use std::fs::File;
use std::io::{self, BufRead, BufReader};
use std::path::Path;
use std::fmt;
use half::f16;
use chrono::{
use crate::constants::{NWORDS, NCHN};
use crate::errors::{WaveformError,
use crate::serialization::{
use crate::events::RBEvent;
use crate::events::rb_event::unpack_traces_f32;
use crate::packets::{
use crate::io::{
cfg_if::cfg_if! {
if #[cfg(feature = "random")] {
use crate::FromRandom;
extern crate rand;
use rand::Rng;
extern crate statistical;
#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, serde::Deserialize, serde::Serialize)]
pub enum Edge {
Unknown = 0u8,
Rising = 10u8,
Falling = 20u8,
Average = 30u8,
None = 40u8
impl fmt::Display for Edge {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
let r = serde_json::to_string(self).unwrap_or(
String::from("Error: cannot unwrap this Edge"));
write!(f, "<Edge: {}>", r)
impl From<u8> for Edge {
fn from(value: u8) -> Self {
match value {
0u8 => Edge::Unknown,
10u8 => Edge::Rising,
20u8 => Edge::Falling,
30u8 => Edge::Average,
40u8 => Edge::None,
_ => Edge::Unknown
#[cfg(feature = "random")]
impl FromRandom for Edge {
fn from_random() -> Self {
let choices = [
let mut rng = rand::thread_rng();
let idx = rng.gen_range(0..choices.len());
fn read_lines<P>(filename: P) -> io::Result<io::Lines<io::BufReader<File>>>
where P: AsRef<Path>, {
let file = File::open(filename)?;
fn trace_check(event : &RBEvent) -> bool {
let mut check = true;
let mut nchan = 0usize;
let mut failed = true;
for ch in event.header.get_channels() {
if event.adc[ch as usize].len() != 1024 {
check = false;
for k in &event.adc[ch as usize] {
if *k != u16::MAX {
failed = false;
nchan += 1;
check && nchan == NCHN && !failed
pub fn clean_spikes(trace : &mut Vec<f32>, vcaldone : bool) {
let mut thresh : f32 = 360.0;
if vcaldone {
thresh = 16.0;
let mut spf_allch = vec![0usize;1023];
let tracelen = trace.len();
let spikefilter0 = (&trace[0..tracelen-3]).to_vec();
let spikefilter1 = (&trace[1..tracelen-2]).to_vec();
let spikefilter2 = (&trace[2..tracelen-1]).to_vec();
let spikefilter3 = (&trace[3..tracelen]).to_vec();
let spf_len = spikefilter0.len();
let mut spf_sum = vec![0f32;1024];
for k in 0..spf_len {
spf_sum[k] += spikefilter1[k] - spikefilter0[k] + spikefilter2[k] - spikefilter3[k];
for k in 0..spf_len {
if spf_sum[k] > thresh {
spf_allch[k] += 1;
let mut spikes = Vec::<usize>::new();
for k in 0..spf_allch.len() {
if spf_allch[k] >= 2 {
for spike in spikes.iter() {
let d_v : f32 = (trace[spike+3] - trace[*spike])/3.0;
trace[spike+1] = trace[*spike] + d_v;
trace[spike+2] = trace[*spike] + 2.0*d_v;
pub fn find_zero_crossings(trace: &Vec<f32>) -> Vec<usize> {
let mut zero_crossings = Vec::new();
for i in 1..trace.len() {
if (trace[i - 1] > 0.0 && trace[i] < 0.0) || (trace[i - 1] < 0.0 && trace[i] > 0.0) {
zero_crossings.push(i - 1);
if i < trace.len() - 1 {
if trace[i - 1] > 0.0 && trace[i] == 0.0 && trace[i+1] < 0.0 {
if trace[i - 1] < 0.0 && trace[i] == 0.0 && trace[i+1] > 0.0 {
pub fn get_periods(trace : &Vec<f32>,
dts : &Vec<f32>,
nperiod : f32,
nskip : f32,
edge : &Edge) -> (Vec<usize>, Vec<f32>) {
let mut trace_c = trace.clone();
let mut periods = Vec::<f32>::new();
if trace_c.len() == 0 {
let foo = Vec::<usize>::new();
return (foo, periods);
let firstbin : usize = 20;
let lastbin = firstbin + (nperiod * (900.0/nperiod).floor()).floor() as usize;
let mut vec_for_median = Vec::<f32>::new();
for bin in firstbin..lastbin {
if trace[bin].is_nan() {
let median_val = median(&vec_for_median);
debug!("median val {median_val}");
for k in 0..trace_c.len() {
trace_c[k] -= median_val;
let mut zcs = find_zero_crossings(&trace_c);
let mut zcs_nskip = Vec::<usize>::with_capacity(zcs.len());
for k in 0..zcs.len() {
if zcs[k] > nskip as usize {
zcs = zcs_nskip;
let mut zcs_filter = Vec::<usize>::with_capacity(zcs.len());
for k in 0..zcs.len() {
match edge {
Edge::Rising => {
if trace_c[zcs[k]] < 0.0 {
Edge::Falling => {
if trace_c[zcs[k]] > 0.0 {
Edge::None => {
warn!("Unsure what to do for Edge::None");
Edge::Average => {
warn!("Unsure what to do for Edge::Average");
Edge::Unknown => {
warn!("Unsure what to do for Edge::Unknown");
debug!("Found {} zero crossings!", zcs_filter.len());
zcs = zcs_filter;
if zcs.len() < 3 {
return (zcs, periods);
for k in 0..zcs.len() -1 {
let zcs_a = &zcs[k];
let zcs_b = &zcs[k+1];
if zcs_a + 2 > trace_c.len() || zcs_b + 2 > trace_c.len() {
let tr_a = &trace_c[*zcs_a..*zcs_a+2];
let tr_b = &trace_c[*zcs_b..*zcs_b+2];
let mut period : f32 = 0.0;
for n in zcs_a+1..*zcs_b {
period += dts[n];
period += dts[*zcs_a]*f32::abs(tr_a[1]/(tr_a[1] - tr_a[0])); period += dts[*zcs_b]*f32::abs(tr_b[0]/(tr_b[1] - tr_b[0])); if period.is_nan() {
error!("NAN in period found!");
if f32::abs(*zcs_b as f32 - *zcs_a as f32 - nperiod) > 5.0 {
let mut zcs_tmp = Vec::<usize>::new();
zcs = zcs_tmp;
trace!("zcs_a, zcs_b, period, nperiod {} {} {} {}", zcs_a, zcs_b, period, nperiod);
debug!("Calculated {} zero-crossings and {} periods!", zcs.len(), periods.len());
(zcs, periods)
fn mean(input: &Vec<f32>) -> f32 {
if input.len() == 0 {
error!("Vector is empty, can not calculate mean!");
return f32::NAN;
let mut n_entries : f32 = 0.0;
let mut sum : f32 = 0.0;
for k in input.iter() {
if k.is_nan() {
sum += k;
n_entries += 1.0;
sum / n_entries
fn median(input: &Vec<f32>) -> f32 {
fn calculate_column_medians(data: &Vec<Vec<f32>>) -> Vec<f32> {
let num_columns = data[0].len();
let num_rows = data.len();
let mut column_medians: Vec<f32> = vec![0.0; num_columns];
debug!("Calculating medians for {} columns!", num_columns);
debug!("Calculating medians for {} rows!", num_rows);
for col in 0..num_columns {
let mut col_vals = vec![0.0; num_rows];
for k in 0..num_rows {
col_vals[k] = data[k][col];
col_vals.retain(|x| !x.is_nan());
if col_vals.len() == 0 {
column_medians[col] = f32::NAN;
} else {
column_medians[col] = statistical::median(col_vals.as_slice());}
fn calculate_column_means(data: &Vec<Vec<f32>>) -> Vec<f32> {
let num_columns = data[0].len();
let num_rows = data.len();
debug!("Calculating means for {} columns and {} rows", num_columns, num_rows);
let mut column_means: Vec<f32> = vec![0.0; num_columns];
for col in 0..num_columns {
let mut col_vals = vec![0.0; num_rows];
for k in 0..num_rows {
col_vals[k] = data[k][col];
col_vals.retain(|x| !x.is_nan());
let thismean = mean(&col_vals);
if !thismean.is_nan() {
column_means[col] = thismean;
fn roll<T: Clone>(vec: &mut Vec<T>, offset: isize) {
let len = vec.len() as isize;
if len <= 1 {
let offset = offset % len;
if offset == 0 {
let split_point = if offset > 0 {
len - offset
} else {
} as usize;
let mut temp = Vec::with_capacity(len as usize);
#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq)]
pub struct RBCalibrationsFlightT {
pub rb_id : u8,
pub timestamp : u32, pub tbin : [[f16;NWORDS];NCHN], }
impl RBCalibrationsFlightT {
pub fn new() -> Self {
Self {
rb_id : 0,
timestamp : 0,
tbin : [[f16::from_f32(0.0);NWORDS];NCHN],
impl Serialization for RBCalibrationsFlightT {
const SIZE : usize = NCHN*NWORDS*2 + 4 + 1;
const HEAD : u16 = 0xAAAA; const TAIL : u16 = 0x5555; fn from_bytestream(bytestream : &Vec<u8>,
pos : &mut usize)
-> Result<Self, SerializationError> {
let mut rb_cal = Self::new();
if parse_u16(bytestream, pos) != Self::HEAD {
return Err(SerializationError::HeadInvalid {});
rb_cal.rb_id = parse_u8(bytestream, pos);
rb_cal.timestamp = parse_u32(bytestream, pos);
for ch in 0..NCHN {
for k in 0..NWORDS {
let value = parse_f16(bytestream, pos);
rb_cal.tbin[ch][k] = value;
*pos += 2;
fn to_bytestream(&self) -> Vec<u8> {
let mut bs = Vec::<u8>::with_capacity(Self::SIZE);
for ch in 0..NCHN {
for k in 0..NWORDS {
bs.extend_from_slice(&self.tbin[ch][k] .to_le_bytes());
impl Packable for RBCalibrationsFlightT {
const PACKET_TYPE : PacketType = PacketType::RBCalibrationFlightT;
impl fmt::Display for RBCalibrationsFlightT {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
let mut timestamp_str = String::from("?");
match Utc.timestamp_opt(self.timestamp.into(), 0) {
LocalResult::Single(datetime_utc) => {
timestamp_str = datetime_utc.format("%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S").to_string();
LocalResult::Ambiguous(_, _) => {
error!("The given timestamp is ambiguous.");
LocalResult::None => {
error!("The given timestamp is not valid.");
"<ReadoutboardCalibrationsFlightT [{} UTC]:
RB : {}
T Bins [ch0]: .. {:?} {:?} ..>",
#[cfg(feature = "random")]
impl FromRandom for RBCalibrationsFlightT {
fn from_random() -> Self {
let mut cali = Self::new();
let mut rng = rand::thread_rng();
cali.rb_id = rng.gen::<u8>();
cali.timestamp = rng.gen::<u32>();
for ch in 0..NCHN {
for n in 0..NWORDS {
cali.tbin [ch][n] = f16::from_f32(rng.gen::<f32>());
#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq)]
pub struct RBCalibrationsFlightV {
pub rb_id : u8,
pub d_v : f32, pub timestamp : u32, pub v_offsets : [[f16;NWORDS];NCHN], pub v_dips : [[f16;NWORDS];NCHN], pub v_inc : [[f16;NWORDS];NCHN], }
impl RBCalibrationsFlightV {
pub fn new() -> Self {
Self {
rb_id : 0,
d_v : 0.9,
timestamp : 0,
v_offsets : [[f16::from_f32(0.0);NWORDS];NCHN],
v_dips : [[f16::from_f32(0.0);NWORDS];NCHN],
v_inc : [[f16::from_f32(0.0);NWORDS];NCHN],
impl Serialization for RBCalibrationsFlightV {
const SIZE : usize = NCHN*NWORDS*2*3 + 4 + 4 + 1;
const HEAD : u16 = 0xAAAA; const TAIL : u16 = 0x5555; fn from_bytestream(bytestream : &Vec<u8>,
pos : &mut usize)
-> Result<Self, SerializationError> {
let mut rb_cal = Self::new();
if parse_u16(bytestream, pos) != Self::HEAD {
return Err(SerializationError::HeadInvalid {});
rb_cal.rb_id = parse_u8(bytestream, pos);
rb_cal.d_v = parse_f32(bytestream, pos);
rb_cal.timestamp = parse_u32(bytestream, pos);
for ch in 0..NCHN {
for k in 0..NWORDS {
let mut value = parse_f16(bytestream, pos);
rb_cal.v_offsets[ch][k] = value;
value = parse_f16(bytestream, pos);
rb_cal.v_dips[ch][k] = value;
value = parse_f16(bytestream, pos);
rb_cal.v_inc[ch][k] = value;
*pos += 2;
fn to_bytestream(&self) -> Vec<u8> {
let mut bs = Vec::<u8>::with_capacity(Self::SIZE);
for ch in 0..NCHN {
for k in 0..NWORDS {
bs.extend_from_slice(&self.v_dips[ch][k] .to_le_bytes());
bs.extend_from_slice(&self.v_inc[ch][k] .to_le_bytes());
impl Packable for RBCalibrationsFlightV {
const PACKET_TYPE : PacketType = PacketType::RBCalibrationFlightV;
impl fmt::Display for RBCalibrationsFlightV {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
let mut timestamp_str = String::from("?");
match Utc.timestamp_opt(self.timestamp.into(), 0) {
LocalResult::Single(datetime_utc) => {
timestamp_str = datetime_utc.format("%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S").to_string();
LocalResult::Ambiguous(_, _) => {
error!("The given timestamp is ambiguous.");
LocalResult::None => {
error!("The given timestamp is not valid.");
"<ReadoutboardCalibration [{} UTC]:
RB : {}
V Offsets [ch0]: .. {:?} {:?} ..
V Incrmts [ch0]: .. {:?} {:?} ..
V Dips [ch0]: .. {:?} {:?} ..>",
#[cfg(feature = "random")]
impl FromRandom for RBCalibrationsFlightV {
fn from_random() -> Self {
let mut cali = Self::new();
let mut rng = rand::thread_rng();
cali.rb_id = rng.gen::<u8>();
cali.d_v = rng.gen::<f32>();
cali.timestamp = rng.gen::<u32>();
for ch in 0..NCHN {
for n in 0..NWORDS {
cali.v_offsets [ch][n] = f16::from_f32(rng.gen::<f32>());
cali.v_dips [ch][n] = f16::from_f32(rng.gen::<f32>());
cali.v_inc [ch][n] = f16::from_f32(rng.gen::<f32>());
#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq)]
pub struct RBCalibrations {
pub rb_id : u8,
pub d_v : f32, pub timestamp : u32, pub serialize_event_data : bool,
pub v_offsets : [[f32;NWORDS];NCHN], pub v_dips : [[f32;NWORDS];NCHN], pub v_inc : [[f32;NWORDS];NCHN], pub tbin : [[f32;NWORDS];NCHN], pub vcal_data : Vec::<RBEvent>,
pub tcal_data : Vec::<RBEvent>,
pub noi_data : Vec::<RBEvent>,
impl RBCalibrations {
pub const NSKIP : usize = 2;
pub const SINMAX : usize = 60; pub const DVCUT : f32 = 15.0; pub const NOMINALFREQ : f32 = 2.0; pub const CALFREQ : f32 = 0.025; pub fn assemble_from_flightcal(fcal_t : RBCalibrationsFlightT,
fcal_v : RBCalibrationsFlightV)
-> Result<Self, CalibrationError> {
if (fcal_t.timestamp != fcal_v.timestamp) || (fcal_t.rb_id != fcal_v.rb_id) {
error!("These calibrations do not match! {} , {}", fcal_t, fcal_v);
return Err(CalibrationError::IncompatibleFlightCalibrations);
let mut cal = Self::new(fcal_t.rb_id);
cal.rb_id = fcal_t.rb_id;
cal.timestamp = fcal_t.timestamp;
cal.d_v = fcal_v.d_v;
cal.serialize_event_data = false;
for ch in 0..NCHN {
for k in 0..NWORDS {
cal.tbin [ch][k] = f16::to_f32(fcal_t.tbin[ch][k]);
cal.v_offsets[ch][k] = f16::to_f32(fcal_v.v_offsets[ch][k]);
cal.v_dips [ch][k] = f16::to_f32(fcal_v.v_dips[ch][k]);
cal.v_inc [ch][k] = f16::to_f32(fcal_v.v_inc[ch][k]);
pub fn emit_flighttcal(&self) -> RBCalibrationsFlightT {
let mut cal = RBCalibrationsFlightT::new();
cal.rb_id = self.rb_id;
cal.timestamp = self.timestamp;
for ch in 0..NCHN {
for n in 0..NWORDS {
cal.tbin [ch][n] = f16::from_f32(self.tbin[ch][n]);
pub fn emit_flightvcal(&self) -> RBCalibrationsFlightV {
let mut cal = RBCalibrationsFlightV::new();
cal.rb_id = self.rb_id;
cal.timestamp = self.timestamp;
cal.d_v = self.d_v;
for ch in 0..NCHN {
for n in 0..NWORDS {
cal.v_offsets [ch][n] = f16::from_f32(self.v_offsets[ch][n]);
cal.v_dips [ch][n] = f16::from_f32(self.v_dips[ch][n]);
cal.v_inc [ch][n] = f16::from_f32(self.v_inc[ch][n]);
pub fn clean_input_data(&mut self) {
self.vcal_data.retain(|x| !x.header.drs_lost_trigger()
&& !x.header.is_event_fragment()
&& trace_check(x));
self.tcal_data.retain(|x| !x.header.drs_lost_trigger()
&& !x.header.is_event_fragment()
&& trace_check(x));
self.noi_data.retain(|x| !x.header.drs_lost_trigger()
&& !x.header.is_event_fragment()
&& trace_check(x));
self.noi_data.sort_by(|a, b| a.header.event_id.cmp(&b.header.event_id));
self.vcal_data.sort_by(|a, b| a.header.event_id.cmp(&b.header.event_id));
self.tcal_data.sort_by(|a, b| a.header.event_id.cmp(&b.header.event_id));
fn apply_vcal(&self,
data : &Vec<RBEvent>)
-> (Vec<Vec<Vec<f32>>>,Vec<isize>) {
let nevents = data.len();
let mut traces = Vec::<Vec::<Vec::<f32>>>::new();
let mut trace = Vec::<f32>::with_capacity(NWORDS);
let mut stop_cells = Vec::<isize>::new();
let mut empty_events = Vec::<Vec::<f32>>::new();
for _ in 0..nevents {
for ch in 0..NCHN {
for (k,ev) in data.iter().enumerate() {
stop_cells.push(ev.header.stop_cell as isize);
for k in 0..NWORDS {
trace.push(ev.adc[ch][k] as f32);
self.voltages(ch + 1, ev.header.stop_cell as usize,
&ev.adc[ch], &mut trace);
traces[ch][k] = trace.clone();
(traces, stop_cells)
pub fn apply_vcal_constants(&self,
adc : &Vec<f32>,
channel : usize,
stop_cell : usize) -> Vec<f32> {
let mut waveform = Vec::<f32>::with_capacity(adc.len());
let mut value : f32;
for k in 0..adc.len() {
value = adc[k] as f32;
value -= self.v_offsets[channel][(k + (stop_cell)) %NWORDS];
value -= self.v_dips [channel][k];
value *= self.v_inc [channel][(k + (stop_cell)) %NWORDS];
fn voltage_offset_and_dips(input_vcal_data : &Vec<RBEvent>)
-> Result<(Vec<Vec<f32>>, Vec<Vec<f32>>), CalibrationError> {
if input_vcal_data.len() == 0 {
return Err(CalibrationError::EmptyInputData);
let mut all_v_offsets = Vec::<Vec::<f32>>::new();
let mut all_v_dips = Vec::<Vec::<f32>>::new();
let nchn = input_vcal_data[0].header.get_nchan();
debug!("Found {nchn} channels!");
for _ in 0..nchn {
let empty_vec_off : Vec<f32> = vec![0.0;NWORDS];
let empty_vec_dip : Vec<f32> = vec![0.0;NWORDS];
let mut traces = unpack_traces_f32(&input_vcal_data);
let mut rolled_traces = traces.clone();
for ch in 0..nchn {
for n in 0..input_vcal_data.len() {
for k in 0..Self::NSKIP {
traces[ch][n][k] = f32::NAN;
rolled_traces[ch][n][k] = f32::NAN;
roll(&mut rolled_traces[ch][n],
input_vcal_data[n].header.stop_cell as isize);
}all_v_offsets[ch] = calculate_column_means(&rolled_traces[ch]);
debug!("We calculated {} voltage offset values for ch {}", all_v_offsets[ch].len(), ch);
for (n, ev) in input_vcal_data.iter().enumerate() {
let mut v_offsets_rolled = all_v_offsets[ch].clone();
roll(&mut v_offsets_rolled, -1*ev.header.stop_cell as isize);
for k in 0..traces[ch][n].len() {
traces[ch][n][k] -= v_offsets_rolled[k];
let v_dips = calculate_column_medians(&traces[ch]);
for k in 0..v_dips.len() {
if k < Self::NSKIP {
all_v_dips[ch][k] = 0.0;
} else {
all_v_dips[ch][k] = v_dips[k];
Ok((all_v_offsets, all_v_dips))
pub fn timing_calibration(&self,
edge : &Edge,
apply_vcal : bool)
-> Result<Vec<Vec<f32>>, CalibrationError> {
if self.tcal_data.len() == 0 {
error!("Input data for timing calibration is empty!");
return Err(CalibrationError::EmptyInputData);
let mut all_tcal = Vec::<Vec::<f32>>::new();
for _ in 0..NCHN {
let mut traces : Vec<Vec<Vec<f32>>>;
let mut stop_cells = Vec::<isize>::new();
if apply_vcal {
let result = self.apply_vcal(&self.tcal_data);
traces = result.0;
stop_cells = result.1;
} else {
warn!("Not applying voltage calibration to tcal data. This most likely makes no sense!");
traces = unpack_traces_f32(&self.tcal_data);
for ev in self.tcal_data.iter() {
stop_cells.push(ev.header.event_id as isize);
let do_spike_cleaning = true;
if do_spike_cleaning {
for k_ch in 0..traces.len() {
for k_ev in 0..traces[k_ch].len() {
clean_spikes(&mut traces[k_ch][k_ev], true);
let nwords = traces[0][0].len();
for ch in 0..NCHN {
for ev in 0..traces[ch].len() {
for k in 0..nwords {
if k < Self::NSKIP {
traces[ch][ev][k] = f32::NAN;
if f32::abs(traces[ch][ev][k]) > Self::SINMAX as f32 {
traces[ch][ev][k] = f32::NAN;
let mut rolled_traces = traces.clone();
let mut drolled_traces = traces.clone();
for ch in 0..NCHN {
for ev in 0..traces[ch].len() {
roll(&mut rolled_traces[ch][ev],
for ch in 0..NCHN {
for ev in 0..traces[ch].len() {
for n in 0..traces[ch][ev].len() {
let mut dval : f32;
if n == traces[ch][ev].len() - 1 {
dval = rolled_traces[ch][ev][0] - rolled_traces[ch][ev][traces[ch][ev].len() -1];
} else {
dval = rolled_traces[ch][ev][n + 1] - rolled_traces[ch][ev][n];
match edge {
Edge::Rising | Edge::Average => {
if dval < 0.0 {
dval = f32::NAN;
Edge::Falling => {
if dval > 0.0 {
dval = f32::NAN;
_ => {
error!("Only average, rising or falling edge supported!");
} dval = f32::abs(dval);
if f32::abs(dval - 15.0) > Self::DVCUT {
dval = f32::NAN;
drolled_traces[ch][ev][n] = dval;
} } let col_means = calculate_column_means(&drolled_traces[ch]);
let nfreq_vec : Vec<f32> = vec![1.0/Self::NOMINALFREQ;NWORDS];
all_tcal[ch] = nfreq_vec;
let ch_mean = mean(&col_means);
for n in 0..all_tcal[ch].len() {
all_tcal[ch][n] *= col_means[n]/ch_mean;
} Ok(all_tcal)
pub fn calibrate(&mut self) -> Result<(), CalibrationError>{
if self.vcal_data.len() == 0
|| self.tcal_data.len() == 0
|| self.noi_data.len() == 0 {
return Err(CalibrationError::EmptyInputData);
info!("Starting calculating voltage calibration constants!");
let (v_offsets_high, _v_dips_high)
= Self::voltage_offset_and_dips(&self.vcal_data)?;
let (v_offsets_low, v_dips_low)
= Self::voltage_offset_and_dips(&self.noi_data)?;
for ch in 0..NCHN {
for k in 0..NWORDS {
self.v_offsets[ch][k] = v_offsets_low[ch][k];
self.v_dips[ch][k] = v_dips_low[ch][k];
self.v_inc[ch][k] = self.d_v/(v_offsets_high[ch][k] - v_offsets_low[ch][k]);
info!("Filnished calculating voltage calibration constants!");
info!("Starting calculating timing calibration constants!");
warn!("Calibration only supported for Edge::Average!");
let mut edge = Edge::None;
if matches!(edge, Edge::None) {
edge = Edge::Average;
let mut tcal_av = self.timing_calibration( &edge, true)?;
if matches!(edge, Edge::Average) {
edge = Edge::Falling;
let tcal_falling = self.timing_calibration(&edge, true)?;
for ch in 0..NCHN {
for k in 0..tcal_av.len() {
tcal_av[ch][k] += tcal_falling[ch][k];
tcal_av[ch][k] /= 2.0;
edge = Edge::Rising;
} else {
error!("This is not implemented for any other case yet!");
let mut damping : f32 = 0.1;
let corr_limit : f32 = 0.05;
let nperiod = Self::NOMINALFREQ/Self::CALFREQ;
let global = true;
if global {
let result = self.apply_vcal(&self.tcal_data);
let tcal_traces = result.0;
let stop_cells = result.1;
for ch in 0..NCHN {
for ev in 0..tcal_traces[ch].len() {
let tracelen = tcal_traces[ch][ev].len();
let stop_cell = stop_cells[ev];
let mut tcal_av_cp = tcal_av.clone();
roll(&mut tcal_av_cp[ch], -1* (stop_cell as isize));
let (zcs, periods) = get_periods(&tcal_traces[ch][ev],
Self::NSKIP as f32,
debug!("Will iterate over {} periods!", periods.len());
for (n_p,period) in periods.iter().enumerate() {
if *period == 0.0 {
warn!("period is 0 {:?}", periods);
if period.is_nan() {
warn!("period is nan! {:?}", periods);
let zcs_a = zcs[n_p] + stop_cell as usize;
let zcs_b = zcs[n_p + 1] + stop_cell as usize;
let mut corr = (1.0/Self::CALFREQ)/period;
if matches!(edge, Edge::None) {
corr *= 0.5;
if f32::abs(corr - 1.0) > corr_limit {
corr = (corr-1.0)*damping + 1.0;
let zcs_a_tl = zcs_a%tracelen;
let zcs_b_tl = zcs_b%tracelen;
if zcs_a < tracelen && zcs_b > tracelen {
for m in zcs_a..tcal_av[ch].len() {
tcal_av[ch][m] *= corr;
for m in 0..zcs_b_tl {
tcal_av[ch][m] *= corr;
} else {
for m in zcs_a_tl..zcs_b_tl {
tcal_av[ch][m] *= corr;
} damping *= 0.99;
} } for ch in 0..NCHN {
for k in 0..NWORDS {
self.tbin[ch][k] = tcal_av[ch][k];
pub fn spike_cleaning(voltages : &mut Vec<Vec<f32>>,
stop_cell : u16)
-> Result<(), WaveformError> {
let mut spikes : [i32;10] = [0;10];
let mut filter : f32;
let mut dfilter : f32;
let mut n_neighbor : usize;
let mut n_rsp = 0usize;
let mut rsp : [i32;10] = [-1;10];
let mut sp : [[usize;10];NCHN] = [[0;10];NCHN];
let mut n_sp : [usize;10] = [0;10];
for j in 0..NWORDS as usize {
for i in 0..NCHN as usize {
filter = -voltages[i][j] + voltages[i][(j + 1) % NWORDS] + voltages[i][(j + 2) % NWORDS] - voltages[i][(j + 3) % NWORDS];
dfilter = filter + 2.0 * voltages[i][(j + 3) % NWORDS] + voltages[i][(j + 4) % NWORDS] - voltages[i][(j + 5) % NWORDS];
if filter > 20.0 && filter < 100.0 {
if n_sp[i] < 10 { sp[i][n_sp[i] as usize] = (j + 1) % NWORDS ;
n_sp[i] += 1;
} else {
return Err(WaveformError::TooSpiky);
} }else if dfilter > 40.0 && dfilter < 100.0 && filter > 10.0 {
if n_sp[i] < 9 { sp[i][n_sp[i] as usize] = (j + 1) % NWORDS ;
sp[i][(n_sp[i] + 1) as usize] = (j + 3) % NWORDS ;
n_sp[i] += 2;
} else {
return Err(WaveformError::TooSpiky);
} } }} for i in 0..NCHN {
for j in 0..n_sp[i] as usize {
n_neighbor = 0;
for k in 0..NCHN {
for l in 0..n_sp[k] as usize {
if (sp[i][j] as i32 + sp[k][l] as i32 - 2 * stop_cell as i32) as i32 % NWORDS as i32 == 1022 {
} for k in 0..NCHN {
if i != k {
for l in 0..n_sp[k] {
if sp[i][j] == sp[k][l] {
n_neighbor += 1;
} } } if n_neighbor >= 2 {
for k in 0..n_rsp {
if rsp[k] == sp[i][j] as i32 {break;} if n_rsp < 10 && k == n_rsp {
rsp[n_rsp] = sp[i][j] as i32;
n_rsp += 1;
} } let magic_value : f32 = 14.8;
let mut x : f32;
let mut y : f32;
let mut skip_next : bool = false;
for k in 0..n_rsp {
if skip_next {
skip_next = false;
spikes[k] = rsp[k];
for i in 0..NCHN {
if k < n_rsp && i32::abs(rsp[k] as i32 - rsp[k + 1] as i32 % NWORDS as i32) == 2
let j = if rsp[k] > rsp[k + 1] {rsp[k + 1] as usize} else {rsp[k] as usize};
x = voltages[i][(j - 1) % NWORDS];
y = voltages[i][(j + 4) % NWORDS];
if f32::abs(x - y) < 15.0 {
voltages[i][j % NWORDS] = x + 1.0 * (y - x) / 5.0;
voltages[i][(j + 1) % NWORDS] = x + 2.0 * (y - x) / 5.0;
voltages[i][(j + 2) % NWORDS] = x + 3.0 * (y - x) / 5.0;
voltages[i][(j + 3) % NWORDS] = x + 4.0 * (y - x) / 5.0;
} else {
voltages[i][j % NWORDS] -= magic_value;
voltages[i][(j + 1) % NWORDS] -= magic_value;
voltages[i][(j + 2) % NWORDS] -= magic_value;
voltages[i][(j + 3) % NWORDS] -= magic_value;
} else {
x = voltages[i][((rsp[k] - 1) % NWORDS as i32) as usize];
y = voltages[i][(rsp[k] + 2) as usize % NWORDS];
if f32::abs(x - y) < 15.0 {
voltages[i][rsp[k] as usize] = x + 1.0 * (y - x) / 3.0;
voltages[i][(rsp[k] + 1) as usize % NWORDS] = x + 2.0 * (y - x) / 3.0;
} else {
voltages[i][rsp[k] as usize] -= magic_value;
voltages[i][(rsp[k] + 1) as usize % NWORDS] -= magic_value;
} } if k < n_rsp && i32::abs(rsp[k] - rsp[k + 1] % NWORDS as i32) == 2
{skip_next = true;} } Ok(())
pub fn voltages(&self,
channel : usize,
stop_cell : usize,
adc : &Vec<u16>,
waveform : &mut Vec<f32>) {
if channel > 9 || channel == 0 {
error!("There is no channel larger than 9 and no channel 0! Channel {channel} was requested. Can not perform voltage calibration!");
if adc.len() != waveform.len() {
error!("Ch{} has {} adc values, however we are expecting {}!", channel, adc.len(), waveform.len());
let mut value : f32;
for k in 0..NWORDS {
value = adc[k] as f32;
value -= self.v_offsets[channel -1][(k + (stop_cell)) %NWORDS];
value -= self.v_dips [channel -1][k];
value *= self.v_inc [channel -1][(k + (stop_cell)) %NWORDS];
waveform[k] = value;
pub fn nanoseconds(&self,
channel : usize,
stop_cell : usize,
times : &mut Vec<f32>) {
if channel > 9 || channel == 0 {
error!("There is no channel larger than 9 and no channel 0! Channel {channel} was requested. Can not perform timing calibration!");
for k in 1..NWORDS {
times[k] = times[k-1] + self.tbin[channel -1][(k-1+(stop_cell))%NWORDS];
pub fn new(rb_id : u8) -> Self {
let timestamp = Utc::now().timestamp() as u32;
Self {
rb_id : rb_id,
d_v : 182.0, timestamp : timestamp,
serialize_event_data : false, v_offsets : [[0.0;NWORDS];NCHN],
v_dips : [[0.0;NWORDS];NCHN],
v_inc : [[0.0;NWORDS];NCHN],
tbin : [[0.0;NWORDS];NCHN],
vcal_data : Vec::<RBEvent>::new(),
tcal_data : Vec::<RBEvent>::new(),
noi_data : Vec::<RBEvent>::new()
pub fn discard_data(&mut self) {
self.vcal_data = Vec::<RBEvent>::new();
self.tcal_data = Vec::<RBEvent>::new();
self.noi_data = Vec::<RBEvent>::new();
pub fn from_file(filename : String, discard_data : bool) -> Result<Self, SerializationError> {
let mut reader = TofPacketReader::new(filename);
loop {
match {
None => {
error!("Can't load calibration!");
Some(pack) => {
if pack.packet_type == PacketType::RBCalibration {
let mut cali = RBCalibrations::from_bytestream(&pack.payload, &mut 0)?;
if discard_data {
return Ok(cali);
} else {
pub fn from_txtfile(filename : &Path) -> Self {
let mut rb_cal = Self::new(0);
info!("Attempting to open file {}", filename.display());
let file = BufReader::new(File::open(filename).expect("Unable to open file {}"));
let mut cnt = 0;
for _ in file.lines() {
cnt += 1;
if cnt != NCHN*4 {
panic! ("The calibration file {} does not have the proper format! It has {} lines", filename.display(), cnt);
cnt = 0;
let mut vals = 0usize;
if let Ok(lines) = read_lines(filename) {
for data in lines.flatten() {
let values: Vec<&str> = data.split(' ').collect();
if values.len() == NWORDS {
if vals == 0 {
for n in 0..NWORDS {
let data : f32 = values[n].parse::<f32>().unwrap();
rb_cal.v_offsets[cnt][n] = data;
vals += 1;
if vals == 1 {
for n in 0..NWORDS {
let data : f32 = values[n].parse::<f32>().unwrap();
rb_cal.v_dips[cnt][n] = data;
vals += 1;
if vals == 2 {
for n in 0..NWORDS {
let data : f32 = values[n].parse::<f32>().unwrap();
rb_cal.v_inc[cnt][n] = data;
vals += 1;
if vals == 3 {
for n in 0..NWORDS {
let data : f32 = values[n].parse::<f32>().unwrap();
rb_cal.tbin[cnt][n] = data;
vals = 0;
cnt += 1;
} else {
panic!("Invalid input line {}", data)
vals += 1;
pub fn get_id_from_filename(&mut self, filename : &Path) -> u8 {
let rb_id : u8;
match filename.file_name() {
None => {
error!("Path {} seems non-sensical!", filename.display());
self.rb_id = 0;
return 0;
Some(name) => {
let fname = name.to_os_string().into_string().unwrap();
let id = &fname[2..4];
rb_id = id.parse::<u8>().unwrap();
debug!("Extracted RB ID {} from filename {}", rb_id, fname);
self.rb_id = rb_id;
impl Packable for RBCalibrations {
const PACKET_TYPE : PacketType = PacketType::RBCalibration;
impl Serialization for RBCalibrations {
const SIZE : usize = NCHN*NWORDS*4*8 + 4 + 1 + 1;
const HEAD : u16 = 0xAAAA; const TAIL : u16 = 0x5555; fn from_bytestream(bytestream : &Vec<u8>,
pos : &mut usize)
-> Result<Self, SerializationError> {
let mut rb_cal = Self::new(0);
if parse_u16(bytestream, pos) != Self::HEAD {
return Err(SerializationError::HeadInvalid {});
rb_cal.rb_id = parse_u8(bytestream, pos);
rb_cal.d_v = parse_f32(bytestream, pos);
rb_cal.timestamp = parse_u32(bytestream, pos);
rb_cal.serialize_event_data = parse_bool(bytestream, pos);
for ch in 0..NCHN {
for k in 0..NWORDS {
let mut value = parse_f32(bytestream, pos);
rb_cal.v_offsets[ch][k] = value;
value = parse_f32(bytestream, pos);
rb_cal.v_dips[ch][k] = value;
value = parse_f32(bytestream, pos);
rb_cal.v_inc[ch][k] = value;
value = parse_f32(bytestream, pos);
rb_cal.tbin[ch][k] = value;
if rb_cal.serialize_event_data {
let broken_event = RBEvent::new();
let n_noi = parse_u16(bytestream, pos);
debug!("Found {n_noi} no input data events!");
for _ in 0..n_noi {
match RBEvent::from_bytestream(bytestream, pos) {
Ok(ev) => {
Err(err) => {
error!("Unable to read RBEvent! {err}");
let n_vcal = parse_u16(bytestream, pos);
debug!("Found {n_vcal} VCal data events!");
for _ in 0..n_vcal {
match RBEvent::from_bytestream(bytestream, pos) {
Err(err) => {
error!("Found broken event {err}");
Ok(good_ev) => {
let n_tcal = parse_u16(bytestream, pos);
debug!("Found {n_tcal} TCal data events!");
for _ in 0..n_tcal {
rb_cal.tcal_data.push(RBEvent::from_bytestream(bytestream, pos).unwrap_or(broken_event.clone()));
} else {
*pos += 6;
if parse_u16(bytestream, pos) != Self::TAIL {
return Err(SerializationError::TailInvalid {});
fn to_bytestream(&self) -> Vec<u8> {
let mut bs = Vec::<u8>::with_capacity(Self::SIZE);
let serialize_event_data = self.serialize_event_data as u8;
for ch in 0..NCHN {
for k in 0..NWORDS {
bs.extend_from_slice(&self.v_dips[ch][k] .to_le_bytes());
bs.extend_from_slice(&self.v_inc[ch][k] .to_le_bytes());
bs.extend_from_slice(&self.tbin[ch][k] .to_le_bytes());
if self.serialize_event_data {
info!("Serializing calibration event data!");
let n_noi = self.noi_data.len() as u16;
let n_vcal = self.vcal_data.len() as u16;
let n_tcal = self.tcal_data.len() as u16;
for ev in &self.noi_data {
for ev in &self.vcal_data {
for ev in &self.tcal_data {
} else { for _ in 0..6 {
impl Default for RBCalibrations {
fn default() -> Self {
impl fmt::Display for RBCalibrations {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
let mut timestamp_str = String::from("?");
match Utc.timestamp_opt(self.timestamp.into(), 0) {
LocalResult::Single(datetime_utc) => {
timestamp_str = datetime_utc.format("%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S").to_string();
LocalResult::Ambiguous(_, _) => {
println!("The given timestamp is ambiguous.");
LocalResult::None => {
println!("The given timestamp is not valid.");
"<ReadoutboardCalibration [{} UTC]:
RB : {}
VCalData : {} (events)
TCalData : {} (events)
NoInputData : {} (events)
V Offsets [ch0]: .. {:?} {:?} ..
V Incrmts [ch0]: .. {:?} {:?} ..
V Dips [ch0]: .. {:?} {:?} ..
T Bins [ch0]: .. {:?} {:?} ..>",
impl From<&Path> for RBCalibrations {
fn from(path : &Path) -> Self {
let mut cali = RBCalibrations::new(0);
if path.ends_with(".txt") {
return RBCalibrations::from_txtfile(path);
} else {
match read_file(path) {
Err(err) => {
error!("Can not open {}! Err {err}", path.display());
Ok(stream) => {
match TofPacket::from_bytestream(&stream, &mut 0) {
Err(err) => {
error!("Can not read TofPacket, error {err}");
Ok(pk) => {
if pk.packet_type != PacketType::RBCalibration {
error!("TofPacket does not contain calibration data! Packet: {}", pk);
return cali;
match RBCalibrations::from_bytestream(&pk.payload, &mut 0) {
Err(err) => {
error!("Can not read calibration from binary file {}, Error {err}!", path.display());
Ok(c) => {
cali = c;
return cali;
#[cfg(feature = "random")]
impl FromRandom for RBCalibrations {
fn from_random() -> Self {
let mut cali = Self::new(0);
let mut rng = rand::thread_rng();
cali.rb_id = rng.gen::<u8>();
cali.d_v = rng.gen::<f32>();
cali.serialize_event_data = rng.gen::<bool>();
for ch in 0..NCHN {
for n in 0..NWORDS {
cali.v_offsets[ch][n] = rng.gen::<f32>();
cali.v_dips [ch][n] = rng.gen::<f32>();
cali.v_inc [ch][n] = rng.gen::<f32>();
cali.tbin [ch][n] = rng.gen::<f32>();
if cali.serialize_event_data {
for _ in 0..1000 {
let mut ev = RBEvent::from_random();
ev = RBEvent::from_random();
ev = RBEvent::from_random();
#[cfg(feature = "random")]
fn serialization_rbcalibration_noeventpayload() {
let mut calis = Vec::<RBCalibrations>::new();
for _ in 0..100 {
let cali = RBCalibrations::from_random();
if cali.serialize_event_data {
let test = RBCalibrations::from_bytestream(&calis[0].to_bytestream(), &mut 0).unwrap();
assert_eq!(calis[0], test);
#[cfg(feature = "random")]
fn serialization_rbcalibration_witheventpayload() {
let mut calis = Vec::<RBCalibrations>::new();
for _ in 0..100 {
let cali = RBCalibrations::from_random();
if !cali.serialize_event_data {
let test = RBCalibrations::from_bytestream(&calis[0].to_bytestream(), &mut 0).unwrap();
assert_eq!(calis[0], test);
#[cfg(feature = "random")]
fn pack_rbcalibfilghtt() {
for _ in 0..100 {
let cfg = RBCalibrationsFlightT::from_random();
let test : RBCalibrationsFlightT = cfg.pack().unpack().unwrap();
assert_eq!(cfg, test);
#[cfg(feature = "random")]
fn pack_rbcalibfilghtv() {
for _ in 0..100 {
let cfg = RBCalibrationsFlightV::from_random();
let test : RBCalibrationsFlightV = cfg.pack().unpack().unwrap();
assert_eq!(cfg, test);
#[cfg(feature = "random")]
fn assemble_flightcal() {
for _ in 0..10 {
let cal = RBCalibrations::from_random();
let fct = cal.emit_flighttcal();
let fcv = cal.emit_flightvcal();
let test = RBCalibrations::assemble_from_flightcal(fct, fcv).unwrap();
assert_eq!(cal.rb_id, test.rb_id);
assert_eq!(cal.d_v , test.d_v);
assert_eq!(cal.timestamp, test.timestamp);
assert_eq!(test.serialize_event_data, false);
for ch in 0..NCHN {
for k in 0..NWORDS {
assert_eq!(f16::from_f32(cal.tbin[ch][k]), f16::from_f32(test.tbin[ch][k]));
assert_eq!(f16::from_f32(cal.v_dips[ch][k]), f16::from_f32(test.v_dips[ch][k]));
assert_eq!(f16::from_f32(cal.v_inc[ch][k]), f16::from_f32(test.v_inc[ch][k]));