use std::fmt;
#[cfg(feature = "pybindings")]
use pyo3::pyclass;
use crate::serialization::{
use crate::packets::PacketType;
use crate::events::DataType;
use crate::commands::TofOperationMode;
use crate::events::TriggerType;
cfg_if::cfg_if! {
if #[cfg(feature = "random")] {
use crate::FromRandom;
use rand::Rng;
#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, PartialEq, serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize)]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "pybindings", pyclass(eq, eq_int))]
pub enum BuildStrategy {
impl fmt::Display for BuildStrategy {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
let r = serde_json::to_string(self).unwrap_or(
String::from("N.A. - Invalid BuildStrategy (error)"));
write!(f, "<BuildStrategy: {}>", r)
impl BuildStrategy {
pub fn to_u8(&self) -> u8 {
match self {
BuildStrategy::Unknown => {
return 0;
BuildStrategy::Smart => {
return 100;
BuildStrategy::Adaptive => {
return 101;
BuildStrategy::AdaptiveThorough => {
return 102;
BuildStrategy::AdaptiveGreedy => {
return 1;
BuildStrategy::WaitForNBoards => {
return 2;
impl From<u8> for BuildStrategy {
fn from(value: u8) -> Self {
match value {
0 => BuildStrategy::Unknown,
100 => BuildStrategy::Smart,
101 => BuildStrategy::Adaptive,
102 => BuildStrategy::AdaptiveThorough,
1 => BuildStrategy::AdaptiveGreedy,
2 => BuildStrategy::WaitForNBoards,
_ => BuildStrategy::Unknown
#[cfg(feature = "random")]
impl FromRandom for BuildStrategy {
fn from_random() -> Self {
let choices = [
let mut rng = rand::thread_rng();
let idx = rng.gen_range(0..choices.len());
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, PartialEq)]
pub struct PreampBiasConfig {
pub rb_id : u8,
pub biases : [f32;16]
impl PreampBiasConfig {
pub fn new() -> Self {
Self {
rb_id : 0,
biases : [0.0;16]
impl Default for PreampBiasConfig {
fn default() -> Self {
impl fmt::Display for PreampBiasConfig {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
let mut repr = String::from("<PreampBiasConfig");
repr += &(format!("\n RB ID : {}", self.rb_id));
repr += " -- biases per channel:";
for k in 0..self.biases.len() {
repr += &(format!("\n Ch{} : {:.2}", k+1, self.biases[k]));
write!(f, "{}", repr)
impl Packable for PreampBiasConfig {
const PACKET_TYPE : PacketType = PacketType::PreampBiasConfig;
impl Serialization for PreampBiasConfig {
const HEAD : u16 = 0xAAAA;
const TAIL : u16 = 0x5555;
const SIZE : usize = 69; fn from_bytestream(stream : &Vec<u8>,
pos : &mut usize)
-> Result<Self, SerializationError>{
Self::verify_fixed(stream, pos)?;
let mut cfg = PreampBiasConfig::new();
cfg.rb_id = parse_u8(stream, pos);
for k in 0..16 {
cfg.biases[k] = parse_f32(stream, pos);
*pos += 2;
fn to_bytestream(&self) -> Vec<u8> {
let mut bs = Vec::<u8>::with_capacity(Self::SIZE);
for k in 0..16 {
#[cfg(feature = "random")]
impl FromRandom for PreampBiasConfig {
fn from_random() -> Self {
let mut cfg = PreampBiasConfig::new();
let mut rng = rand::thread_rng();
cfg.rb_id = rng.gen::<u8>();
for k in 0..16 {
cfg.biases[k] = rng.gen::<f32>();
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, PartialEq)]
pub struct RBChannelMaskConfig {
pub rb_id : u8,
pub channels : [bool;9],
impl RBChannelMaskConfig {
pub fn new() -> Self {
Self {
rb_id : 0,
channels : [false;9],
impl Default for RBChannelMaskConfig {
fn default() -> Self {
impl fmt::Display for RBChannelMaskConfig {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
let mut repr = String::from("<RBCHannelMaskConfig");
repr += &(format!("\n RB ID : {}", self.rb_id));
repr += &(format!("\n Problematic Channels >:( {:?}", self.channels));
write!(f, "{}", repr)
impl Packable for RBChannelMaskConfig {
const PACKET_TYPE : PacketType = PacketType::RBChannelMaskConfig;
impl Serialization for RBChannelMaskConfig {
const HEAD : u16 = 0xAAAA;
const TAIL : u16 = 0x5555;
const SIZE : usize = 14;
fn from_bytestream(stream : &Vec<u8>,
pos : &mut usize)
-> Result<Self, SerializationError>{
Self::verify_fixed(stream, pos)?;
let mut cfg = RBChannelMaskConfig::new();
cfg.rb_id = parse_u8(stream, pos);
for k in 0..9 {
cfg.channels[k] = parse_bool(stream, pos);
*pos += 2;
fn to_bytestream(&self) -> Vec<u8> {
let mut bs = Vec::<u8>::with_capacity(Self::SIZE);
for k in 0..9 {
bs.push(self.channels[k] as u8);
#[cfg(feature = "random")]
impl FromRandom for RBChannelMaskConfig {
fn from_random() -> Self {
let mut cfg = RBChannelMaskConfig::new();
let mut rng = rand::thread_rng();
cfg.rb_id = rng.gen::<u8>();
for k in 0..9 {
cfg.channels[k] = rng.gen::<bool>();
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, PartialEq)]
pub struct LTBThresholdConfig {
pub rb_id : u8,
pub thresholds : [f32;3]
impl LTBThresholdConfig {
pub fn new() -> Self {
Self {
rb_id : 0,
thresholds : [0.0;3]
impl Default for LTBThresholdConfig {
fn default() -> Self {
impl fmt::Display for LTBThresholdConfig {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
let mut repr = String::from("<LTBThresholdConfig");
repr += &(format!("\n RB ID : {}", self.rb_id));
repr += " -- thresholds per channel:";
for k in 0..self.thresholds.len() {
repr += &(format!("\n Ch{} : {:.3}", k, self.thresholds[k]));
write!(f, "{}", repr)
impl Packable for LTBThresholdConfig {
const PACKET_TYPE : PacketType = PacketType::LTBThresholdConfig;
impl Serialization for LTBThresholdConfig {
const HEAD : u16 = 0xAAAA;
const TAIL : u16 = 0x5555;
const SIZE : usize = 17;
fn from_bytestream(stream : &Vec<u8>,
pos : &mut usize)
-> Result<Self, SerializationError>{
Self::verify_fixed(stream, pos)?;
let mut cfg = LTBThresholdConfig::new();
cfg.rb_id = parse_u8(stream, pos);
for k in 0..3 {
cfg.thresholds[k] = parse_f32(stream, pos);
*pos += 2;
fn to_bytestream(&self) -> Vec<u8> {
let mut bs = Vec::<u8>::with_capacity(Self::SIZE);
for k in 0..3 {
#[cfg(feature = "random")]
impl FromRandom for LTBThresholdConfig {
fn from_random() -> Self {
let mut cfg = LTBThresholdConfig::new();
let mut rng = rand::thread_rng();
cfg.rb_id = rng.gen::<u8>();
for k in 0..3 {
cfg.thresholds[k] = rng.gen::<f32>();
#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, PartialEq, serde::Deserialize, serde::Serialize)]
pub struct RunConfig {
pub runid : u32,
pub is_active : bool,
pub nevents : u32,
pub nseconds : u32,
pub tof_op_mode : TofOperationMode,
pub trigger_poisson_rate : u32,
pub trigger_fixed_rate : u32,
pub data_type : DataType,
pub rb_buff_size : u16
impl RunConfig {
pub fn new() -> Self {
Self {
runid : 0,
is_active : false,
nevents : 0,
nseconds : 0,
tof_op_mode : TofOperationMode::Default,
trigger_poisson_rate : 0,
trigger_fixed_rate : 0,
data_type : DataType::Unknown,
rb_buff_size : 0,
impl Serialization for RunConfig {
const HEAD : u16 = 43690; const TAIL : u16 = 21845; const SIZE : usize = 29; fn from_bytestream(bytestream : &Vec<u8>,
pos : &mut usize)
-> Result<Self, SerializationError> {
let mut pars = Self::new();
Self::verify_fixed(bytestream, pos)?;
pars.runid = parse_u32 (bytestream, pos);
pars.is_active = parse_bool(bytestream, pos);
pars.nevents = parse_u32 (bytestream, pos);
pars.nseconds = parse_u32 (bytestream, pos);
= TofOperationMode::try_from(
parse_u8(bytestream, pos))
.unwrap_or_else(|_| TofOperationMode::Unknown);
pars.trigger_poisson_rate = parse_u32 (bytestream, pos);
pars.trigger_fixed_rate = parse_u32 (bytestream, pos);
= DataType::try_from(parse_u8(bytestream, pos))
.unwrap_or_else(|_| DataType::Unknown);
pars.rb_buff_size = parse_u16(bytestream, pos);
*pos += 2; Ok(pars)
fn to_bytestream(&self) -> Vec<u8> {
let mut stream = Vec::<u8>::with_capacity(Self::SIZE);
stream.extend_from_slice(&u8::from(self. is_active).to_le_bytes());
stream.extend_from_slice(&self. nseconds.to_le_bytes());
stream.extend_from_slice(&(self.tof_op_mode as u8).to_le_bytes());
stream.extend_from_slice(&(self.data_type as u8).to_le_bytes());
impl Default for RunConfig {
fn default() -> Self {
impl fmt::Display for RunConfig {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
if !self.is_active {
return write!(f, "<RunConfig -- is_active : false>");
} else {
"<RunConfig -- is_active : true
nevents : {}
nseconds : {}
TOF op. mode : {}
data type : {}
tr_poi_rate : {}
tr_fix_rate : {}
buff size : {} [events]>",
impl Packable for RunConfig {
const PACKET_TYPE : PacketType = PacketType::RunConfig;
#[cfg(feature = "random")]
impl FromRandom for RunConfig {
fn from_random() -> Self {
let mut cfg = Self::new();
let mut rng = rand::thread_rng();
cfg.runid = rng.gen::<u32>();
cfg.is_active = rng.gen::<bool>();
cfg.nevents = rng.gen::<u32>();
cfg.nseconds = rng.gen::<u32>();
cfg.tof_op_mode = TofOperationMode::from_random();
cfg.trigger_poisson_rate = rng.gen::<u32>();
cfg.trigger_fixed_rate = rng.gen::<u32>();
cfg.data_type = DataType::from_random();
cfg.rb_buff_size = rng.gen::<u16>();
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, PartialEq)]
pub struct TriggerConfig{
pub active_fields : u32,
pub gaps_trigger_use_beta : Option<bool>, pub prescale : Option<f32>, pub trigger_type : Option<TriggerType>, pub use_combo_trigger : Option<bool>,
pub combo_trigger_type : Option<TriggerType>,
pub combo_trigger_prescale : Option<f32>,
pub trace_suppression : Option<bool>,
pub mtb_moni_interval : Option<u16>,
pub tiu_ignore_busy : Option<bool>,
pub hb_send_interval : Option<u16>,
impl TriggerConfig {
pub fn new() -> Self {
Self {
active_fields : 0,
gaps_trigger_use_beta : None,
prescale : None,
trigger_type : None,
use_combo_trigger : None,
combo_trigger_type : None,
combo_trigger_prescale : None,
trace_suppression : None,
mtb_moni_interval : None,
tiu_ignore_busy : None,
hb_send_interval : None,
pub fn set_gaps_trigger_use_beta(&mut self, use_it : bool) {
self.active_fields |= 1;
self.gaps_trigger_use_beta = Some(use_it);
pub fn set_prescale(&mut self, prescale : f32) {
self.active_fields |= 2;
self.prescale = Some(prescale);
pub fn set_trigger_type(&mut self, ttype : TriggerType) {
self.active_fields |= 4;
self.trigger_type = Some(ttype);
pub fn set_use_combo_trigger(&mut self, combo : bool) {
self.active_fields |= 8;
self.use_combo_trigger = Some(combo);
pub fn set_combo_trigger_type(&mut self, ttype : TriggerType) {
self.active_fields |= 16;
self.combo_trigger_type = Some(ttype)
pub fn set_combo_trigger_prescale(&mut self, prescale : f32) {
self.active_fields |= 32;
self.combo_trigger_prescale = Some(prescale);
pub fn set_trace_suppression(&mut self, tsup : bool) {
self.active_fields |= 64;
self.trace_suppression = Some(tsup);
pub fn set_mtb_moni_interval(&mut self, interval : u16) {
self.active_fields |= 128;
self.mtb_moni_interval = Some(interval);
pub fn set_tiu_ignore_busy(&mut self, busy : bool) {
self.active_fields |= 256;
self.tiu_ignore_busy = Some(busy);
pub fn set_hb_send_interval(&mut self, interval : u16) {
self.active_fields |= 512;
self.hb_send_interval = Some(interval);
impl Default for TriggerConfig {
fn default() -> Self {
impl fmt::Display for TriggerConfig {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
let mut repr = String::from("<TriggerConfig: ");
repr += &(format!("(active fields {:x})", self.active_fields));
if self. gaps_trigger_use_beta.is_some() {
repr += &(format!("\n Beta is used by trigger : {}", self.gaps_trigger_use_beta.unwrap()));
if self. prescale.is_some() {
repr += &(format!("\n Prescale : {:.3}", self.prescale.unwrap()));
if self.trigger_type.is_some() {
repr += &(format!("\n Trigger type : {}", self.trigger_type.unwrap()));
if self.use_combo_trigger.is_some() {
if self.use_combo_trigger.unwrap() {
repr += &(format!("\n -- using combo trigger!"));
if self.combo_trigger_prescale.is_some() {
repr += &(format!("\n -- -- Combo Prescale : {:.3}", self.combo_trigger_prescale.unwrap()));
if self.combo_trigger_type.is_some() {
repr += &(format!("\n -- -- Combo Trigger type : {}", self.combo_trigger_type.unwrap()));
if self. trace_suppression.is_some() {
repr += &(format!("\n trace_suppression : {}", self.trace_suppression.unwrap()));
if self.mtb_moni_interval.is_some() {
repr += &(format!("\n mtb_moni_interval : {}", self.mtb_moni_interval.unwrap()));
if self.tiu_ignore_busy.is_some() {
repr += &(format!("\n tiu_ignore_busy : {}", self.tiu_ignore_busy.unwrap()));
if self.hb_send_interval.is_some() {
repr += &(format!("\n hb_send_interval : {}", self.hb_send_interval.unwrap()));
repr += ">";
write!(f, "{}", repr)
impl Packable for TriggerConfig {
const PACKET_TYPE : PacketType = PacketType::TriggerConfig;
impl Serialization for TriggerConfig {
const HEAD : u16 = 0xAAAA;
const TAIL : u16 = 0x5555;
const SIZE : usize = 26;
fn from_bytestream(stream : &Vec<u8>,
pos : &mut usize)
-> Result<Self, SerializationError>{
Self::verify_fixed(stream, pos)?;
let mut cfg = TriggerConfig::new();
cfg.active_fields = parse_u32(stream, pos);
cfg.gaps_trigger_use_beta = Some(parse_bool(stream, pos));
cfg.prescale = Some(parse_f32 (stream, pos));
cfg.trigger_type = Some(TriggerType::from(parse_u8(stream, pos)));
cfg.use_combo_trigger = Some(parse_bool(stream, pos));
cfg.combo_trigger_type = Some(TriggerType::from(parse_u8(stream, pos)));
cfg.combo_trigger_prescale = Some(parse_f32(stream, pos));
cfg.trace_suppression = Some(parse_bool(stream, pos));
cfg.mtb_moni_interval = Some(parse_u16(stream, pos));
cfg.tiu_ignore_busy = Some(parse_bool(stream, pos));
cfg.hb_send_interval = Some(parse_u16(stream, pos));
if cfg.active_fields & 1 != 1 {
cfg.gaps_trigger_use_beta = None;
if cfg.active_fields & 2 != 2 {
cfg.prescale = None;
if cfg.active_fields & 4 != 4 {
cfg.trigger_type = None;
if cfg.active_fields & 8 != 8 {
cfg.use_combo_trigger = None;
if cfg.active_fields & 16 != 16 {
cfg.combo_trigger_type = None;
if cfg.active_fields & 32 != 32 {
cfg.combo_trigger_prescale = None;
if cfg.active_fields & 64 != 64 {
cfg.trace_suppression = None;
if cfg.active_fields & 128 != 128 {
cfg.mtb_moni_interval = None;
if cfg.active_fields & 256 != 256 {
cfg.tiu_ignore_busy = None;
if cfg.active_fields & 512 != 512 {
cfg.hb_send_interval = None;
*pos += 2;
fn to_bytestream(&self) -> Vec<u8> {
let mut bs = Vec::<u8>::with_capacity(Self::SIZE);
bs.extend_from_slice(&Self::HEAD .to_le_bytes());
bs.push (self.gaps_trigger_use_beta.unwrap_or(false) as u8);
bs.extend_from_slice(&self.prescale.unwrap_or(0.0) .to_le_bytes());
bs.push (self.trigger_type.unwrap_or(TriggerType::Unknown) .to_u8());
bs.push (self.use_combo_trigger.unwrap_or(false) as u8);
bs.push (self.combo_trigger_type.unwrap_or(TriggerType::Unknown) as u8);
bs.push (self.trace_suppression.unwrap_or(false) as u8);
bs.push (self.tiu_ignore_busy.unwrap_or(false) as u8);
#[cfg(feature = "random")]
impl FromRandom for TriggerConfig {
fn from_random() -> Self {
let mut cfg = TriggerConfig::new();
let mut rng = rand::thread_rng();
let active_fields = rng.gen::<u32>();
cfg.active_fields = active_fields;
if active_fields & 1 == 1 {
cfg.gaps_trigger_use_beta = Some(rng.gen::<bool>());
} else {
cfg.gaps_trigger_use_beta = None;
if active_fields & 2 == 2 {
cfg.prescale = Some(rng.gen::<f32>());
} else {
cfg.prescale = None;
if active_fields & 4 == 4 {
cfg.trigger_type = Some(TriggerType::from_random());
} else {
cfg.trigger_type = None;
if active_fields & 8 == 8 {
cfg.use_combo_trigger = Some(rng.gen::<bool>());
} else {
cfg.use_combo_trigger = None;
if active_fields & 16 == 16 {
cfg.combo_trigger_type = Some(TriggerType::from_random());
} else {
cfg.combo_trigger_type = None;
if active_fields & 32 == 32 {
cfg.combo_trigger_prescale = Some(rng.gen::<f32>());
} else {
cfg.combo_trigger_prescale = None;
if active_fields & 64 == 64 {
cfg.trace_suppression = Some(rng.gen::<bool>());
} else {
cfg.trace_suppression = None;
if active_fields & 128 == 128 {
cfg.mtb_moni_interval = Some(rng.gen::<u16>());
} else {
cfg.mtb_moni_interval = None;
if active_fields & 256 == 256 {
cfg.tiu_ignore_busy = Some(rng.gen::<bool>());
} else {
cfg.tiu_ignore_busy = None;
if active_fields & 512 == 512 {
cfg.hb_send_interval = Some(rng.gen::<u16>());
} else {
cfg.hb_send_interval = None;
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, PartialEq)]
pub struct TofRunConfig {
pub active_fields : u32,
pub runtime : Option<u32>,
impl TofRunConfig {
pub fn new() -> Self {
Self {
active_fields : 0,
runtime : None
pub fn set_runtime(&mut self, runtime : u32) {
self.active_fields |= 1;
self.runtime = Some(runtime);
impl Default for TofRunConfig {
fn default() -> Self {
impl fmt::Display for TofRunConfig {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
let mut repr = String::from("<TofRunConfig: ");
repr += &(format!("(active fields {:x})", self.active_fields));
if self.runtime.is_some() {
repr += &(format!("\n Run time : {} [s]", self.runtime.unwrap()));
repr += ">";
write!(f, "{}", repr)
impl Packable for TofRunConfig {
const PACKET_TYPE : PacketType = PacketType::TofRunConfig;
impl Serialization for TofRunConfig {
const HEAD : u16 = 0xAAAA;
const TAIL : u16 = 0x5555;
const SIZE : usize = 12;
fn from_bytestream(stream : &Vec<u8>,
pos : &mut usize)
-> Result<Self, SerializationError>{
Self::verify_fixed(stream, pos)?;
let mut cfg = TofRunConfig::new();
cfg.active_fields = parse_u32(stream, pos);
cfg.runtime = Some(parse_u32 (stream, pos));
if cfg.active_fields & 1 != 1 {
cfg.runtime = None;
*pos += 2;
fn to_bytestream(&self) -> Vec<u8> {
let mut bs = Vec::<u8>::with_capacity(Self::SIZE);
bs.extend_from_slice(&Self::HEAD .to_le_bytes());
#[cfg(feature = "random")]
impl FromRandom for TofRunConfig {
fn from_random() -> Self {
let mut cfg = Self::new();
let mut rng = rand::thread_rng();
let active_fields = rng.gen::<u32>();
cfg.active_fields = active_fields;
if active_fields & 1 == 1 {
cfg.runtime = Some(rng.gen::<u32>());
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, PartialEq)]
pub struct TofRBConfig {
pub active_fields : u32,
pub rb_moni_interval : Option<u32>,
pub pb_moni_every_x : Option<u32>,
pub pa_moni_every_x : Option<u32>,
pub ltb_moni_every_x : Option<u32>,
pub drs_deadtime_instead_fpga_temp : Option<bool>,
impl TofRBConfig {
pub fn new() -> Self {
Self {
active_fields : 0,
rb_moni_interval : None,
pb_moni_every_x : None,
pa_moni_every_x : None,
ltb_moni_every_x : None,
drs_deadtime_instead_fpga_temp : None,
pub fn set_rb_moni_interval(&mut self, interval : u32) {
self.active_fields |= 1;
self.rb_moni_interval = Some(interval);
pub fn set_pb_moni_every_x(&mut self, interval : u32) {
self.active_fields |= 2;
self.pb_moni_every_x = Some(interval);
pub fn set_pa_moni_every_x(&mut self, interval : u32) {
self.active_fields |= 4;
self.pa_moni_every_x = Some(interval);
pub fn set_ltb_moni_every_x(&mut self, interval : u32) {
self.active_fields |= 8;
self.ltb_moni_every_x = Some(interval);
pub fn set_drs_deadtime_instead_fpga_temp(&mut self, apply : bool) {
self.active_fields |= 16;
self.drs_deadtime_instead_fpga_temp = Some(apply);
impl Default for TofRBConfig {
fn default() -> Self {
impl fmt::Display for TofRBConfig {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
let mut repr = String::from("<TofRBConfig: ");
repr += &(format!("(active fields {:x})", self.active_fields));
if self.rb_moni_interval.is_some() {
repr += &(format!("\n RBMoni interval : {} [s]", self.rb_moni_interval.unwrap()));
if self.pa_moni_every_x.is_some() {
repr += &(format!("\n PAMoni interval : {} [xRBMoni]", self.pa_moni_every_x.unwrap()));
if self.pb_moni_every_x.is_some() {
repr += &(format!("\n PBMoni interval : {} [xRBMoni]", self.pb_moni_every_x.unwrap()));
if self.ltb_moni_every_x.is_some() {
repr += &(format!("\n LTBMoni interval : {} [xRBMoni]", self.ltb_moni_every_x.unwrap()));
if self.drs_deadtime_instead_fpga_temp.is_some() {
if self.drs_deadtime_instead_fpga_temp.unwrap() {
repr += &(format!("\n -- using the fpga temp field to store drs deadtime values"));
repr += ">";
write!(f, "{}", repr)
impl Packable for TofRBConfig {
const PACKET_TYPE : PacketType = PacketType::TofRBConfig;
impl Serialization for TofRBConfig {
const HEAD : u16 = 0xAAAA;
const TAIL : u16 = 0x5555;
const SIZE : usize = 25;
fn from_bytestream(stream : &Vec<u8>,
pos : &mut usize)
-> Result<Self, SerializationError>{
Self::verify_fixed(stream, pos)?;
let mut cfg = Self::new();
cfg.active_fields = parse_u32(stream, pos);
cfg.rb_moni_interval = Some(parse_u32 (stream, pos));
cfg.pa_moni_every_x = Some(parse_u32 (stream, pos));
cfg.pb_moni_every_x = Some(parse_u32 (stream, pos));
cfg.ltb_moni_every_x = Some(parse_u32 (stream, pos));
cfg.drs_deadtime_instead_fpga_temp = Some(parse_bool (stream, pos));
if cfg.active_fields & 1 != 1 {
cfg.rb_moni_interval = None;
if cfg.active_fields & 2 != 2 {
cfg.pa_moni_every_x = None;
if cfg.active_fields & 4 != 4 {
cfg.pb_moni_every_x = None;
if cfg.active_fields & 8 != 8 {
cfg.ltb_moni_every_x = None;
if cfg.active_fields & 16 != 16 {
cfg.drs_deadtime_instead_fpga_temp = None;
*pos += 2;
fn to_bytestream(&self) -> Vec<u8> {
let mut bs = Vec::<u8>::with_capacity(Self::SIZE);
bs.extend_from_slice(&Self::HEAD .to_le_bytes());
bs.push (self.drs_deadtime_instead_fpga_temp.unwrap_or(false) as u8);
#[cfg(feature = "random")]
impl FromRandom for TofRBConfig {
fn from_random() -> Self {
let mut cfg = Self::new();
let mut rng = rand::thread_rng();
let active_fields = rng.gen::<u32>();
cfg.active_fields = active_fields;
if active_fields & 1 == 1 {
cfg.rb_moni_interval = Some(rng.gen::<u32>());
if active_fields & 2 == 2 {
cfg.pa_moni_every_x = Some(rng.gen::<u32>());
if active_fields & 4 == 4 {
cfg.pb_moni_every_x = Some(rng.gen::<u32>());
if active_fields & 8 == 8 {
cfg.ltb_moni_every_x = Some(rng.gen::<u32>());
if active_fields & 16 == 16 {
cfg.drs_deadtime_instead_fpga_temp = Some(rng.gen::<bool>());
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, PartialEq)]
pub struct DataPublisherConfig {
pub active_fields : u32,
pub mbytes_per_file : Option<u16>,
pub discard_event_fraction : Option<f32>,
pub send_mtb_event_packets : Option<bool>,
pub send_rbwaveform_packets : Option<bool>,
pub send_rbwf_every_x_event : Option<u32>,
pub send_tof_summary_packets : Option<bool>,
pub send_tof_event_packets : Option<bool>,
pub hb_send_interval : Option<u16>,
impl DataPublisherConfig {
pub fn new() -> Self {
Self {
active_fields : 0,
mbytes_per_file : None,
discard_event_fraction : None,
send_mtb_event_packets : None,
send_rbwaveform_packets : None,
send_rbwf_every_x_event : None,
send_tof_summary_packets : None,
send_tof_event_packets : None,
hb_send_interval : None,
pub fn set_mbytes_per_file(&mut self, mbytes : u16) {
self.active_fields |= 1;
self.mbytes_per_file = Some(mbytes);
pub fn set_discard_event_fraction(&mut self, frac : f32) {
self.active_fields |= 2;
self.discard_event_fraction = Some(frac);
pub fn set_send_mtb_event_packets(&mut self, send : bool) {
self.active_fields |= 4;
self.send_mtb_event_packets = Some(send);
pub fn set_send_rbwaveform_packets(&mut self, send : bool) {
self.active_fields |= 8;
self.send_rbwaveform_packets = Some(send);
pub fn set_send_rbwf_every_x_event(&mut self, x : u32) {
self.active_fields |= 16;
self.send_rbwf_every_x_event = Some(x);
pub fn set_send_tof_summary_packets(&mut self, send : bool) {
self.active_fields |= 32;
self.send_tof_summary_packets = Some(send);
pub fn send_tof_event_packets(&mut self, send : bool) {
self.active_fields |= 64;
self.send_tof_event_packets = Some(send);
pub fn set_hb_send_interval(&mut self, interval : u16) {
self.active_fields |= 128;
self.hb_send_interval = Some(interval);
impl Default for DataPublisherConfig {
fn default() -> Self {
impl fmt::Display for DataPublisherConfig {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
let mut repr = String::from("<DataPublisherConfig: ");
repr += &(format!("(active fields {:x})", self.active_fields));
if self.mbytes_per_file.is_some() {
repr += &(format!("\n MBytes/FIle : {}", self.mbytes_per_file.unwrap()));
if self.discard_event_fraction.is_some() {
repr += &(format!("\n DIsc. event frac : {}", self.discard_event_fraction.unwrap()));
if self.send_mtb_event_packets.is_some() {
repr += &(format!("\n Send MTBPack : {}", self.send_mtb_event_packets.unwrap()));
if self.send_rbwaveform_packets.is_some() {
repr += &(format!("\n Send RBWfPack : {}", self.send_rbwaveform_packets.unwrap()));
if self.send_rbwf_every_x_event.is_some() {
repr += &(format!("\n RBWf every x event : {}", self.send_rbwf_every_x_event.unwrap()));
if self.send_tof_summary_packets.is_some() {
repr += &(format!("\n Send TofSum : {}", self.send_tof_summary_packets.unwrap()));
if self.send_tof_event_packets.is_some() {
repr += &(format!("\n Send TOfEvent : {}", self.send_tof_event_packets.unwrap()));
if self.hb_send_interval.is_some() {
repr += &(format!("\n HeartBeat send int : {}", self.hb_send_interval.unwrap()));
repr += ">";
write!(f, "{}", repr)
impl Packable for DataPublisherConfig {
const PACKET_TYPE : PacketType = PacketType::DataPublisherConfig;
impl Serialization for DataPublisherConfig {
const HEAD : u16 = 0xAAAA;
const TAIL : u16 = 0x5555;
const SIZE : usize = 24;
fn from_bytestream(stream : &Vec<u8>,
pos : &mut usize)
-> Result<Self, SerializationError>{
Self::verify_fixed(stream, pos)?;
let mut cfg = DataPublisherConfig::new();
cfg.active_fields = parse_u32(stream, pos);
cfg.mbytes_per_file = Some(parse_u16 (stream, pos));
cfg.discard_event_fraction = Some(parse_f32 (stream, pos));
cfg.send_mtb_event_packets = Some(parse_bool(stream, pos));
cfg.send_rbwaveform_packets = Some(parse_bool(stream, pos));
cfg.send_rbwf_every_x_event = Some(parse_u32 (stream, pos));
cfg.send_tof_summary_packets = Some(parse_bool(stream, pos));
cfg.send_tof_event_packets = Some(parse_bool(stream, pos));
cfg.hb_send_interval = Some(parse_u16 (stream, pos));
if cfg.active_fields & 1 != 1 {
cfg.mbytes_per_file = None;
if cfg.active_fields & 2 != 2 {
cfg.discard_event_fraction = None;
if cfg.active_fields & 4 != 4 {
cfg.send_mtb_event_packets = None;
if cfg.active_fields & 8 != 8 {
cfg.send_rbwaveform_packets = None;
if cfg.active_fields & 16 != 16 {
cfg.send_rbwf_every_x_event = None;
if cfg.active_fields & 32 != 32 {
cfg.send_tof_summary_packets = None;
if cfg.active_fields & 64 != 64 {
cfg.send_tof_event_packets = None;
if cfg.active_fields & 128 != 128 {
cfg.hb_send_interval = None;
*pos += 2;
fn to_bytestream(&self) -> Vec<u8> {
let mut bs = Vec::<u8>::with_capacity(Self::SIZE);
bs.extend_from_slice(&Self::HEAD .to_le_bytes());
bs.push (self .send_mtb_event_packets.unwrap_or(false) as u8);
bs.push (self .send_rbwaveform_packets.unwrap_or(false) as u8);
bs.push (self.send_tof_summary_packets.unwrap_or(false) as u8);
bs.push (self .send_tof_event_packets.unwrap_or(false) as u8);
#[cfg(feature = "random")]
impl FromRandom for DataPublisherConfig {
fn from_random() -> Self {
let mut cfg = DataPublisherConfig::new();
let mut rng = rand::thread_rng();
let active_fields = rng.gen::<u32>();
cfg.active_fields = active_fields;
if active_fields & 1 == 1 {
cfg.mbytes_per_file = Some(rng.gen::<u16>());
} else {
cfg.mbytes_per_file = None;
if active_fields & 2 == 2 {
cfg.discard_event_fraction = Some(rng.gen::<f32>());
} else {
cfg.discard_event_fraction = None;
if active_fields & 4 == 4 {
cfg.send_mtb_event_packets = Some(rng.gen::<bool>());
} else {
cfg.send_mtb_event_packets = None;
if active_fields & 8 == 8 {
cfg.send_rbwaveform_packets = Some(rng.gen::<bool>());
} else {
cfg.send_rbwaveform_packets = None;
if active_fields & 16 == 16 {
cfg.send_rbwf_every_x_event = Some(rng.gen::<u32>());
} else {
cfg.send_rbwf_every_x_event = None;
if active_fields & 32 == 32 {
cfg.send_tof_summary_packets = Some(rng.gen::<bool>());
} else {
cfg.send_tof_summary_packets = None;
if active_fields & 64 == 64 {
cfg.send_tof_event_packets = Some(rng.gen::<bool>());
} else {
cfg.send_tof_event_packets = None;
if active_fields & 128 == 128 {
cfg.hb_send_interval = Some(rng.gen::<u16>());
} else {
cfg.hb_send_interval = None;
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, PartialEq)]
pub struct AnalysisEngineConfig{
pub integration_start : f32, pub integration_window : f32, pub pedestal_thresh : f32, pub pedestal_begin_bin : usize, pub pedestal_win_bins : usize, pub use_zscore : bool, pub find_pks_t_start : f32, pub find_pks_t_window : f32, pub min_peak_size : usize, pub find_pks_thresh : f32, pub max_peaks : usize, pub cfd_fraction : f32 }
impl AnalysisEngineConfig {
pub fn new() -> Self {
Self {
integration_start : 270.0,
integration_window : 70.0,
pedestal_thresh : 10.0,
pedestal_begin_bin : 10,
pedestal_win_bins : 50,
use_zscore : false,
find_pks_t_start : 270.0,
find_pks_t_window : 70.0,
min_peak_size : 3,
find_pks_thresh : 10.0,
max_peaks : 5, cfd_fraction : 0.2
impl Default for AnalysisEngineConfig {
fn default() -> Self {
impl fmt::Display for AnalysisEngineConfig {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
let mut repr: String = String::from("<AnalysisEngineConfig");
repr += &(format!("\n Integration start : {:.1}", self.integration_start));
repr += &(format!("\n Integration window : {:.1}", self.integration_window));
repr += &(format!("\n Pedestal threshold : {:.1}", self.pedestal_thresh));
repr += &(format!("\n Pedestal start bin : {}", self.pedestal_begin_bin));
repr += &(format!("\n Pedestal window num. bins : {}", self.pedestal_win_bins));
repr += &(format!("\n Use zscore? : {}", self.use_zscore));
repr += &(format!("\n Peakfinder start time : {:.1}", self.find_pks_t_start));
repr += &(format!("\n Peakfinder window : {:.1}", self.find_pks_t_window));
repr += &(format!("\n Peakfinder threshold : {:.1}", self.find_pks_thresh));
repr += &(format!("\n Min. peak size : {}", self.min_peak_size));
repr += &(format!("\n Max num. peaks : {}", self.max_peaks));
repr += &(format!("\n CFD fraction : {:.2}", self.cfd_fraction));
write!(f, "{}", repr)
impl Packable for AnalysisEngineConfig {
const PACKET_TYPE : PacketType = PacketType::AnalysisEngineConfig;
impl Serialization for AnalysisEngineConfig {
const HEAD : u16 = 0xAAAA; const TAIL : u16 = 0x5555; const SIZE : usize = 65; fn from_bytestream(stream : &Vec<u8>,
pos : &mut usize)
-> Result<Self, SerializationError>{
Self::verify_fixed(stream, pos)?;
let mut cfg: AnalysisEngineConfig = AnalysisEngineConfig::new();
cfg.integration_start = parse_f32(stream, pos);
cfg.integration_window = parse_f32(stream, pos);
cfg.pedestal_thresh = parse_f32(stream, pos);
cfg.pedestal_begin_bin = parse_usize(stream, pos);
cfg.pedestal_win_bins = parse_usize(stream, pos);
cfg.use_zscore = parse_bool(stream, pos);
cfg.find_pks_t_start = parse_f32(stream, pos);
cfg.find_pks_t_window = parse_f32(stream, pos);
cfg.find_pks_thresh = parse_f32(stream, pos);
cfg.min_peak_size = parse_usize(stream, pos);
cfg.max_peaks = parse_usize(stream, pos);
cfg.cfd_fraction = parse_f32(stream, pos);
*pos += 2;
fn to_bytestream(&self) -> Vec<u8> {
let mut bs = Vec::<u8>::with_capacity(Self::SIZE);
bs.push(self.use_zscore as u8);
#[cfg(feature = "random")]
impl FromRandom for AnalysisEngineConfig {
fn from_random() -> Self {
let mut cfg = AnalysisEngineConfig::new();
let mut rng = rand::thread_rng();
cfg.integration_start = rng.gen::<f32>();
cfg.integration_window = rng.gen::<f32>();
cfg.pedestal_thresh = rng.gen::<f32>();
cfg.pedestal_begin_bin = rng.gen::<usize>();
cfg.pedestal_win_bins = rng.gen::<usize>();
cfg.use_zscore = rng.gen::<bool>();
cfg.find_pks_t_start = rng.gen::<f32>();
cfg.find_pks_t_window = rng.gen::<f32>();
cfg.find_pks_thresh = rng.gen::<f32>();
cfg.min_peak_size = rng.gen::<usize>();
cfg.max_peaks = rng.gen::<usize>();
cfg.cfd_fraction = rng.gen::<f32>();
#[cfg(feature = "random")]
fn pack_analysisengineconfig() {
for _ in 0..100 {
let cfg = AnalysisEngineConfig::from_random();
let test : AnalysisEngineConfig = cfg.pack().unpack().unwrap();
assert_eq!(cfg, test);
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, PartialEq)]
pub struct TOFEventBuilderConfig{
pub active_fields : u32, pub cachesize : Option<u32>,
pub n_mte_per_loop : Option<u32>,
pub n_rbe_per_loop : Option<u32>,
pub te_timeout_sec : Option<u32>,
pub sort_events : Option<bool>,
pub build_strategy : Option<BuildStrategy>,
pub wait_nrb : Option<u8>,
pub greediness : Option<u8>,
pub hb_send_interval : Option<u16>,
pub only_save_interesting : Option<bool>,
pub thr_n_hits_umb : Option<u8>,
pub thr_n_hits_cbe : Option<u8>,
pub thr_n_hits_cor : Option<u8>,
pub thr_tot_edep_umb : Option<f32>,
pub thr_tot_edep_cbe : Option<f32>,
pub thr_tot_edep_cor : Option<f32>
impl TOFEventBuilderConfig {
pub fn new() -> Self {
Self {
active_fields : 0,
cachesize : None,
n_mte_per_loop : None,
n_rbe_per_loop : None,
te_timeout_sec : None,
sort_events : None,
build_strategy : None,
wait_nrb : None,
greediness : None,
hb_send_interval : None,
only_save_interesting : None,
thr_n_hits_umb : None,
thr_n_hits_cbe : None,
thr_n_hits_cor : None,
thr_tot_edep_umb : None,
thr_tot_edep_cbe : None,
thr_tot_edep_cor : None,
pub fn set_cachesize(&mut self, csize : u32) {
self.active_fields |= 1;
self.cachesize = Some(csize);
pub fn set_n_mte_per_loop(&mut self, n : u32) {
self.active_fields |= 2;
self.n_mte_per_loop = Some(n);
pub fn set_n_rbe_per_loop(&mut self, n : u32) {
self.active_fields |= 4;
self.n_rbe_per_loop = Some(n);
pub fn set_te_timeout_sec(&mut self, te : u32) {
self.active_fields |= 8;
self.te_timeout_sec = Some(te);
pub fn set_sort_events(&mut self, sort : bool) {
self.active_fields |= 16;
self.sort_events = Some(sort);
pub fn set_build_strategy(&mut self, bs : BuildStrategy) {
self.active_fields |= 32;
self.build_strategy = Some(bs);
pub fn set_wait_nrb(&mut self, nrb : u8) {
self.active_fields |= 64;
self.wait_nrb = Some(nrb);
pub fn set_greediness(&mut self, greed : u8) {
self.active_fields |= 128;
self.greediness = Some(greed);
pub fn set_hb_send_interval(&mut self, interval : u16) {
self.active_fields |= 256;
self.hb_send_interval = Some(interval);
pub fn set_only_save_interesting(&mut self, do_it : bool) {
self.active_fields |= 512;
self.only_save_interesting = Some(do_it);
pub fn thr_n_hits_umb(&mut self, nhit : u8) {
self.active_fields |= 1024;
self.thr_n_hits_umb = Some(nhit);
pub fn thr_n_hits_cbe(&mut self, nhit : u8) {
self.active_fields |= 2048;
self.thr_n_hits_cbe = Some(nhit);
pub fn thr_n_hits_cor(&mut self, nhit : u8) {
self.active_fields |= 2u32.pow(12);
self.thr_n_hits_cor = Some(nhit);
pub fn thr_tot_edep_umb(&mut self, thr : f32) {
self.active_fields |= 2u32.pow(13);
self.thr_tot_edep_umb = Some(thr);
pub fn thr_tot_edep_cbe(&mut self, thr : f32) {
self.active_fields |= 2u32.pow(14);
self.thr_tot_edep_cbe = Some(thr);
pub fn thr_tot_edep_cor(&mut self, thr : f32) {
self.active_fields |= 2u32.pow(15);
self.thr_tot_edep_cor = Some(thr);
impl Default for TOFEventBuilderConfig {
fn default() -> Self {
impl fmt::Display for TOFEventBuilderConfig {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
let mut repr = String::from("<TOFEventBuilderConfig");
repr += &(format!(" (active_fields {:x}", self.active_fields));
if self.cachesize.is_some() {
repr += &(format!("\n Cache size : {}", self.cachesize.unwrap()));
if self.n_mte_per_loop.is_some() {
repr += &(format!("\n Num. master trigger events per loop : {}", self.n_mte_per_loop.unwrap()));
if self.n_rbe_per_loop.is_some() {
repr += &(format!("\n Num. readout board events per loop : {}", self.n_rbe_per_loop.unwrap()));
if self.te_timeout_sec.is_some() {
repr += &(format!("\n TOF Event timeout window [sec] : {:.3}", self.te_timeout_sec.unwrap()));
if self.sort_events.is_some() {
repr += &(format!("\n Sort events by ID (high resource load!) : {}", self.sort_events.unwrap()));
if self.build_strategy.is_some() {
repr += &(format!("\n Build strategy : {}", self.build_strategy.unwrap()));
if self.build_strategy.unwrap() == BuildStrategy::AdaptiveGreedy {
if self.greediness.is_some() {
repr += &(format!("\n Additional RBs considered (greediness) : {}", self.greediness.unwrap()));
} else if self.build_strategy.unwrap() == BuildStrategy::WaitForNBoards {
if self.wait_nrb.is_some() {
repr += &(format!("\n Waiting for {} boards", self.wait_nrb.unwrap()))
if self.hb_send_interval.is_some() {
repr += &(format!("\n Heartbeat send interval : {}", self.hb_send_interval.unwrap()));
if self.only_save_interesting.is_some() {
repr += &(format!("\n Saving only interesting events : {}", self.only_save_interesting.unwrap()));
if self.thr_n_hits_umb.is_some() {
repr += &(format!("\n Interesting threshold for nhit umb : {}", self.thr_n_hits_umb.unwrap()));
if self.thr_n_hits_cbe.is_some() {
repr += &(format!("\n Interesting threshold for nhit cbe : {}", self.thr_n_hits_cbe.unwrap()));
if self.thr_n_hits_cor.is_some() {
repr += &(format!("\n Interesting threshold for nhit cor : {}", self.thr_n_hits_cor.unwrap()));
if self.thr_tot_edep_umb.is_some() {
repr += &(format!("\n Interesting threshold for tot edep umb : {}", self.thr_tot_edep_umb.unwrap()));
if self.thr_tot_edep_cbe.is_some() {
repr += &(format!("\n Interesting threshold for tot edep cbe : {}", self.thr_tot_edep_cbe.unwrap()));
if self.thr_tot_edep_cor.is_some() {
repr += &(format!("\n Interesting threshold for tot edep cor : {}", self.thr_tot_edep_cor.unwrap()));
write!(f, "{}", repr)
impl Packable for TOFEventBuilderConfig {
const PACKET_TYPE : PacketType = PacketType::TOFEventBuilderConfig;
impl Serialization for TOFEventBuilderConfig {
const HEAD : u16 = 0xAAAA;
const TAIL : u16 = 0x5555;
const SIZE : usize = 46;
fn from_bytestream(stream : &Vec<u8>,
pos : &mut usize)
-> Result<Self, SerializationError> {
Self::verify_fixed(stream, pos)?;
let mut cfg = TOFEventBuilderConfig::new();
cfg.active_fields = parse_u32(stream, pos);
cfg.cachesize = Some(parse_u32(stream, pos));
cfg.n_mte_per_loop = Some(parse_u32(stream, pos));
cfg.n_rbe_per_loop = Some(parse_u32(stream, pos));
cfg.te_timeout_sec = Some(parse_u32(stream, pos));
cfg.sort_events = Some(parse_bool(stream, pos));
cfg.build_strategy = Some(BuildStrategy::from(parse_u8(stream, pos)));
cfg.wait_nrb = Some(parse_u8(stream, pos));
cfg.greediness = Some(parse_u8(stream, pos));
cfg.hb_send_interval = Some(parse_u16(stream, pos));
cfg.only_save_interesting = Some(parse_bool(stream, pos));
cfg.thr_n_hits_umb = Some(parse_u8(stream, pos));
cfg.thr_n_hits_cbe = Some(parse_u8(stream, pos));
cfg.thr_n_hits_cor = Some(parse_u8(stream, pos));
cfg.thr_tot_edep_umb = Some(parse_f32(stream, pos));
cfg.thr_tot_edep_cbe = Some(parse_f32(stream, pos));
cfg.thr_tot_edep_cor = Some(parse_f32(stream, pos));
if cfg.active_fields & 1 != 1 {
cfg.cachesize = None;
if cfg.active_fields & 2 != 2 {
cfg.n_mte_per_loop = None;
if cfg.active_fields & 4 != 4 {
cfg.n_rbe_per_loop = None;
if cfg.active_fields & 8 != 8 {
cfg.te_timeout_sec = None;
if cfg.active_fields & 16 != 16 {
cfg.sort_events = None;
if cfg.active_fields & 32 != 32 {
cfg.build_strategy = None;
if cfg.active_fields & 64 != 64 {
cfg.wait_nrb = None;
if cfg.active_fields & 128 != 128 {
cfg.greediness = None;
if cfg.active_fields & 256 != 256 {
cfg.hb_send_interval = None;
if cfg.active_fields & 512 != 512 {
cfg.only_save_interesting = None;
if cfg.active_fields & 1024 != 1024 {
cfg.thr_n_hits_umb = None;
if cfg.active_fields & 2048 != 2048 {
cfg.thr_n_hits_cbe = None;
if cfg.active_fields & 2u32.pow(12) != 2u32.pow(12) {
cfg.thr_n_hits_cor = None;
if cfg.active_fields & 2u32.pow(13) != 2u32.pow(13) {
cfg.thr_tot_edep_umb = None;
if cfg.active_fields & 2u32.pow(14) != 2u32.pow(14) {
cfg.thr_tot_edep_cbe = None;
if cfg.active_fields & 2u32.pow(15) != 2u32.pow(15) {
cfg.thr_tot_edep_cor = None;
*pos += 2;
fn to_bytestream(&self) -> Vec<u8> {
let mut bs = Vec::<u8>::with_capacity(Self::SIZE);
bs.push(self.sort_events.unwrap_or(false) as u8);
bs.push(self.only_save_interesting.unwrap_or(false) as u8);
#[cfg(feature = "random")]
impl FromRandom for TOFEventBuilderConfig {
fn from_random() -> Self {
let mut cfg = TOFEventBuilderConfig::new();
let mut rng = rand::thread_rng();
cfg.active_fields = rng.gen::<u32>();
if cfg.active_fields & 1 == 1 {
cfg.cachesize = Some(rng.gen::<u32>());
if cfg.active_fields & 2 == 2 {
cfg.n_mte_per_loop = Some(rng.gen::<u32>());
if cfg.active_fields & 4 == 4 {
cfg.n_rbe_per_loop = Some(rng.gen::<u32>());
if cfg.active_fields & 8 == 8 {
cfg.te_timeout_sec = Some(rng.gen::<u32>());
if cfg.active_fields & 16 == 16 {
cfg.sort_events = Some(rng.gen::<bool>());
if cfg.active_fields & 32 == 32 {
cfg.build_strategy = Some(BuildStrategy::from_random());
if cfg.active_fields & 64 == 64 {
cfg.wait_nrb = Some(rng.gen::<u8>());
if cfg.active_fields & 128 == 128 {
cfg.greediness = Some(rng.gen::<u8>());
if cfg.active_fields & 256 == 256 {
cfg.hb_send_interval = Some(rng.gen::<u16>());
if cfg.active_fields & 512 == 512 {
cfg.only_save_interesting = Some(rng.gen::<bool>());
if cfg.active_fields & 1024 == 1024 {
cfg.thr_n_hits_umb = Some(rng.gen::<u8>());
if cfg.active_fields & 2048 == 2048 {
cfg.thr_n_hits_cbe = Some(rng.gen::<u8>());
if cfg.active_fields & 2u32.pow(12) == 2u32.pow(12) {
cfg.thr_n_hits_cor = Some(rng.gen::<u8>());
if cfg.active_fields & 2u32.pow(13) == 2u32.pow(13) {
cfg.thr_tot_edep_umb = Some(rng.gen::<f32>());
if cfg.active_fields & 2u32.pow(14) == 2u32.pow(14) {
cfg.thr_tot_edep_cbe = Some(rng.gen::<f32>());
if cfg.active_fields & 2u32.pow(15) == 2u32.pow(15) {
cfg.thr_tot_edep_cor = Some(rng.gen::<f32>());
#[cfg(feature = "random")]
fn pack_preampbiasconfig() {
for _ in 0..100 {
let cfg = PreampBiasConfig::from_random();
let test : PreampBiasConfig = cfg.pack().unpack().unwrap();
assert_eq!(cfg, test);
#[cfg(feature = "random")]
fn pack_rb_channel_mask_config() {
for _ in 0..100 {
let cfg = RBChannelMaskConfig::from_random();
let test : RBChannelMaskConfig = cfg.pack().unpack().unwrap();
assert_eq!(cfg, test);
#[cfg(feature = "random")]
fn pack_ltbthresholdconfig() {
for _ in 0..100 {
let cfg = LTBThresholdConfig::from_random();
let test : LTBThresholdConfig = cfg.pack().unpack().unwrap();
assert_eq!(cfg, test);
#[cfg(feature = "random")]
fn pack_runconfig() {
for _ in 0..100 {
let cfg = RunConfig::from_random();
let test = cfg.pack().unpack().unwrap();
assert_eq!(cfg, test);
let cfg_json = serde_json::to_string(&cfg).unwrap();
let test_json
= serde_json::from_str::<RunConfig>(&cfg_json).unwrap();
assert_eq!(cfg, test_json);
#[cfg(feature = "random")]
fn pack_triggerconfig() {
for _ in 0..100 {
let cfg = TriggerConfig::from_random();
let test : TriggerConfig = cfg.pack().unpack().unwrap();
assert_eq!(cfg, test);
#[cfg(feature = "random")]
fn pack_tofeventbuilderconfig() {
for _ in 0..100 {
let cfg = TOFEventBuilderConfig::from_random();
let test : TOFEventBuilderConfig = cfg.pack().unpack().unwrap();
assert_eq!(cfg, test);
#[cfg(feature = "random")]
fn pack_datapublisherconfig() {
for _ in 0..100 {
let cfg = DataPublisherConfig::from_random();
let test : DataPublisherConfig = cfg.pack().unpack().unwrap();
assert_eq!(cfg, test);
#[cfg(feature = "random")]
fn pack_tofrunconfig() {
for _ in 0..100 {
let cfg = TofRunConfig::from_random();
let test : TofRunConfig = cfg.pack().unpack().unwrap();
assert_eq!(cfg, test);
#[cfg(feature = "random")]
fn pack_tofrbconfig() {
for _ in 0..100 {
let cfg = TofRBConfig::from_random();
let test : TofRBConfig = cfg.pack().unpack().unwrap();
assert_eq!(cfg, test);