magnetometer.rsuse std::fmt;
use log::error;
use tof_dataclasses::serialization::{
use crate::packets::TelemetryHeader;
pub struct MagnetoMeter {
pub header : TelemetryHeader,
pub temp : u16,
pub mag_x : u16,
pub mag_y : u16,
pub mag_z : u16,
pub acc_x : u16,
pub acc_y : u16,
pub acc_z : u16,
pub roll : u16,
pub pitch : u16,
pub yaw : u16,
pub mag_roll : u16,
pub mag_field : u16,
pub grav_field : u16,
pub expected_size : u64, pub end_byte : u16,
pub zero : u8,
pub ndata : u8,
impl MagnetoMeter {
pub fn new() -> Self {
Self {
header : TelemetryHeader::new(),
temp : 0,
mag_x : 0,
mag_y : 0,
mag_z : 0,
acc_x : 0,
acc_y : 0,
acc_z : 0,
roll : 0,
pitch : 0,
yaw : 0,
mag_roll : 0,
mag_field : 0,
grav_field : 0,
expected_size : 0, end_byte : 0,
zero : 0,
ndata : 0,
impl Default for MagnetoMeter {
fn default() -> Self {
impl fmt::Display for MagnetoMeter {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
let mut repr = String::from("<MagnetoMeter: ");
repr += &(format!("\n {}", self.header));
repr += &(format!("\n temp : {}", self.temp ));
repr += &(format!("\n mag_x : {}", self.mag_x ));
repr += &(format!("\n mag_y : {}", self.mag_y ));
repr += &(format!("\n mag_z : {}", self.mag_z ));
repr += &(format!("\n acc_x : {}", self.acc_x ));
repr += &(format!("\n acc_y : {}", self.acc_y ));
repr += &(format!("\n acc_z : {}", self.acc_z ));
repr += &(format!("\n roll : {}", self.roll ));
repr += &(format!("\n pitch : {}", self.pitch ));
repr += &(format!("\n yaw : {}", self.yaw ));
repr += &(format!("\n mag_roll : {}", self.mag_roll ));
repr += &(format!("\n mag_field : {}", self.mag_field ));
repr += &(format!("\n grav_field : {}", self.grav_field ));
repr += &(format!("\n expected_size : {}", self.expected_size ));
repr += &(format!("\n end_byte : {}", self.end_byte ));
repr += &(format!("\n zero : {}", ));
repr += &(format!("\n ndata : {}", self.ndata ));
write!(f, "{}", repr)
impl Serialization for MagnetoMeter {
const HEAD : u16 = 0x90eb;
const TAIL : u16 = 0x0000; const SIZE : usize = 57;
fn from_bytestream(stream : &Vec<u8>,
pos : &mut usize)
-> Result<Self, SerializationError> {
let mut mag = Self::new();
if stream.len() < Self::SIZE {
error!("We got {} bytes, but need {}!", stream.len(),Self::SIZE);
return Err(SerializationError::StreamTooShort);
mag.header = TelemetryHeader::from_bytestream(stream, pos)?;
*pos += 1;
let mut n_data = parse_u8(stream, pos);
if n_data != 16 {
error!("Decoding of magnetometer packet faILed! We expected 16 data bytes, but got {} instead!", n_data);
return Err(SerializationError::WrongByteSize);
mag.mag_x = parse_u16_be(stream, pos);
mag.acc_x = parse_u16_be(stream, pos);
mag.mag_y = parse_u16_be(stream, pos);
mag.acc_y = parse_u16_be(stream, pos);
mag.mag_z = parse_u16_be(stream, pos);
mag.acc_z = parse_u16_be(stream, pos);
mag.temp = parse_u16(stream, pos);
*pos += 2; = parse_u8(stream, pos);
if != 0 {
error!("Decoding of magnetometer packet failed! Byte whcih should be zero is not zero!");
return Err(SerializationError::WrongByteSize);
*pos += 1; mag.end_byte = parse_u16_be(stream, pos);
if mag.end_byte != 32767 {
error!("Decoding of magnetormeter packet faailed! Tail incorrect!");
return Err(SerializationError::TailInvalid);
*pos += 1; n_data = parse_u8(stream, pos);
if n_data != 16 {
error!("The second magnetometer data chunk seems to have the wrong size! ({} instead of 16)", n_data);
return Err(SerializationError::WrongByteSize);
mag.roll = parse_u16_be(stream, pos);
mag.mag_roll = parse_u16_be(stream, pos);
mag.pitch = parse_u16_be(stream, pos);
mag.mag_field = parse_u16_be(stream, pos);
mag.yaw = parse_u16_be(stream, pos);
mag.grav_field = parse_u16_be(stream, pos);
*pos += 4; = parse_u8(stream, pos);
if != 0 {
error!("Decoding of magnetometer packet failed! Byte whcih should be zero is not zero!");
return Err(SerializationError::WrongByteSize);
*pos += 1; mag.end_byte = parse_u16_be(stream, pos);
if mag.end_byte != 32767 {
error!("Decoding of magnetormeter packet faailed! Tail incorrect!");
return Err(SerializationError::TailInvalid);