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use std::{io, path, convert::{TryFrom, TryInto}};
use crate::data::*;
/// The Platform trait declares all the functions for getting system information.
/// NOTE: any impl MUST override one of `uptime` or `boot_time`.
pub trait Platform {
fn new() -> Self;
/// Returns a delayed vector of CPU load statistics, one object per CPU (core).
/// You need to wait some time (about a second is good) before unwrapping the
/// `DelayedMeasurement` with `.done()`.
fn cpu_load(&self) -> io::Result<DelayedMeasurement<Vec<CPULoad>>>;
/// Returns a delayed CPU load statistics object, average over all CPUs (cores).
/// You need to wait some time (about a second is good) before unwrapping the
/// `DelayedMeasurement` with `.done()`.
fn cpu_load_aggregate(&self) -> io::Result<DelayedMeasurement<CPULoad>> {
let measurement = self.cpu_load()?;
Box::new(move || measurement.done().map(|ls| {
let mut it = ls.iter();
let first =; // has to be a variable, rust moves the iterator otherwise
it.fold(first, |acc, l| acc.avg_add(l))
/// Returns a load average object.
fn load_average(&self) -> io::Result<LoadAverage>;
/// Returns a memory information object.
fn memory(&self) -> io::Result<Memory>;
/// Returns a swap memory information object.
fn swap(&self) -> io::Result<Swap>;
/// Returns a swap and a memory information object.
/// On some platforms this is more efficient than calling memory() and swap() separately
/// If memory() or swap() are not implemented for a platform, this function will fail.
fn memory_and_swap(&self) -> io::Result<(Memory, Swap)> {
// Do swap first, in order to fail fast if it's not implemented
let swap = self.swap()?;
let memory = self.memory()?;
Ok((memory, swap))
/// Returns the system uptime.
fn uptime(&self) -> io::Result<Duration> {
self.boot_time().and_then(|bt| {
(OffsetDateTime::now_utc() - bt)
.map_err(|_| io::Error::new(io::ErrorKind::Other, "Could not process time"))
/// Returns the system boot time.
fn boot_time(&self) -> io::Result<OffsetDateTime> {
self.uptime().and_then(|ut| {
- time::Duration::try_from(ut)
.map_err(|_| io::Error::new(io::ErrorKind::Other, "Could not process time"))?)
/// Returns a battery life information object.
fn battery_life(&self) -> io::Result<BatteryLife>;
/// Returns whether AC power is plugged in.
fn on_ac_power(&self) -> io::Result<bool>;
/// Returns a vector of filesystem mount information objects.
fn mounts(&self) -> io::Result<Vec<Filesystem>>;
/// Returns a filesystem mount information object for the filesystem at a given path.
fn mount_at<P: AsRef<path::Path>>(&self, path: P) -> io::Result<Filesystem> {
.and_then(|mounts| {
.find(|mount| path::Path::new(&mount.fs_mounted_on) == path.as_ref())
.ok_or_else(|| io::Error::new(io::ErrorKind::NotFound, "No such mount"))
/// Returns a map of block device statistics objects
fn block_device_statistics(&self) -> io::Result<BTreeMap<String, BlockDeviceStats>>;
/// Returns a map of network intefrace information objects.
/// It's a map because most operating systems return an object per IP address, not per
/// interface, and we're doing deduplication and packing everything into one object per
/// interface. You can use the .values() iterator if you need to iterate over all of them.
fn networks(&self) -> io::Result<BTreeMap<String, Network>>;
/// Returns statistics for a given interface (bytes/packets sent/received)
fn network_stats(&self, interface: &str) -> io::Result<NetworkStats>;
/// Returns the current CPU temperature in degrees Celsius.
/// Depending on the platform, this might be core 0, package, etc.
fn cpu_temp(&self) -> io::Result<f32>;
/// Returns information about the number of sockets in use
fn socket_stats(&self) -> io::Result<SocketStats>;