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/// `match` for parsers
/// When parsers have unique prefixes to test for, this offers better performance over
/// [`alt`][crate::combinator::alt] though it might be at the cost of duplicating parts of your grammar
/// if you needed to [`peek`][crate::combinator::peek].
/// For tight control over the error in a catch-all case, use [`fail`][crate::combinator::fail].
/// # Example
/// ```rust
/// use winnow::prelude::*;
/// use winnow::combinator::dispatch;
/// # use winnow::token::any;
/// # use winnow::combinator::peek;
/// # use winnow::combinator::preceded;
/// # use winnow::combinator::empty;
/// # use winnow::combinator::fail;
/// fn escaped(input: &mut &str) -> ModalResult<char> {
/// preceded('\\', escape_seq_char).parse_next(input)
/// }
/// fn escape_seq_char(input: &mut &str) -> ModalResult<char> {
/// dispatch! {any;
/// 'b' => empty.value('\u{8}'),
/// 'f' => empty.value('\u{c}'),
/// 'n' => empty.value('\n'),
/// 'r' => empty.value('\r'),
/// 't' => empty.value('\t'),
/// '\\' => empty.value('\\'),
/// '"' => empty.value('"'),
/// _ => fail::<_, char, _>,
/// }
/// .parse_next(input)
/// }
/// assert_eq!(escaped.parse_peek("\\nHello"), Ok(("Hello", '\n')));
/// ```
#[doc(hidden)] // forced to be visible in intended location
macro_rules! dispatch {
($match_parser: expr; $( $pat:pat $(if $pred:expr)? => $expr: expr ),+ $(,)? ) => {
$crate::combinator::trace("dispatch", move |i: &mut _|
use $crate::Parser;
let initial = $match_parser.parse_next(i)?;
match initial {
$pat $(if $pred)? => $expr.parse_next(i),