - timestamp, status, len of event, but no channel data. This represents compression level 2
RBEvent - still “raw” event, however, with modified fields (removed superflous ones, changed meaning of some others) Each RBEvent has a header and a body which is the channel data. Data in this form represents compression level 1
RBWaveform - a single waveform from a single RB. This can be used to deconstruct TofEvents so that the flight computer does not struggle with the large packet size.
- features: “random” - provides “::from_random” for all structs allowing to populate them with random data for tests.
- Event data for each individual ReadoutBoard (RB)
- The RBEvent header gets generated once per event per RB. Contains information about event id, timestamps, etc.
- Squeze the rb channel - paddle mapping into 5 bytes for a single RB
- Get the traces for a set of RBEvents