use std::arch::x86_64::*;
use std::fmt::Debug;
use std::ops::{Deref, DerefMut};
use num_complex::Complex;
use num_traits::Zero;
use crate::{array_utils::DoubleBuf, twiddles, FftDirection};
use super::AvxNum;
pub trait AvxVector: Copy + Debug + Send + Sync {
const SCALAR_PER_VECTOR: usize;
const COMPLEX_PER_VECTOR: usize;
unsafe fn zero() -> Self;
unsafe fn half_root2() -> Self; unsafe fn add(left: Self, right: Self) -> Self;
unsafe fn sub(left: Self, right: Self) -> Self;
unsafe fn xor(left: Self, right: Self) -> Self;
unsafe fn neg(self) -> Self;
unsafe fn mul(left: Self, right: Self) -> Self;
unsafe fn fmadd(left: Self, right: Self, add: Self) -> Self;
unsafe fn fnmadd(left: Self, right: Self, add: Self) -> Self;
unsafe fn fmaddsub(left: Self, right: Self, add: Self) -> Self;
unsafe fn fmsubadd(left: Self, right: Self, add: Self) -> Self;
unsafe fn swap_complex_components(self) -> Self;
unsafe fn duplicate_complex_components(self) -> (Self, Self);
unsafe fn reverse_complex_elements(self) -> Self;
unsafe fn unpacklo_complex(rows: [Self; 2]) -> Self;
unsafe fn unpackhi_complex(rows: [Self; 2]) -> Self;
unsafe fn unpack_complex(rows: [Self; 2]) -> [Self; 2] {
[Self::unpacklo_complex(rows), Self::unpackhi_complex(rows)]
unsafe fn broadcast_twiddle(index: usize, len: usize, direction: FftDirection) -> Self;
unsafe fn make_rotation90(direction: FftDirection) -> Rotation90<Self>;
unsafe fn make_mixedradix_twiddle_chunk(
x: usize,
y: usize,
len: usize,
direction: FftDirection,
) -> Self;
unsafe fn transpose2_packed(rows: [Self; 2]) -> [Self; 2];
unsafe fn transpose3_packed(rows: [Self; 3]) -> [Self; 3];
unsafe fn transpose4_packed(rows: [Self; 4]) -> [Self; 4];
unsafe fn transpose5_packed(rows: [Self; 5]) -> [Self; 5];
unsafe fn transpose6_packed(rows: [Self; 6]) -> [Self; 6];
unsafe fn transpose7_packed(rows: [Self; 7]) -> [Self; 7];
unsafe fn transpose8_packed(rows: [Self; 8]) -> [Self; 8];
unsafe fn transpose9_packed(rows: [Self; 9]) -> [Self; 9];
unsafe fn transpose11_packed(rows: [Self; 11]) -> [Self; 11];
unsafe fn transpose12_packed(rows: [Self; 12]) -> [Self; 12];
unsafe fn transpose16_packed(rows: [Self; 16]) -> [Self; 16];
unsafe fn mul_complex(left: Self, right: Self) -> Self {
let (left_real, left_imag) = Self::duplicate_complex_components(left);
let right_shuffled = Self::swap_complex_components(right);
let output_right = Self::mul(left_imag, right_shuffled);
Self::fmaddsub(left_real, right, output_right)
unsafe fn rotate90(self, rotation: Rotation90<Self>) -> Self {
let negated = Self::xor(self, rotation.0);
unsafe fn column_butterfly2(rows: [Self; 2]) -> [Self; 2] {
[Self::add(rows[0], rows[1]), Self::sub(rows[0], rows[1])]
unsafe fn column_butterfly3(rows: [Self; 3], twiddles: Self) -> [Self; 3] {
let [mut mid1, mid2] = Self::column_butterfly2([rows[1], rows[2]]);
let output0 = Self::add(rows[0], mid1);
let (twiddle_real, twiddle_imag) = Self::duplicate_complex_components(twiddles);
mid1 = Self::fmadd(mid1, twiddle_real, rows[0]);
let rotation = Self::make_rotation90(FftDirection::Inverse);
let mid2_rotated = Self::rotate90(mid2, rotation);
let output1 = Self::fmadd(mid2_rotated, twiddle_imag, mid1);
let output2 = Self::fnmadd(mid2_rotated, twiddle_imag, mid1);
[output0, output1, output2]
unsafe fn column_butterfly4(rows: [Self; 4], rotation: Rotation90<Self>) -> [Self; 4] {
let [mid0, mid2] = Self::column_butterfly2([rows[0], rows[2]]);
let [mid1, mid3] = Self::column_butterfly2([rows[1], rows[3]]);
let mid3_rotated = mid3.rotate90(rotation);
let [output0, output1] = Self::column_butterfly2([mid0, mid1]);
let [output2, output3] = Self::column_butterfly2([mid2, mid3_rotated]);
[output0, output2, output1, output3]
unsafe fn column_butterfly4_negaterow3(
rows: [Self; 4],
rotation: Rotation90<Self>,
) -> [Self; 4] {
let [mid0, mid2] = Self::column_butterfly2([rows[0], rows[2]]);
let (mid1, mid3) = (Self::sub(rows[1], rows[3]), Self::add(rows[1], rows[3])); let mid3_rotated = mid3.rotate90(rotation);
let [output0, output1] = Self::column_butterfly2([mid0, mid1]);
let [output2, output3] = Self::column_butterfly2([mid2, mid3_rotated]);
[output0, output2, output1, output3]
unsafe fn column_butterfly5(rows: [Self; 5], twiddles: [Self; 2]) -> [Self; 5] {
let [sum1, diff4] = Self::column_butterfly2([rows[1], rows[4]]);
let [sum2, diff3] = Self::column_butterfly2([rows[2], rows[3]]);
let rotation = Self::make_rotation90(FftDirection::Inverse);
let rotated4 = Self::rotate90(diff4, rotation);
let rotated3 = Self::rotate90(diff3, rotation);
let sum1234 = Self::add(sum1, sum2);
let output0 = Self::add(rows[0], sum1234);
let (twiddles0_re, twiddles0_im) = Self::duplicate_complex_components(twiddles[0]);
let (twiddles1_re, twiddles1_im) = Self::duplicate_complex_components(twiddles[1]);
let twiddled1_mid = Self::fmadd(twiddles0_re, sum1, rows[0]);
let twiddled2_mid = Self::fmadd(twiddles1_re, sum1, rows[0]);
let twiddled3_mid = Self::mul(twiddles1_im, rotated4);
let twiddled4_mid = Self::mul(twiddles0_im, rotated4);
let twiddled1 = Self::fmadd(twiddles1_re, sum2, twiddled1_mid);
let twiddled2 = Self::fmadd(twiddles0_re, sum2, twiddled2_mid);
let twiddled3 = Self::fnmadd(twiddles0_im, rotated3, twiddled3_mid); let twiddled4 = Self::fmadd(twiddles1_im, rotated3, twiddled4_mid);
let [output1, output4] = Self::column_butterfly2([twiddled1, twiddled4]);
let [output2, output3] = Self::column_butterfly2([twiddled2, twiddled3]);
[output0, output1, output2, output3, output4]
unsafe fn column_butterfly7(rows: [Self; 7], twiddles: [Self; 3]) -> [Self; 7] {
let [sum1, diff6] = Self::column_butterfly2([rows[1], rows[6]]);
let [sum2, diff5] = Self::column_butterfly2([rows[2], rows[5]]);
let [sum3, diff4] = Self::column_butterfly2([rows[3], rows[4]]);
let rotation = Self::make_rotation90(FftDirection::Inverse);
let rotated4 = Self::rotate90(diff4, rotation);
let rotated5 = Self::rotate90(diff5, rotation);
let rotated6 = Self::rotate90(diff6, rotation);
let output0_left = Self::add(sum1, sum2);
let output0_right = Self::add(sum3, rows[0]);
let output0 = Self::add(output0_left, output0_right);
let (twiddles0_re, twiddles0_im) = Self::duplicate_complex_components(twiddles[0]);
let (twiddles1_re, twiddles1_im) = Self::duplicate_complex_components(twiddles[1]);
let (twiddles2_re, twiddles2_im) = Self::duplicate_complex_components(twiddles[2]);
let twiddled1_mid = Self::fmadd(twiddles0_re, sum1, rows[0]);
let twiddled2_mid = Self::fmadd(twiddles1_re, sum1, rows[0]);
let twiddled3_mid = Self::fmadd(twiddles2_re, sum1, rows[0]);
let twiddled4_mid = Self::mul(twiddles2_im, rotated6);
let twiddled5_mid = Self::mul(twiddles1_im, rotated6);
let twiddled6_mid = Self::mul(twiddles0_im, rotated6);
let twiddled1_mid2 = Self::fmadd(twiddles1_re, sum2, twiddled1_mid);
let twiddled2_mid2 = Self::fmadd(twiddles2_re, sum2, twiddled2_mid);
let twiddled3_mid2 = Self::fmadd(twiddles0_re, sum2, twiddled3_mid);
let twiddled4_mid2 = Self::fnmadd(twiddles0_im, rotated5, twiddled4_mid); let twiddled5_mid2 = Self::fnmadd(twiddles2_im, rotated5, twiddled5_mid);
let twiddled6_mid2 = Self::fmadd(twiddles1_im, rotated5, twiddled6_mid);
let twiddled1 = Self::fmadd(twiddles2_re, sum3, twiddled1_mid2);
let twiddled2 = Self::fmadd(twiddles0_re, sum3, twiddled2_mid2);
let twiddled3 = Self::fmadd(twiddles1_re, sum3, twiddled3_mid2);
let twiddled4 = Self::fmadd(twiddles1_im, rotated4, twiddled4_mid2);
let twiddled5 = Self::fnmadd(twiddles0_im, rotated4, twiddled5_mid2);
let twiddled6 = Self::fmadd(twiddles2_im, rotated4, twiddled6_mid2);
let [output1, output6] = Self::column_butterfly2([twiddled1, twiddled6]);
let [output2, output5] = Self::column_butterfly2([twiddled2, twiddled5]);
let [output3, output4] = Self::column_butterfly2([twiddled3, twiddled4]);
output0, output1, output2, output3, output4, output5, output6,
unsafe fn column_butterfly8(rows: [Self; 8], rotation: Rotation90<Self>) -> [Self; 8] {
let mid0 = Self::column_butterfly4([rows[0], rows[2], rows[4], rows[6]], rotation);
let mut mid1 = Self::column_butterfly4([rows[1], rows[3], rows[5], rows[7]], rotation);
mid1[1] = apply_butterfly8_twiddle1(mid1[1], rotation);
mid1[2] = mid1[2].rotate90(rotation);
mid1[3] = apply_butterfly8_twiddle3(mid1[3], rotation);
let [output0, output1] = Self::column_butterfly2([mid0[0], mid1[0]]);
let [output2, output3] = Self::column_butterfly2([mid0[1], mid1[1]]);
let [output4, output5] = Self::column_butterfly2([mid0[2], mid1[2]]);
let [output6, output7] = Self::column_butterfly2([mid0[3], mid1[3]]);
output0, output2, output4, output6, output1, output3, output5, output7,
unsafe fn column_butterfly11(rows: [Self; 11], twiddles: [Self; 5]) -> [Self; 11] {
let [sum1, diff10] = Self::column_butterfly2([rows[1], rows[10]]);
let [sum2, diff9] = Self::column_butterfly2([rows[2], rows[9]]);
let [sum3, diff8] = Self::column_butterfly2([rows[3], rows[8]]);
let [sum4, diff7] = Self::column_butterfly2([rows[4], rows[7]]);
let [sum5, diff6] = Self::column_butterfly2([rows[5], rows[6]]);
let rotation = Self::make_rotation90(FftDirection::Inverse);
let rotated10 = Self::rotate90(diff10, rotation);
let rotated9 = Self::rotate90(diff9, rotation);
let rotated8 = Self::rotate90(diff8, rotation);
let rotated7 = Self::rotate90(diff7, rotation);
let rotated6 = Self::rotate90(diff6, rotation);
let sum01 = Self::add(rows[0], sum1);
let sum23 = Self::add(sum2, sum3);
let sum45 = Self::add(sum4, sum5);
let sum0123 = Self::add(sum01, sum23);
let output0 = Self::add(sum0123, sum45);
let (twiddles0_re, twiddles0_im) = Self::duplicate_complex_components(twiddles[0]);
let (twiddles1_re, twiddles1_im) = Self::duplicate_complex_components(twiddles[1]);
let (twiddles2_re, twiddles2_im) = Self::duplicate_complex_components(twiddles[2]);
let (twiddles3_re, twiddles3_im) = Self::duplicate_complex_components(twiddles[3]);
let (twiddles4_re, twiddles4_im) = Self::duplicate_complex_components(twiddles[4]);
let twiddled1 = Self::fmadd(twiddles0_re, sum1, rows[0]);
let twiddled2 = Self::fmadd(twiddles1_re, sum1, rows[0]);
let twiddled3 = Self::fmadd(twiddles2_re, sum1, rows[0]);
let twiddled4 = Self::fmadd(twiddles3_re, sum1, rows[0]);
let twiddled5 = Self::fmadd(twiddles4_re, sum1, rows[0]);
let twiddled6 = Self::mul(twiddles4_im, rotated10);
let twiddled7 = Self::mul(twiddles3_im, rotated10);
let twiddled8 = Self::mul(twiddles2_im, rotated10);
let twiddled9 = Self::mul(twiddles1_im, rotated10);
let twiddled10 = Self::mul(twiddles0_im, rotated10);
let twiddled1 = Self::fmadd(twiddles1_re, sum2, twiddled1);
let twiddled2 = Self::fmadd(twiddles3_re, sum2, twiddled2);
let twiddled3 = Self::fmadd(twiddles4_re, sum2, twiddled3);
let twiddled4 = Self::fmadd(twiddles2_re, sum2, twiddled4);
let twiddled5 = Self::fmadd(twiddles0_re, sum2, twiddled5);
let twiddled6 = Self::fnmadd(twiddles0_im, rotated9, twiddled6);
let twiddled7 = Self::fnmadd(twiddles2_im, rotated9, twiddled7);
let twiddled8 = Self::fnmadd(twiddles4_im, rotated9, twiddled8);
let twiddled9 = Self::fmadd(twiddles3_im, rotated9, twiddled9);
let twiddled10 = Self::fmadd(twiddles1_im, rotated9, twiddled10);
let twiddled1 = Self::fmadd(twiddles2_re, sum3, twiddled1);
let twiddled2 = Self::fmadd(twiddles4_re, sum3, twiddled2);
let twiddled3 = Self::fmadd(twiddles1_re, sum3, twiddled3);
let twiddled4 = Self::fmadd(twiddles0_re, sum3, twiddled4);
let twiddled5 = Self::fmadd(twiddles3_re, sum3, twiddled5);
let twiddled6 = Self::fmadd(twiddles3_im, rotated8, twiddled6);
let twiddled7 = Self::fmadd(twiddles0_im, rotated8, twiddled7);
let twiddled8 = Self::fnmadd(twiddles1_im, rotated8, twiddled8);
let twiddled9 = Self::fnmadd(twiddles4_im, rotated8, twiddled9);
let twiddled10 = Self::fmadd(twiddles2_im, rotated8, twiddled10);
let twiddled1 = Self::fmadd(twiddles3_re, sum4, twiddled1);
let twiddled2 = Self::fmadd(twiddles2_re, sum4, twiddled2);
let twiddled3 = Self::fmadd(twiddles0_re, sum4, twiddled3);
let twiddled4 = Self::fmadd(twiddles4_re, sum4, twiddled4);
let twiddled5 = Self::fmadd(twiddles1_re, sum4, twiddled5);
let twiddled6 = Self::fnmadd(twiddles1_im, rotated7, twiddled6);
let twiddled7 = Self::fmadd(twiddles4_im, rotated7, twiddled7);
let twiddled8 = Self::fmadd(twiddles0_im, rotated7, twiddled8);
let twiddled9 = Self::fnmadd(twiddles2_im, rotated7, twiddled9);
let twiddled10 = Self::fmadd(twiddles3_im, rotated7, twiddled10);
let twiddled1 = Self::fmadd(twiddles4_re, sum5, twiddled1);
let twiddled2 = Self::fmadd(twiddles0_re, sum5, twiddled2);
let twiddled3 = Self::fmadd(twiddles3_re, sum5, twiddled3);
let twiddled4 = Self::fmadd(twiddles1_re, sum5, twiddled4);
let twiddled5 = Self::fmadd(twiddles2_re, sum5, twiddled5);
let twiddled6 = Self::fmadd(twiddles2_im, rotated6, twiddled6);
let twiddled7 = Self::fnmadd(twiddles1_im, rotated6, twiddled7);
let twiddled8 = Self::fmadd(twiddles3_im, rotated6, twiddled8);
let twiddled9 = Self::fnmadd(twiddles0_im, rotated6, twiddled9);
let twiddled10 = Self::fmadd(twiddles4_im, rotated6, twiddled10);
let [output1, output10] = Self::column_butterfly2([twiddled1, twiddled10]);
let [output2, output9] = Self::column_butterfly2([twiddled2, twiddled9]);
let [output3, output8] = Self::column_butterfly2([twiddled3, twiddled8]);
let [output4, output7] = Self::column_butterfly2([twiddled4, twiddled7]);
let [output5, output6] = Self::column_butterfly2([twiddled5, twiddled6]);
output0, output1, output2, output3, output4, output5, output6, output7, output8,
output9, output10,
unsafe fn column_butterfly16(
rows: [Self; 16],
twiddles: [Self; 2],
rotation: Rotation90<Self>,
) -> [Self; 16] {
let mid0 = Self::column_butterfly4([rows[0], rows[4], rows[8], rows[12]], rotation);
let mut mid1 = Self::column_butterfly4([rows[1], rows[5], rows[9], rows[13]], rotation);
let mut mid2 = Self::column_butterfly4([rows[2], rows[6], rows[10], rows[14]], rotation);
let mut mid3 = Self::column_butterfly4([rows[3], rows[7], rows[11], rows[15]], rotation);
mid1[1] = Self::mul_complex(mid1[1], twiddles[0]);
mid2[1] = apply_butterfly8_twiddle1(mid2[1], rotation);
mid1[2] = apply_butterfly8_twiddle1(mid1[2], rotation);
mid3[1] = Self::mul_complex(mid3[1], twiddles[1]);
mid1[3] = Self::mul_complex(mid1[3], twiddles[1]);
mid2[2] = mid2[2].rotate90(rotation);
mid3[2] = apply_butterfly8_twiddle3(mid3[2], rotation);
mid2[3] = apply_butterfly8_twiddle3(mid2[3], rotation);
mid3[3] = Self::mul_complex(mid3[3], twiddles[0]);
let output0 = Self::column_butterfly4([mid0[0], mid1[0], mid2[0], mid3[0]], rotation);
let output1 = Self::column_butterfly4([mid0[1], mid1[1], mid2[1], mid3[1]], rotation);
let output2 = Self::column_butterfly4([mid0[2], mid1[2], mid2[2], mid3[2]], rotation);
let output3 =
Self::column_butterfly4_negaterow3([mid0[3], mid1[3], mid2[3], mid3[3]], rotation); [
output0[0], output1[0], output2[0], output3[0], output0[1], output1[1], output2[1],
output3[1], output0[2], output1[2], output2[2], output3[2], output0[3], output1[3],
output2[3], output3[3],
pub trait AvxVector256: AvxVector {
type HalfVector: AvxVector128<FullVector = Self>;
type ScalarType: AvxNum<VectorType = Self>;
unsafe fn lo(self) -> Self::HalfVector;
unsafe fn hi(self) -> Self::HalfVector;
unsafe fn split(self) -> (Self::HalfVector, Self::HalfVector) {
(self.lo(), self.hi())
unsafe fn merge(lo: Self::HalfVector, hi: Self::HalfVector) -> Self;
unsafe fn broadcast_complex_elements(value: Complex<Self::ScalarType>) -> Self;
unsafe fn hadd_complex(self) -> Complex<Self::ScalarType>;
unsafe fn load_complex(ptr: *const Complex<Self::ScalarType>) -> Self;
unsafe fn store_complex(ptr: *mut Complex<Self::ScalarType>, data: Self);
unsafe fn gather_complex_avx2_index32(
ptr: *const Complex<Self::ScalarType>,
indexes: __m128i,
) -> Self;
unsafe fn gather_complex_avx2_index64(
ptr: *const Complex<Self::ScalarType>,
indexes: __m256i,
) -> Self;
unsafe fn load_partial1_complex(ptr: *const Complex<Self::ScalarType>) -> Self::HalfVector;
unsafe fn load_partial2_complex(ptr: *const Complex<Self::ScalarType>) -> Self::HalfVector;
unsafe fn load_partial3_complex(ptr: *const Complex<Self::ScalarType>) -> Self;
unsafe fn store_partial1_complex(ptr: *mut Complex<Self::ScalarType>, data: Self::HalfVector);
unsafe fn store_partial2_complex(ptr: *mut Complex<Self::ScalarType>, data: Self::HalfVector);
unsafe fn store_partial3_complex(ptr: *mut Complex<Self::ScalarType>, data: Self);
unsafe fn column_butterfly6(rows: [Self; 6], twiddles: Self) -> [Self; 6] {
let mid0 = Self::column_butterfly3([rows[0], rows[2], rows[4]], twiddles);
let mid1 = Self::column_butterfly3([rows[3], rows[5], rows[1]], twiddles);
let [output0, output1] = Self::column_butterfly2([mid0[0], mid1[0]]);
let [output2, output3] = Self::column_butterfly2([mid0[1], mid1[1]]);
let [output4, output5] = Self::column_butterfly2([mid0[2], mid1[2]]);
[output0, output3, output4, output1, output2, output5]
unsafe fn column_butterfly9(
rows: [Self; 9],
twiddles: [Self; 3],
butterfly3_twiddles: Self,
) -> [Self; 9] {
let mid0 = Self::column_butterfly3([rows[0], rows[3], rows[6]], butterfly3_twiddles);
let mut mid1 = Self::column_butterfly3([rows[1], rows[4], rows[7]], butterfly3_twiddles);
let mut mid2 = Self::column_butterfly3([rows[2], rows[5], rows[8]], butterfly3_twiddles);
mid1[1] = Self::mul_complex(twiddles[0], mid1[1]);
mid1[2] = Self::mul_complex(twiddles[1], mid1[2]);
mid2[1] = Self::mul_complex(twiddles[1], mid2[1]);
mid2[2] = Self::mul_complex(twiddles[2], mid2[2]);
let [output0, output1, output2] =
Self::column_butterfly3([mid0[0], mid1[0], mid2[0]], butterfly3_twiddles);
let [output3, output4, output5] =
Self::column_butterfly3([mid0[1], mid1[1], mid2[1]], butterfly3_twiddles);
let [output6, output7, output8] =
Self::column_butterfly3([mid0[2], mid1[2], mid2[2]], butterfly3_twiddles);
output0, output3, output6, output1, output4, output7, output2, output5, output8,
unsafe fn column_butterfly12(
rows: [Self; 12],
butterfly3_twiddles: Self,
rotation: Rotation90<Self>,
) -> [Self; 12] {
let mid0 = Self::column_butterfly4([rows[0], rows[3], rows[6], rows[9]], rotation);
let mid1 = Self::column_butterfly4([rows[4], rows[7], rows[10], rows[1]], rotation);
let mid2 = Self::column_butterfly4([rows[8], rows[11], rows[2], rows[5]], rotation);
let [output0, output1, output2] =
Self::column_butterfly3([mid0[0], mid1[0], mid2[0]], butterfly3_twiddles);
let [output3, output4, output5] =
Self::column_butterfly3([mid0[1], mid1[1], mid2[1]], butterfly3_twiddles);
let [output6, output7, output8] =
Self::column_butterfly3([mid0[2], mid1[2], mid2[2]], butterfly3_twiddles);
let [output9, output10, output11] =
Self::column_butterfly3([mid0[3], mid1[3], mid2[3]], butterfly3_twiddles);
output0, output4, output8, output9, output1, output5, output6, output10, output2,
output3, output7, output11,
pub trait AvxVector128: AvxVector {
type FullVector: AvxVector256<HalfVector = Self>;
unsafe fn merge(lo: Self, hi: Self) -> Self::FullVector;
unsafe fn zero_extend(self) -> Self::FullVector;
unsafe fn lo(input: Self::FullVector) -> Self;
unsafe fn hi(input: Self::FullVector) -> Self;
unsafe fn split(input: Self::FullVector) -> (Self, Self) {
(Self::lo(input), Self::hi(input))
unsafe fn lo_rotation(input: Rotation90<Self::FullVector>) -> Rotation90<Self>;
unsafe fn broadcast_complex_elements(
value: Complex<<<Self as AvxVector128>::FullVector as AvxVector256>::ScalarType>,
) -> Self;
unsafe fn gather32_complex_avx2(
ptr: *const Complex<<Self::FullVector as AvxVector256>::ScalarType>,
indexes: __m128i,
) -> Self;
unsafe fn gather64_complex_avx2(
ptr: *const Complex<<Self::FullVector as AvxVector256>::ScalarType>,
indexes: __m128i,
) -> Self;
unsafe fn column_butterfly6(rows: [Self; 6], twiddles: Self::FullVector) -> [Self; 6] {
let rows03 = Self::merge(rows[0], rows[3]);
let rows25 = Self::merge(rows[2], rows[5]);
let rows41 = Self::merge(rows[4], rows[1]);
let mid = Self::FullVector::column_butterfly3([rows03, rows25, rows41], twiddles);
let (mid0_0, mid1_0) = Self::split(mid[0]);
let (mid0_1, mid1_1) = Self::split(mid[1]);
let (mid0_2, mid1_2) = Self::split(mid[2]);
let [output0, output1] = Self::column_butterfly2([mid0_0, mid1_0]);
let [output2, output3] = Self::column_butterfly2([mid0_1, mid1_1]);
let [output4, output5] = Self::column_butterfly2([mid0_2, mid1_2]);
[output0, output3, output4, output1, output2, output5]
unsafe fn column_butterfly9(
rows: [Self; 9],
twiddles_merged: [Self::FullVector; 2],
butterfly3_twiddles: Self::FullVector,
) -> [Self; 9] {
let rows12 = Self::merge(rows[1], rows[2]);
let rows45 = Self::merge(rows[4], rows[5]);
let rows78 = Self::merge(rows[7], rows[8]);
let mid0 =
Self::column_butterfly3([rows[0], rows[3], rows[6]], Self::lo(butterfly3_twiddles));
let mut mid12 =
Self::FullVector::column_butterfly3([rows12, rows45, rows78], butterfly3_twiddles);
mid12[1] = Self::FullVector::mul_complex(twiddles_merged[0], mid12[1]);
mid12[2] = Self::FullVector::mul_complex(twiddles_merged[1], mid12[2]);
let (mid1_0, mid2_0) = Self::split(mid12[0]);
let (mid1_1, mid2_1) = Self::split(mid12[1]);
let (mid1_2, mid2_2) = Self::split(mid12[2]);
let transposed12 = Self::merge(mid0[1], mid0[2]);
let transposed45 = Self::merge(mid1_1, mid1_2);
let transposed78 = Self::merge(mid2_1, mid2_2);
let [output0, output1, output2] =
Self::column_butterfly3([mid0[0], mid1_0, mid2_0], Self::lo(butterfly3_twiddles));
let [output36, output47, output58] = Self::FullVector::column_butterfly3(
[transposed12, transposed45, transposed78],
let (output3, output6) = Self::split(output36);
let (output4, output7) = Self::split(output47);
let (output5, output8) = Self::split(output58);
output0, output3, output6, output1, output4, output7, output2, output5, output8,
unsafe fn column_butterfly12(
rows: [Self; 12],
butterfly3_twiddles: Self::FullVector,
rotation: Rotation90<Self::FullVector>,
) -> [Self; 12] {
let rows48 = Self::merge(rows[4], rows[8]);
let rows711 = Self::merge(rows[7], rows[11]);
let rows102 = Self::merge(rows[10], rows[2]);
let rows15 = Self::merge(rows[1], rows[5]);
let mid0 = Self::column_butterfly4(
[rows[0], rows[3], rows[6], rows[9]],
let mid12 =
Self::FullVector::column_butterfly4([rows48, rows711, rows102, rows15], rotation);
let (mid1_0, mid2_0) = Self::split(mid12[0]);
let (mid1_1, mid2_1) = Self::split(mid12[1]);
let (mid1_2, mid2_2) = Self::split(mid12[2]);
let (mid1_3, mid2_3) = Self::split(mid12[3]);
let transposed03 = Self::merge(mid0[0], mid0[1]);
let transposed14 = Self::merge(mid1_0, mid1_1);
let transposed25 = Self::merge(mid2_0, mid2_1);
let transposed69 = Self::merge(mid0[2], mid0[3]);
let transposed710 = Self::merge(mid1_2, mid1_3);
let transposed811 = Self::merge(mid2_2, mid2_3);
let [output03, output14, output25] = Self::FullVector::column_butterfly3(
[transposed03, transposed14, transposed25],
let [output69, output710, output811] = Self::FullVector::column_butterfly3(
[transposed69, transposed710, transposed811],
let (output0, output3) = Self::split(output03);
let (output1, output4) = Self::split(output14);
let (output2, output5) = Self::split(output25);
let (output6, output9) = Self::split(output69);
let (output7, output10) = Self::split(output710);
let (output8, output11) = Self::split(output811);
output0, output4, output8, output9, output1, output5, output6, output10, output2,
output3, output7, output11,
pub unsafe fn apply_butterfly8_twiddle1<V: AvxVector>(input: V, rotation: Rotation90<V>) -> V {
let rotated = input.rotate90(rotation);
let combined = V::add(rotated, input);
V::mul(V::half_root2(), combined)
pub unsafe fn apply_butterfly8_twiddle3<V: AvxVector>(input: V, rotation: Rotation90<V>) -> V {
let rotated = input.rotate90(rotation);
let combined = V::sub(rotated, input);
V::mul(V::half_root2(), combined)
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug)]
pub struct Rotation90<V>(V);
impl<V: AvxVector256> Rotation90<V> {
pub unsafe fn lo(self) -> Rotation90<V::HalfVector> {
impl AvxVector for __m256 {
const SCALAR_PER_VECTOR: usize = 8;
const COMPLEX_PER_VECTOR: usize = 4;
unsafe fn zero() -> Self {
unsafe fn half_root2() -> Self {
unsafe fn xor(left: Self, right: Self) -> Self {
_mm256_xor_ps(left, right)
unsafe fn neg(self) -> Self {
_mm256_xor_ps(self, _mm256_broadcast_ss(&-0.0))
unsafe fn add(left: Self, right: Self) -> Self {
_mm256_add_ps(left, right)
unsafe fn sub(left: Self, right: Self) -> Self {
_mm256_sub_ps(left, right)
unsafe fn mul(left: Self, right: Self) -> Self {
_mm256_mul_ps(left, right)
unsafe fn fmadd(left: Self, right: Self, add: Self) -> Self {
_mm256_fmadd_ps(left, right, add)
unsafe fn fnmadd(left: Self, right: Self, add: Self) -> Self {
_mm256_fnmadd_ps(left, right, add)
unsafe fn fmaddsub(left: Self, right: Self, add: Self) -> Self {
_mm256_fmaddsub_ps(left, right, add)
unsafe fn fmsubadd(left: Self, right: Self, add: Self) -> Self {
_mm256_fmsubadd_ps(left, right, add)
unsafe fn reverse_complex_elements(self) -> Self {
let permuted = _mm256_permute_ps(self, 0x4E);
_mm256_permute2f128_ps(permuted, permuted, 0x01)
unsafe fn unpacklo_complex(rows: [Self; 2]) -> Self {
let row0_double = _mm256_castps_pd(rows[0]);
let row1_double = _mm256_castps_pd(rows[1]);
let unpacked = _mm256_unpacklo_pd(row0_double, row1_double);
unsafe fn unpackhi_complex(rows: [Self; 2]) -> Self {
let row0_double = _mm256_castps_pd(rows[0]);
let row1_double = _mm256_castps_pd(rows[1]);
let unpacked = _mm256_unpackhi_pd(row0_double, row1_double);
unsafe fn swap_complex_components(self) -> Self {
_mm256_permute_ps(self, 0xB1)
unsafe fn duplicate_complex_components(self) -> (Self, Self) {
(_mm256_moveldup_ps(self), _mm256_movehdup_ps(self))
unsafe fn make_rotation90(direction: FftDirection) -> Rotation90<Self> {
let broadcast = match direction {
FftDirection::Forward => Complex::new(-0.0, 0.0),
FftDirection::Inverse => Complex::new(0.0, -0.0),
unsafe fn make_mixedradix_twiddle_chunk(
x: usize,
y: usize,
len: usize,
direction: FftDirection,
) -> Self {
let mut twiddle_chunk = [Complex::<f32>::zero(); Self::COMPLEX_PER_VECTOR];
for i in 0..Self::COMPLEX_PER_VECTOR {
twiddle_chunk[i] = twiddles::compute_twiddle(y * (x + i), len, direction);
unsafe fn broadcast_twiddle(index: usize, len: usize, direction: FftDirection) -> Self {
Self::broadcast_complex_elements(twiddles::compute_twiddle(index, len, direction))
unsafe fn transpose2_packed(rows: [Self; 2]) -> [Self; 2] {
let unpacked = Self::unpack_complex(rows);
let output0 = _mm256_permute2f128_ps(unpacked[0], unpacked[1], 0x20);
let output1 = _mm256_permute2f128_ps(unpacked[0], unpacked[1], 0x31);
[output0, output1]
unsafe fn transpose3_packed(rows: [Self; 3]) -> [Self; 3] {
let unpacked0 = Self::unpacklo_complex([rows[0], rows[1]]);
let unpacked2 = Self::unpackhi_complex([rows[1], rows[2]]);
let blended = _mm256_blend_ps(rows[0], rows[2], 0x33);
let output1 = _mm256_permute2f128_ps(unpacked0, unpacked2, 0x12);
let output0 = _mm256_permute2f128_ps(unpacked0, blended, 0x20);
let output2 = _mm256_permute2f128_ps(unpacked2, blended, 0x13);
[output0, output1, output2]
unsafe fn transpose4_packed(rows: [Self; 4]) -> [Self; 4] {
let permute0 = _mm256_permute2f128_ps(rows[0], rows[2], 0x20);
let permute1 = _mm256_permute2f128_ps(rows[1], rows[3], 0x20);
let permute2 = _mm256_permute2f128_ps(rows[0], rows[2], 0x31);
let permute3 = _mm256_permute2f128_ps(rows[1], rows[3], 0x31);
let [unpacked0, unpacked1] = Self::unpack_complex([permute0, permute1]);
let [unpacked2, unpacked3] = Self::unpack_complex([permute2, permute3]);
[unpacked0, unpacked1, unpacked2, unpacked3]
unsafe fn transpose5_packed(rows: [Self; 5]) -> [Self; 5] {
let unpacked0 = Self::unpacklo_complex([rows[0], rows[1]]);
let unpacked1 = Self::unpackhi_complex([rows[1], rows[2]]);
let unpacked2 = Self::unpacklo_complex([rows[2], rows[3]]);
let unpacked3 = Self::unpackhi_complex([rows[3], rows[4]]);
let blended04 = _mm256_blend_ps(rows[0], rows[4], 0x33);
_mm256_permute2f128_ps(unpacked0, unpacked2, 0x20),
_mm256_permute2f128_ps(blended04, unpacked1, 0x20),
_mm256_blend_ps(unpacked0, unpacked3, 0x0f),
_mm256_permute2f128_ps(unpacked2, blended04, 0x31),
_mm256_permute2f128_ps(unpacked1, unpacked3, 0x31),
unsafe fn transpose6_packed(rows: [Self; 6]) -> [Self; 6] {
let [unpacked0, unpacked1] = Self::unpack_complex([rows[0], rows[1]]);
let [unpacked2, unpacked3] = Self::unpack_complex([rows[2], rows[3]]);
let [unpacked4, unpacked5] = Self::unpack_complex([rows[4], rows[5]]);
_mm256_permute2f128_ps(unpacked0, unpacked2, 0x20),
_mm256_permute2f128_ps(unpacked1, unpacked4, 0x02),
_mm256_permute2f128_ps(unpacked3, unpacked5, 0x20),
_mm256_permute2f128_ps(unpacked0, unpacked2, 0x31),
_mm256_permute2f128_ps(unpacked1, unpacked4, 0x13),
_mm256_permute2f128_ps(unpacked3, unpacked5, 0x31),
unsafe fn transpose7_packed(rows: [Self; 7]) -> [Self; 7] {
let unpacked0 = Self::unpacklo_complex([rows[0], rows[1]]);
let unpacked1 = Self::unpackhi_complex([rows[1], rows[2]]);
let unpacked2 = Self::unpacklo_complex([rows[2], rows[3]]);
let unpacked3 = Self::unpackhi_complex([rows[3], rows[4]]);
let unpacked4 = Self::unpacklo_complex([rows[4], rows[5]]);
let unpacked5 = Self::unpackhi_complex([rows[5], rows[6]]);
let blended06 = _mm256_blend_ps(rows[0], rows[6], 0x33);
_mm256_permute2f128_ps(unpacked0, unpacked2, 0x20),
_mm256_permute2f128_ps(unpacked4, blended06, 0x20),
_mm256_permute2f128_ps(unpacked1, unpacked3, 0x20),
_mm256_blend_ps(unpacked0, unpacked5, 0x0f),
_mm256_permute2f128_ps(unpacked2, unpacked4, 0x31),
_mm256_permute2f128_ps(blended06, unpacked1, 0x31),
_mm256_permute2f128_ps(unpacked3, unpacked5, 0x31),
unsafe fn transpose8_packed(rows: [Self; 8]) -> [Self; 8] {
let chunk0 = [rows[0], rows[1], rows[2], rows[3]];
let chunk1 = [rows[4], rows[5], rows[6], rows[7]];
let output0 = Self::transpose4_packed(chunk0);
let output1 = Self::transpose4_packed(chunk1);
output0[0], output1[0], output0[1], output1[1], output0[2], output1[2], output0[3],
unsafe fn transpose9_packed(rows: [Self; 9]) -> [Self; 9] {
let unpacked0 = Self::unpacklo_complex([rows[0], rows[1]]);
let unpacked1 = Self::unpackhi_complex([rows[1], rows[2]]);
let unpacked2 = Self::unpacklo_complex([rows[2], rows[3]]);
let unpacked3 = Self::unpackhi_complex([rows[3], rows[4]]);
let unpacked5 = Self::unpacklo_complex([rows[4], rows[5]]);
let unpacked6 = Self::unpackhi_complex([rows[5], rows[6]]);
let unpacked7 = Self::unpacklo_complex([rows[6], rows[7]]);
let unpacked8 = Self::unpackhi_complex([rows[7], rows[8]]);
let blended9 = _mm256_blend_ps(rows[0], rows[8], 0x33);
_mm256_permute2f128_ps(unpacked0, unpacked2, 0x20),
_mm256_permute2f128_ps(unpacked5, unpacked7, 0x20),
_mm256_permute2f128_ps(blended9, unpacked1, 0x20),
_mm256_permute2f128_ps(unpacked3, unpacked6, 0x20),
_mm256_blend_ps(unpacked0, unpacked8, 0x0f),
_mm256_permute2f128_ps(unpacked2, unpacked5, 0x31),
_mm256_permute2f128_ps(unpacked7, blended9, 0x31),
_mm256_permute2f128_ps(unpacked1, unpacked3, 0x31),
_mm256_permute2f128_ps(unpacked6, unpacked8, 0x31),
unsafe fn transpose11_packed(rows: [Self; 11]) -> [Self; 11] {
let unpacked0 = Self::unpacklo_complex([rows[0], rows[1]]);
let unpacked1 = Self::unpackhi_complex([rows[1], rows[2]]);
let unpacked2 = Self::unpacklo_complex([rows[2], rows[3]]);
let unpacked3 = Self::unpackhi_complex([rows[3], rows[4]]);
let unpacked4 = Self::unpacklo_complex([rows[4], rows[5]]);
let unpacked5 = Self::unpackhi_complex([rows[5], rows[6]]);
let unpacked6 = Self::unpacklo_complex([rows[6], rows[7]]);
let unpacked7 = Self::unpackhi_complex([rows[7], rows[8]]);
let unpacked8 = Self::unpacklo_complex([rows[8], rows[9]]);
let unpacked9 = Self::unpackhi_complex([rows[9], rows[10]]);
let blended10 = _mm256_blend_ps(rows[0], rows[10], 0x33);
_mm256_permute2f128_ps(unpacked0, unpacked2, 0x20),
_mm256_permute2f128_ps(unpacked4, unpacked6, 0x20),
_mm256_permute2f128_ps(unpacked8, blended10, 0x20),
_mm256_permute2f128_ps(unpacked1, unpacked3, 0x20),
_mm256_permute2f128_ps(unpacked5, unpacked7, 0x20),
_mm256_blend_ps(unpacked0, unpacked9, 0x0f),
_mm256_permute2f128_ps(unpacked2, unpacked4, 0x31),
_mm256_permute2f128_ps(unpacked6, unpacked8, 0x31),
_mm256_permute2f128_ps(blended10, unpacked1, 0x31),
_mm256_permute2f128_ps(unpacked3, unpacked5, 0x31),
_mm256_permute2f128_ps(unpacked7, unpacked9, 0x31),
unsafe fn transpose12_packed(rows: [Self; 12]) -> [Self; 12] {
let chunk0 = [rows[0], rows[1], rows[2], rows[3]];
let chunk1 = [rows[4], rows[5], rows[6], rows[7]];
let chunk2 = [rows[8], rows[9], rows[10], rows[11]];
let output0 = Self::transpose4_packed(chunk0);
let output1 = Self::transpose4_packed(chunk1);
let output2 = Self::transpose4_packed(chunk2);
output0[0], output1[0], output2[0], output0[1], output1[1], output2[1], output0[2],
output1[2], output2[2], output0[3], output1[3], output2[3],
unsafe fn transpose16_packed(rows: [Self; 16]) -> [Self; 16] {
let chunk0 = [
rows[0], rows[1], rows[2], rows[3], rows[4], rows[5], rows[6], rows[7],
let chunk1 = [
rows[8], rows[9], rows[10], rows[11], rows[12], rows[13], rows[14], rows[15],
let output0 = Self::transpose8_packed(chunk0);
let output1 = Self::transpose8_packed(chunk1);
output0[0], output0[1], output1[0], output1[1], output0[2], output0[3], output1[2],
output1[3], output0[4], output0[5], output1[4], output1[5], output0[6], output0[7],
output1[6], output1[7],
impl AvxVector256 for __m256 {
type ScalarType = f32;
type HalfVector = __m128;
unsafe fn lo(self) -> Self::HalfVector {
unsafe fn hi(self) -> Self::HalfVector {
_mm256_extractf128_ps(self, 1)
unsafe fn merge(lo: Self::HalfVector, hi: Self::HalfVector) -> Self {
_mm256_insertf128_ps(_mm256_castps128_ps256(lo), hi, 1)
unsafe fn broadcast_complex_elements(value: Complex<Self::ScalarType>) -> Self {
unsafe fn hadd_complex(self) -> Complex<Self::ScalarType> {
let lo = self.lo();
let hi = self.hi();
let sum = _mm_add_ps(lo, hi);
let shuffled_sum = Self::HalfVector::unpackhi_complex([sum, sum]);
let result = _mm_add_ps(sum, shuffled_sum);
let mut result_storage = [Complex::zero(); 1];
.store_partial1_complex(result, 0);
unsafe fn load_complex(ptr: *const Complex<Self::ScalarType>) -> Self {
_mm256_loadu_ps(ptr as *const Self::ScalarType)
unsafe fn store_complex(ptr: *mut Complex<Self::ScalarType>, data: Self) {
_mm256_storeu_ps(ptr as *mut Self::ScalarType, data)
unsafe fn gather_complex_avx2_index32(
ptr: *const Complex<Self::ScalarType>,
indexes: __m128i,
) -> Self {
_mm256_castpd_ps(_mm256_i32gather_pd(ptr as *const f64, indexes, 8))
unsafe fn gather_complex_avx2_index64(
ptr: *const Complex<Self::ScalarType>,
indexes: __m256i,
) -> Self {
_mm256_castpd_ps(_mm256_i64gather_pd(ptr as *const f64, indexes, 8))
unsafe fn load_partial1_complex(ptr: *const Complex<Self::ScalarType>) -> Self::HalfVector {
let data = _mm_load_sd(ptr as *const f64);
unsafe fn load_partial2_complex(ptr: *const Complex<Self::ScalarType>) -> Self::HalfVector {
_mm_loadu_ps(ptr as *const f32)
unsafe fn load_partial3_complex(ptr: *const Complex<Self::ScalarType>) -> Self {
let lo = Self::load_partial2_complex(ptr);
let hi = Self::load_partial1_complex(ptr.add(2));
Self::merge(lo, hi)
unsafe fn store_partial1_complex(ptr: *mut Complex<Self::ScalarType>, data: Self::HalfVector) {
_mm_store_sd(ptr as *mut f64, _mm_castps_pd(data));
unsafe fn store_partial2_complex(ptr: *mut Complex<Self::ScalarType>, data: Self::HalfVector) {
_mm_storeu_ps(ptr as *mut f32, data);
unsafe fn store_partial3_complex(ptr: *mut Complex<Self::ScalarType>, data: Self) {
Self::store_partial2_complex(ptr, data.lo());
Self::store_partial1_complex(ptr.add(2), data.hi());
impl AvxVector for __m128 {
const SCALAR_PER_VECTOR: usize = 4;
const COMPLEX_PER_VECTOR: usize = 2;
unsafe fn zero() -> Self {
unsafe fn half_root2() -> Self {
unsafe fn xor(left: Self, right: Self) -> Self {
_mm_xor_ps(left, right)
unsafe fn neg(self) -> Self {
_mm_xor_ps(self, _mm_broadcast_ss(&-0.0))
unsafe fn add(left: Self, right: Self) -> Self {
_mm_add_ps(left, right)
unsafe fn sub(left: Self, right: Self) -> Self {
_mm_sub_ps(left, right)
unsafe fn mul(left: Self, right: Self) -> Self {
_mm_mul_ps(left, right)
unsafe fn fmadd(left: Self, right: Self, add: Self) -> Self {
_mm_fmadd_ps(left, right, add)
unsafe fn fnmadd(left: Self, right: Self, add: Self) -> Self {
_mm_fnmadd_ps(left, right, add)
unsafe fn fmaddsub(left: Self, right: Self, add: Self) -> Self {
_mm_fmaddsub_ps(left, right, add)
unsafe fn fmsubadd(left: Self, right: Self, add: Self) -> Self {
_mm_fmsubadd_ps(left, right, add)
unsafe fn reverse_complex_elements(self) -> Self {
_mm_permute_ps(self, 0x4E)
unsafe fn unpacklo_complex(rows: [Self; 2]) -> Self {
let row0_double = _mm_castps_pd(rows[0]);
let row1_double = _mm_castps_pd(rows[1]);
let unpacked = _mm_unpacklo_pd(row0_double, row1_double);
unsafe fn unpackhi_complex(rows: [Self; 2]) -> Self {
let row0_double = _mm_castps_pd(rows[0]);
let row1_double = _mm_castps_pd(rows[1]);
let unpacked = _mm_unpackhi_pd(row0_double, row1_double);
unsafe fn swap_complex_components(self) -> Self {
_mm_permute_ps(self, 0xB1)
unsafe fn duplicate_complex_components(self) -> (Self, Self) {
(_mm_moveldup_ps(self), _mm_movehdup_ps(self))
unsafe fn make_rotation90(direction: FftDirection) -> Rotation90<Self> {
let broadcast = match direction {
FftDirection::Forward => Complex::new(-0.0, 0.0),
FftDirection::Inverse => Complex::new(0.0, -0.0),
unsafe fn make_mixedradix_twiddle_chunk(
x: usize,
y: usize,
len: usize,
direction: FftDirection,
) -> Self {
let mut twiddle_chunk = [Complex::<f32>::zero(); Self::COMPLEX_PER_VECTOR];
for i in 0..Self::COMPLEX_PER_VECTOR {
twiddle_chunk[i] = twiddles::compute_twiddle(y * (x + i), len, direction);
_mm_loadu_ps(twiddle_chunk.as_ptr() as *const f32)
unsafe fn broadcast_twiddle(index: usize, len: usize, direction: FftDirection) -> Self {
Self::broadcast_complex_elements(twiddles::compute_twiddle(index, len, direction))
unsafe fn transpose2_packed(rows: [Self; 2]) -> [Self; 2] {
unsafe fn transpose3_packed(rows: [Self; 3]) -> [Self; 3] {
let unpacked0 = Self::unpacklo_complex([rows[0], rows[1]]);
let blended = _mm_blend_ps(rows[0], rows[2], 0x03);
let unpacked2 = Self::unpackhi_complex([rows[1], rows[2]]);
[unpacked0, blended, unpacked2]
unsafe fn transpose4_packed(rows: [Self; 4]) -> [Self; 4] {
let [unpacked0, unpacked1] = Self::unpack_complex([rows[0], rows[1]]);
let [unpacked2, unpacked3] = Self::unpack_complex([rows[2], rows[3]]);
[unpacked0, unpacked2, unpacked1, unpacked3]
unsafe fn transpose5_packed(rows: [Self; 5]) -> [Self; 5] {
Self::unpacklo_complex([rows[0], rows[1]]),
Self::unpacklo_complex([rows[2], rows[3]]),
_mm_blend_ps(rows[0], rows[4], 0x03),
Self::unpackhi_complex([rows[1], rows[2]]),
Self::unpackhi_complex([rows[3], rows[4]]),
unsafe fn transpose6_packed(rows: [Self; 6]) -> [Self; 6] {
let [unpacked0, unpacked1] = Self::unpack_complex([rows[0], rows[1]]);
let [unpacked2, unpacked3] = Self::unpack_complex([rows[2], rows[3]]);
let [unpacked4, unpacked5] = Self::unpack_complex([rows[4], rows[5]]);
unpacked0, unpacked2, unpacked4, unpacked1, unpacked3, unpacked5,
unsafe fn transpose7_packed(rows: [Self; 7]) -> [Self; 7] {
Self::unpacklo_complex([rows[0], rows[1]]),
Self::unpacklo_complex([rows[2], rows[3]]),
Self::unpacklo_complex([rows[4], rows[5]]),
_mm_shuffle_ps(rows[6], rows[0], 0xE4),
Self::unpackhi_complex([rows[1], rows[2]]),
Self::unpackhi_complex([rows[3], rows[4]]),
Self::unpackhi_complex([rows[5], rows[6]]),
unsafe fn transpose8_packed(rows: [Self; 8]) -> [Self; 8] {
let chunk0 = [rows[0], rows[1], rows[2], rows[3]];
let chunk1 = [rows[4], rows[5], rows[6], rows[7]];
let output0 = Self::transpose4_packed(chunk0);
let output1 = Self::transpose4_packed(chunk1);
output0[0], output0[1], output1[0], output1[1], output0[2], output0[3], output1[2],
unsafe fn transpose9_packed(rows: [Self; 9]) -> [Self; 9] {
Self::unpacklo_complex([rows[0], rows[1]]),
Self::unpacklo_complex([rows[2], rows[3]]),
Self::unpacklo_complex([rows[4], rows[5]]),
Self::unpacklo_complex([rows[6], rows[7]]),
_mm_shuffle_ps(rows[8], rows[0], 0xE4),
Self::unpackhi_complex([rows[1], rows[2]]),
Self::unpackhi_complex([rows[3], rows[4]]),
Self::unpackhi_complex([rows[5], rows[6]]),
Self::unpackhi_complex([rows[7], rows[8]]),
unsafe fn transpose11_packed(rows: [Self; 11]) -> [Self; 11] {
Self::unpacklo_complex([rows[0], rows[1]]),
Self::unpacklo_complex([rows[2], rows[3]]),
Self::unpacklo_complex([rows[4], rows[5]]),
Self::unpacklo_complex([rows[6], rows[7]]),
Self::unpacklo_complex([rows[8], rows[9]]),
_mm_shuffle_ps(rows[10], rows[0], 0xE4),
Self::unpackhi_complex([rows[1], rows[2]]),
Self::unpackhi_complex([rows[3], rows[4]]),
Self::unpackhi_complex([rows[5], rows[6]]),
Self::unpackhi_complex([rows[7], rows[8]]),
Self::unpackhi_complex([rows[9], rows[10]]),
unsafe fn transpose12_packed(rows: [Self; 12]) -> [Self; 12] {
let chunk0 = [rows[0], rows[1], rows[2], rows[3]];
let chunk1 = [rows[4], rows[5], rows[6], rows[7]];
let chunk2 = [rows[8], rows[9], rows[10], rows[11]];
let output0 = Self::transpose4_packed(chunk0);
let output1 = Self::transpose4_packed(chunk1);
let output2 = Self::transpose4_packed(chunk2);
output0[0], output0[1], output1[0], output1[1], output2[0], output2[1], output0[2],
output0[3], output1[2], output1[3], output2[2], output2[3],
unsafe fn transpose16_packed(rows: [Self; 16]) -> [Self; 16] {
let chunk0 = [
rows[0], rows[1], rows[2], rows[3], rows[4], rows[5], rows[6], rows[7],
let chunk1 = [
rows[8], rows[9], rows[10], rows[11], rows[12], rows[13], rows[14], rows[15],
let output0 = Self::transpose8_packed(chunk0);
let output1 = Self::transpose8_packed(chunk1);
output0[0], output0[1], output0[2], output0[3], output1[0], output1[1], output1[2],
output1[3], output0[4], output0[5], output0[6], output0[7], output1[4], output1[5],
output1[6], output1[7],
impl AvxVector128 for __m128 {
type FullVector = __m256;
unsafe fn lo(input: Self::FullVector) -> Self {
unsafe fn hi(input: Self::FullVector) -> Self {
_mm256_extractf128_ps(input, 1)
unsafe fn merge(lo: Self, hi: Self) -> Self::FullVector {
_mm256_insertf128_ps(_mm256_castps128_ps256(lo), hi, 1)
unsafe fn zero_extend(self) -> Self::FullVector {
unsafe fn lo_rotation(input: Rotation90<Self::FullVector>) -> Rotation90<Self> {
unsafe fn broadcast_complex_elements(value: Complex<f32>) -> Self {
unsafe fn gather32_complex_avx2(ptr: *const Complex<f32>, indexes: __m128i) -> Self {
_mm_castpd_ps(_mm_i32gather_pd(ptr as *const f64, indexes, 8))
unsafe fn gather64_complex_avx2(ptr: *const Complex<f32>, indexes: __m128i) -> Self {
_mm_castpd_ps(_mm_i64gather_pd(ptr as *const f64, indexes, 8))
impl AvxVector for __m256d {
const SCALAR_PER_VECTOR: usize = 4;
const COMPLEX_PER_VECTOR: usize = 2;
unsafe fn zero() -> Self {
unsafe fn half_root2() -> Self {
unsafe fn xor(left: Self, right: Self) -> Self {
_mm256_xor_pd(left, right)
unsafe fn neg(self) -> Self {
_mm256_xor_pd(self, _mm256_broadcast_sd(&-0.0))
unsafe fn add(left: Self, right: Self) -> Self {
_mm256_add_pd(left, right)
unsafe fn sub(left: Self, right: Self) -> Self {
_mm256_sub_pd(left, right)
unsafe fn mul(left: Self, right: Self) -> Self {
_mm256_mul_pd(left, right)
unsafe fn fmadd(left: Self, right: Self, add: Self) -> Self {
_mm256_fmadd_pd(left, right, add)
unsafe fn fnmadd(left: Self, right: Self, add: Self) -> Self {
_mm256_fnmadd_pd(left, right, add)
unsafe fn fmaddsub(left: Self, right: Self, add: Self) -> Self {
_mm256_fmaddsub_pd(left, right, add)
unsafe fn fmsubadd(left: Self, right: Self, add: Self) -> Self {
_mm256_fmsubadd_pd(left, right, add)
unsafe fn reverse_complex_elements(self) -> Self {
_mm256_permute2f128_pd(self, self, 0x01)
unsafe fn unpacklo_complex(rows: [Self; 2]) -> Self {
_mm256_permute2f128_pd(rows[0], rows[1], 0x20)
unsafe fn unpackhi_complex(rows: [Self; 2]) -> Self {
_mm256_permute2f128_pd(rows[0], rows[1], 0x31)
unsafe fn swap_complex_components(self) -> Self {
_mm256_permute_pd(self, 0x05)
unsafe fn duplicate_complex_components(self) -> (Self, Self) {
(_mm256_movedup_pd(self), _mm256_permute_pd(self, 0x0F))
unsafe fn make_rotation90(direction: FftDirection) -> Rotation90<Self> {
let broadcast = match direction {
FftDirection::Forward => Complex::new(-0.0, 0.0),
FftDirection::Inverse => Complex::new(0.0, -0.0),
unsafe fn make_mixedradix_twiddle_chunk(
x: usize,
y: usize,
len: usize,
direction: FftDirection,
) -> Self {
let mut twiddle_chunk = [Complex::<f64>::zero(); Self::COMPLEX_PER_VECTOR];
for i in 0..Self::COMPLEX_PER_VECTOR {
twiddle_chunk[i] = twiddles::compute_twiddle(y * (x + i), len, direction);
unsafe fn broadcast_twiddle(index: usize, len: usize, direction: FftDirection) -> Self {
Self::broadcast_complex_elements(twiddles::compute_twiddle(index, len, direction))
unsafe fn transpose2_packed(rows: [Self; 2]) -> [Self; 2] {
unsafe fn transpose3_packed(rows: [Self; 3]) -> [Self; 3] {
let unpacked0 = Self::unpacklo_complex([rows[0], rows[1]]);
let blended = _mm256_blend_pd(rows[0], rows[2], 0x03);
let unpacked2 = Self::unpackhi_complex([rows[1], rows[2]]);
[unpacked0, blended, unpacked2]
unsafe fn transpose4_packed(rows: [Self; 4]) -> [Self; 4] {
let [unpacked0, unpacked1] = Self::unpack_complex([rows[0], rows[1]]);
let [unpacked2, unpacked3] = Self::unpack_complex([rows[2], rows[3]]);
[unpacked0, unpacked2, unpacked1, unpacked3]
unsafe fn transpose5_packed(rows: [Self; 5]) -> [Self; 5] {
Self::unpacklo_complex([rows[0], rows[1]]),
Self::unpacklo_complex([rows[2], rows[3]]),
_mm256_blend_pd(rows[0], rows[4], 0x03),
Self::unpackhi_complex([rows[1], rows[2]]),
Self::unpackhi_complex([rows[3], rows[4]]),
unsafe fn transpose6_packed(rows: [Self; 6]) -> [Self; 6] {
let [unpacked0, unpacked1] = Self::unpack_complex([rows[0], rows[1]]);
let [unpacked2, unpacked3] = Self::unpack_complex([rows[2], rows[3]]);
let [unpacked4, unpacked5] = Self::unpack_complex([rows[4], rows[5]]);
unpacked0, unpacked2, unpacked4, unpacked1, unpacked3, unpacked5,
unsafe fn transpose7_packed(rows: [Self; 7]) -> [Self; 7] {
Self::unpacklo_complex([rows[0], rows[1]]),
Self::unpacklo_complex([rows[2], rows[3]]),
Self::unpacklo_complex([rows[4], rows[5]]),
_mm256_blend_pd(rows[0], rows[6], 0x03),
Self::unpackhi_complex([rows[1], rows[2]]),
Self::unpackhi_complex([rows[3], rows[4]]),
Self::unpackhi_complex([rows[5], rows[6]]),
unsafe fn transpose8_packed(rows: [Self; 8]) -> [Self; 8] {
let chunk0 = [rows[0], rows[1], rows[2], rows[3]];
let chunk1 = [rows[4], rows[5], rows[6], rows[7]];
let output0 = Self::transpose4_packed(chunk0);
let output1 = Self::transpose4_packed(chunk1);
output0[0], output0[1], output1[0], output1[1], output0[2], output0[3], output1[2],
unsafe fn transpose9_packed(rows: [Self; 9]) -> [Self; 9] {
_mm256_permute2f128_pd(rows[0], rows[1], 0x20),
_mm256_permute2f128_pd(rows[2], rows[3], 0x20),
_mm256_permute2f128_pd(rows[4], rows[5], 0x20),
_mm256_permute2f128_pd(rows[6], rows[7], 0x20),
_mm256_permute2f128_pd(rows[8], rows[0], 0x30),
_mm256_permute2f128_pd(rows[1], rows[2], 0x31),
_mm256_permute2f128_pd(rows[3], rows[4], 0x31),
_mm256_permute2f128_pd(rows[5], rows[6], 0x31),
_mm256_permute2f128_pd(rows[7], rows[8], 0x31),
unsafe fn transpose11_packed(rows: [Self; 11]) -> [Self; 11] {
_mm256_permute2f128_pd(rows[0], rows[1], 0x20),
_mm256_permute2f128_pd(rows[2], rows[3], 0x20),
_mm256_permute2f128_pd(rows[4], rows[5], 0x20),
_mm256_permute2f128_pd(rows[6], rows[7], 0x20),
_mm256_permute2f128_pd(rows[8], rows[9], 0x20),
_mm256_permute2f128_pd(rows[10], rows[0], 0x30),
_mm256_permute2f128_pd(rows[1], rows[2], 0x31),
_mm256_permute2f128_pd(rows[3], rows[4], 0x31),
_mm256_permute2f128_pd(rows[5], rows[6], 0x31),
_mm256_permute2f128_pd(rows[7], rows[8], 0x31),
_mm256_permute2f128_pd(rows[9], rows[10], 0x31),
unsafe fn transpose12_packed(rows: [Self; 12]) -> [Self; 12] {
let chunk0 = [rows[0], rows[1], rows[2], rows[3]];
let chunk1 = [rows[4], rows[5], rows[6], rows[7]];
let chunk2 = [rows[8], rows[9], rows[10], rows[11]];
let output0 = Self::transpose4_packed(chunk0);
let output1 = Self::transpose4_packed(chunk1);
let output2 = Self::transpose4_packed(chunk2);
output0[0], output0[1], output1[0], output1[1], output2[0], output2[1], output0[2],
output0[3], output1[2], output1[3], output2[2], output2[3],
unsafe fn transpose16_packed(rows: [Self; 16]) -> [Self; 16] {
let chunk0 = [
rows[0], rows[1], rows[2], rows[3], rows[4], rows[5], rows[6], rows[7],
let chunk1 = [
rows[8], rows[9], rows[10], rows[11], rows[12], rows[13], rows[14], rows[15],
let output0 = Self::transpose8_packed(chunk0);
let output1 = Self::transpose8_packed(chunk1);
output0[0], output0[1], output0[2], output0[3], output1[0], output1[1], output1[2],
output1[3], output0[4], output0[5], output0[6], output0[7], output1[4], output1[5],
output1[6], output1[7],
impl AvxVector256 for __m256d {
type ScalarType = f64;
type HalfVector = __m128d;
unsafe fn lo(self) -> Self::HalfVector {
unsafe fn hi(self) -> Self::HalfVector {
_mm256_extractf128_pd(self, 1)
unsafe fn merge(lo: Self::HalfVector, hi: Self::HalfVector) -> Self {
_mm256_insertf128_pd(_mm256_castpd128_pd256(lo), hi, 1)
unsafe fn broadcast_complex_elements(value: Complex<Self::ScalarType>) -> Self {
unsafe fn hadd_complex(self) -> Complex<Self::ScalarType> {
let lo = self.lo();
let hi = self.hi();
let sum = _mm_add_pd(lo, hi);
let mut result_storage = [Complex::zero(); 1];
result_storage.as_mut_slice().store_partial1_complex(sum, 0);
unsafe fn load_complex(ptr: *const Complex<Self::ScalarType>) -> Self {
_mm256_loadu_pd(ptr as *const Self::ScalarType)
unsafe fn store_complex(ptr: *mut Complex<Self::ScalarType>, data: Self) {
_mm256_storeu_pd(ptr as *mut Self::ScalarType, data)
unsafe fn gather_complex_avx2_index32(
ptr: *const Complex<Self::ScalarType>,
indexes: __m128i,
) -> Self {
let offsets = _mm_set_epi32(1, 0, 1, 0);
let shifted = _mm_slli_epi32(indexes, 1);
let modified_indexes = _mm_add_epi32(offsets, shifted);
_mm256_i32gather_pd(ptr as *const f64, modified_indexes, 8)
unsafe fn gather_complex_avx2_index64(
ptr: *const Complex<Self::ScalarType>,
indexes: __m256i,
) -> Self {
let offsets = _mm256_set_epi64x(1, 0, 1, 0);
let shifted = _mm256_slli_epi64(indexes, 1);
let modified_indexes = _mm256_add_epi64(offsets, shifted);
_mm256_i64gather_pd(ptr as *const f64, modified_indexes, 8)
unsafe fn load_partial1_complex(ptr: *const Complex<Self::ScalarType>) -> Self::HalfVector {
_mm_loadu_pd(ptr as *const f64)
unsafe fn load_partial2_complex(_ptr: *const Complex<Self::ScalarType>) -> Self::HalfVector {
unimplemented!("Impossible to do a partial load of 2 complex f64's")
unsafe fn load_partial3_complex(_ptr: *const Complex<Self::ScalarType>) -> Self {
unimplemented!("Impossible to do a partial load of 3 complex f64's")
unsafe fn store_partial1_complex(ptr: *mut Complex<Self::ScalarType>, data: Self::HalfVector) {
_mm_storeu_pd(ptr as *mut f64, data);
unsafe fn store_partial2_complex(
_ptr: *mut Complex<Self::ScalarType>,
_data: Self::HalfVector,
) {
unimplemented!("Impossible to do a partial store of 2 complex f64's")
unsafe fn store_partial3_complex(_ptr: *mut Complex<Self::ScalarType>, _data: Self) {
unimplemented!("Impossible to do a partial store of 3 complex f64's")
impl AvxVector for __m128d {
const SCALAR_PER_VECTOR: usize = 2;
const COMPLEX_PER_VECTOR: usize = 1;
unsafe fn zero() -> Self {
unsafe fn half_root2() -> Self {
unsafe fn xor(left: Self, right: Self) -> Self {
_mm_xor_pd(left, right)
unsafe fn neg(self) -> Self {
_mm_xor_pd(self, _mm_load1_pd(&-0.0))
unsafe fn add(left: Self, right: Self) -> Self {
_mm_add_pd(left, right)
unsafe fn sub(left: Self, right: Self) -> Self {
_mm_sub_pd(left, right)
unsafe fn mul(left: Self, right: Self) -> Self {
_mm_mul_pd(left, right)
unsafe fn fmadd(left: Self, right: Self, add: Self) -> Self {
_mm_fmadd_pd(left, right, add)
unsafe fn fnmadd(left: Self, right: Self, add: Self) -> Self {
_mm_fnmadd_pd(left, right, add)
unsafe fn fmaddsub(left: Self, right: Self, add: Self) -> Self {
_mm_fmaddsub_pd(left, right, add)
unsafe fn fmsubadd(left: Self, right: Self, add: Self) -> Self {
_mm_fmsubadd_pd(left, right, add)
unsafe fn reverse_complex_elements(self) -> Self {
unsafe fn unpacklo_complex(_rows: [Self; 2]) -> Self {
unimplemented!(); }
unsafe fn unpackhi_complex(_rows: [Self; 2]) -> Self {
unimplemented!(); }
unsafe fn swap_complex_components(self) -> Self {
_mm_permute_pd(self, 0x01)
unsafe fn duplicate_complex_components(self) -> (Self, Self) {
(_mm_movedup_pd(self), _mm_permute_pd(self, 0x03))
unsafe fn make_rotation90(direction: FftDirection) -> Rotation90<Self> {
let broadcast = match direction {
FftDirection::Forward => Complex::new(-0.0, 0.0),
FftDirection::Inverse => Complex::new(0.0, -0.0),
unsafe fn make_mixedradix_twiddle_chunk(
x: usize,
y: usize,
len: usize,
direction: FftDirection,
) -> Self {
let mut twiddle_chunk = [Complex::<f64>::zero(); Self::COMPLEX_PER_VECTOR];
for i in 0..Self::COMPLEX_PER_VECTOR {
twiddle_chunk[i] = twiddles::compute_twiddle(y * (x + i), len, direction);
_mm_loadu_pd(twiddle_chunk.as_ptr() as *const f64)
unsafe fn broadcast_twiddle(index: usize, len: usize, direction: FftDirection) -> Self {
Self::broadcast_complex_elements(twiddles::compute_twiddle(index, len, direction))
unsafe fn transpose2_packed(rows: [Self; 2]) -> [Self; 2] {
unsafe fn transpose3_packed(rows: [Self; 3]) -> [Self; 3] {
unsafe fn transpose4_packed(rows: [Self; 4]) -> [Self; 4] {
unsafe fn transpose5_packed(rows: [Self; 5]) -> [Self; 5] {
unsafe fn transpose6_packed(rows: [Self; 6]) -> [Self; 6] {
unsafe fn transpose7_packed(rows: [Self; 7]) -> [Self; 7] {
unsafe fn transpose8_packed(rows: [Self; 8]) -> [Self; 8] {
unsafe fn transpose9_packed(rows: [Self; 9]) -> [Self; 9] {
unsafe fn transpose11_packed(rows: [Self; 11]) -> [Self; 11] {
unsafe fn transpose12_packed(rows: [Self; 12]) -> [Self; 12] {
unsafe fn transpose16_packed(rows: [Self; 16]) -> [Self; 16] {
impl AvxVector128 for __m128d {
type FullVector = __m256d;
unsafe fn lo(input: Self::FullVector) -> Self {
unsafe fn hi(input: Self::FullVector) -> Self {
_mm256_extractf128_pd(input, 1)
unsafe fn merge(lo: Self, hi: Self) -> Self::FullVector {
_mm256_insertf128_pd(_mm256_castpd128_pd256(lo), hi, 1)
unsafe fn zero_extend(self) -> Self::FullVector {
unsafe fn lo_rotation(input: Rotation90<Self::FullVector>) -> Rotation90<Self> {
unsafe fn broadcast_complex_elements(value: Complex<f64>) -> Self {
unsafe fn gather32_complex_avx2(ptr: *const Complex<f64>, indexes: __m128i) -> Self {
let mut index_storage: [i32; 4] = [0; 4];
_mm_storeu_si128(index_storage.as_mut_ptr() as *mut __m128i, indexes);
_mm_loadu_pd(ptr.offset(index_storage[0] as isize) as *const f64)
unsafe fn gather64_complex_avx2(ptr: *const Complex<f64>, indexes: __m128i) -> Self {
let mut index_storage: [i64; 4] = [0; 4];
_mm_storeu_si128(index_storage.as_mut_ptr() as *mut __m128i, indexes);
_mm_loadu_pd(ptr.offset(index_storage[0] as isize) as *const f64)
pub trait AvxArray<T: AvxNum>: Deref {
unsafe fn load_complex(&self, index: usize) -> T::VectorType;
unsafe fn load_partial1_complex(
index: usize,
) -> <T::VectorType as AvxVector256>::HalfVector;
unsafe fn load_partial2_complex(
index: usize,
) -> <T::VectorType as AvxVector256>::HalfVector;
unsafe fn load_partial3_complex(&self, index: usize) -> T::VectorType;
fn input_ptr(&self) -> *const Complex<T>;
pub trait AvxArrayMut<T: AvxNum>: AvxArray<T> + DerefMut {
unsafe fn store_complex(&mut self, data: T::VectorType, index: usize);
unsafe fn store_partial1_complex(
&mut self,
data: <T::VectorType as AvxVector256>::HalfVector,
index: usize,
unsafe fn store_partial2_complex(
&mut self,
data: <T::VectorType as AvxVector256>::HalfVector,
index: usize,
unsafe fn store_partial3_complex(&mut self, data: T::VectorType, index: usize);
fn output_ptr(&mut self) -> *mut Complex<T>;
impl<T: AvxNum> AvxArray<T> for &[Complex<T>] {
unsafe fn load_complex(&self, index: usize) -> T::VectorType {
debug_assert!(self.len() >= index + T::VectorType::COMPLEX_PER_VECTOR);
unsafe fn load_partial1_complex(
index: usize,
) -> <T::VectorType as AvxVector256>::HalfVector {
debug_assert!(self.len() >= index + 1);
unsafe fn load_partial2_complex(
index: usize,
) -> <T::VectorType as AvxVector256>::HalfVector {
debug_assert!(self.len() >= index + 2);
unsafe fn load_partial3_complex(&self, index: usize) -> T::VectorType {
debug_assert!(self.len() >= index + 3);
fn input_ptr(&self) -> *const Complex<T> {
impl<T: AvxNum> AvxArray<T> for &mut [Complex<T>] {
unsafe fn load_complex(&self, index: usize) -> T::VectorType {
debug_assert!(self.len() >= index + T::VectorType::COMPLEX_PER_VECTOR);
unsafe fn load_partial1_complex(
index: usize,
) -> <T::VectorType as AvxVector256>::HalfVector {
debug_assert!(self.len() >= index + 1);
unsafe fn load_partial2_complex(
index: usize,
) -> <T::VectorType as AvxVector256>::HalfVector {
debug_assert!(self.len() >= index + 2);
unsafe fn load_partial3_complex(&self, index: usize) -> T::VectorType {
debug_assert!(self.len() >= index + 3);
fn input_ptr(&self) -> *const Complex<T> {
impl<'a, T: AvxNum> AvxArray<T> for DoubleBuf<'a, T>
&'a [Complex<T>]: AvxArray<T>,
unsafe fn load_complex(&self, index: usize) -> T::VectorType {
unsafe fn load_partial1_complex(
index: usize,
) -> <T::VectorType as AvxVector256>::HalfVector {
unsafe fn load_partial2_complex(
index: usize,
) -> <T::VectorType as AvxVector256>::HalfVector {
unsafe fn load_partial3_complex(&self, index: usize) -> T::VectorType {
fn input_ptr(&self) -> *const Complex<T> {
impl<T: AvxNum> AvxArrayMut<T> for &mut [Complex<T>] {
unsafe fn store_complex(&mut self, data: T::VectorType, index: usize) {
debug_assert!(self.len() >= index + T::VectorType::COMPLEX_PER_VECTOR);
T::VectorType::store_complex(self.as_mut_ptr().add(index), data);
unsafe fn store_partial1_complex(
&mut self,
data: <T::VectorType as AvxVector256>::HalfVector,
index: usize,
) {
debug_assert!(self.len() >= index + 1);
T::VectorType::store_partial1_complex(self.as_mut_ptr().add(index), data);
unsafe fn store_partial2_complex(
&mut self,
data: <T::VectorType as AvxVector256>::HalfVector,
index: usize,
) {
debug_assert!(self.len() >= index + 2);
T::VectorType::store_partial2_complex(self.as_mut_ptr().add(index), data);
unsafe fn store_partial3_complex(&mut self, data: T::VectorType, index: usize) {
debug_assert!(self.len() >= index + 3);
T::VectorType::store_partial3_complex(self.as_mut_ptr().add(index), data);
fn output_ptr(&mut self) -> *mut Complex<T> {
impl<'a, T: AvxNum> AvxArrayMut<T> for DoubleBuf<'a, T>
Self: AvxArray<T>,
&'a mut [Complex<T>]: AvxArrayMut<T>,
unsafe fn store_complex(&mut self, data: T::VectorType, index: usize) {
self.output.store_complex(data, index);
unsafe fn store_partial1_complex(
&mut self,
data: <T::VectorType as AvxVector256>::HalfVector,
index: usize,
) {
self.output.store_partial1_complex(data, index);
unsafe fn store_partial2_complex(
&mut self,
data: <T::VectorType as AvxVector256>::HalfVector,
index: usize,
) {
self.output.store_partial2_complex(data, index);
unsafe fn store_partial3_complex(&mut self, data: T::VectorType, index: usize) {
self.output.store_partial3_complex(data, index);
fn output_ptr(&mut self) -> *mut Complex<T> {
macro_rules! column_butterfly16_loadfn{
($load_expr: expr, $store_expr: expr, $twiddles: expr, $rotation: expr) => (
let input1 = [$load_expr(1), $load_expr(5), $load_expr(9), $load_expr(13)];
let mut mid1 = AvxVector::column_butterfly4(input1, $rotation);
mid1[1] = AvxVector::mul_complex(mid1[1], $twiddles[0]);
mid1[2] = avx_vector::apply_butterfly8_twiddle1(mid1[2], $rotation);
mid1[3] = AvxVector::mul_complex(mid1[3], $twiddles[1]);
let input2 = [$load_expr(2), $load_expr(6), $load_expr(10), $load_expr(14)];
let mut mid2 = AvxVector::column_butterfly4(input2, $rotation);
mid2[1] = avx_vector::apply_butterfly8_twiddle1(mid2[1], $rotation);
mid2[2] = mid2[2].rotate90($rotation);
mid2[3] = avx_vector::apply_butterfly8_twiddle3(mid2[3], $rotation);
let input3 = [$load_expr(3), $load_expr(7), $load_expr(11), $load_expr(15)];
let mut mid3 = AvxVector::column_butterfly4(input3, $rotation);
mid3[1] = AvxVector::mul_complex(mid3[1], $twiddles[1]);
mid3[2] = avx_vector::apply_butterfly8_twiddle3(mid3[2], $rotation);
mid3[3] = AvxVector::mul_complex(mid3[3], $twiddles[0].neg());
let input0 = [$load_expr(0), $load_expr(4), $load_expr(8), $load_expr(12)];
let mid0 = AvxVector::column_butterfly4(input0, $rotation);
for i in 0..4 {
let output = AvxVector::column_butterfly4([mid0[i], mid1[i], mid2[i], mid3[i]], $rotation);
$store_expr(output[0], i);
$store_expr(output[1], i + 4);
$store_expr(output[2], i + 8);
$store_expr(output[3], i + 12);
macro_rules! column_butterfly32_loadfn{
($load_expr: expr, $store_expr: expr, $twiddles: expr, $rotation: expr) => (
let input1 = [$load_expr(1), $load_expr(9), $load_expr(17), $load_expr(25)];
let mut mid1 = AvxVector::column_butterfly4(input1, $rotation);
mid1[1] = AvxVector::mul_complex(mid1[1], $twiddles[0]);
mid1[2] = AvxVector::mul_complex(mid1[2], $twiddles[1]);
mid1[3] = AvxVector::mul_complex(mid1[3], $twiddles[2]);
let input2 = [$load_expr(2), $load_expr(10), $load_expr(18), $load_expr(26)];
let mut mid2 = AvxVector::column_butterfly4(input2, $rotation);
mid2[1] = AvxVector::mul_complex(mid2[1], $twiddles[1]);
mid2[2] = avx_vector::apply_butterfly8_twiddle1(mid2[2], $rotation);
mid2[3] = AvxVector::mul_complex(mid2[3], $twiddles[4]);
let input3 = [$load_expr(3), $load_expr(11), $load_expr(19), $load_expr(27)];
let mut mid3 = AvxVector::column_butterfly4(input3, $rotation);
mid3[1] = AvxVector::mul_complex(mid3[1], $twiddles[2]);
mid3[2] = AvxVector::mul_complex(mid3[2], $twiddles[4]);
mid3[3] = AvxVector::mul_complex(mid3[3], $twiddles[0].rotate90($rotation));
let input4 = [$load_expr(4), $load_expr(12), $load_expr(20), $load_expr(28)];
let mut mid4 = AvxVector::column_butterfly4(input4, $rotation);
mid4[1] = avx_vector::apply_butterfly8_twiddle1(mid4[1], $rotation);
mid4[2] = mid4[2].rotate90($rotation);
mid4[3] = avx_vector::apply_butterfly8_twiddle3(mid4[3], $rotation);
let input5 = [$load_expr(5), $load_expr(13), $load_expr(21), $load_expr(29)];
let mut mid5 = AvxVector::column_butterfly4(input5, $rotation);
mid5[1] = AvxVector::mul_complex(mid5[1], $twiddles[3]);
mid5[2] = AvxVector::mul_complex(mid5[2], $twiddles[1].rotate90($rotation));
mid5[3] = AvxVector::mul_complex(mid5[3], $twiddles[5].rotate90($rotation));
let input6 = [$load_expr(6), $load_expr(14), $load_expr(22), $load_expr(30)];
let mut mid6 = AvxVector::column_butterfly4(input6, $rotation);
mid6[1] = AvxVector::mul_complex(mid6[1], $twiddles[4]);
mid6[2] = avx_vector::apply_butterfly8_twiddle3(mid6[2], $rotation);
mid6[3] = AvxVector::mul_complex(mid6[3], $twiddles[1].neg());
let input7 = [$load_expr(7), $load_expr(15), $load_expr(23), $load_expr(31)];
let mut mid7 = AvxVector::column_butterfly4(input7, $rotation);
mid7[1] = AvxVector::mul_complex(mid7[1], $twiddles[5]);
mid7[2] = AvxVector::mul_complex(mid7[2], $twiddles[4].rotate90($rotation));
mid7[3] = AvxVector::mul_complex(mid7[3], $twiddles[3].neg());
let input0 = [$load_expr(0), $load_expr(8), $load_expr(16), $load_expr(24)];
let mid0 = AvxVector::column_butterfly4(input0, $rotation);
for i in 0..4 {
let output = AvxVector::column_butterfly8([mid0[i], mid1[i], mid2[i], mid3[i], mid4[i], mid5[i], mid6[i], mid7[i]], $rotation);
$store_expr(output[0], i);
$store_expr(output[1], i + 4);
$store_expr(output[2], i + 8);
$store_expr(output[3], i + 12);
$store_expr(output[4], i + 16);
$store_expr(output[5], i + 20);
$store_expr(output[6], i + 24);
$store_expr(output[7], i + 28);
unsafe fn mul_complex_conjugated<V: AvxVector>(left: V, right: V) -> V {
let (left_real, left_imag) = V::duplicate_complex_components(left);
let right_shuffled = V::swap_complex_components(right);
let output_right = V::mul(left_imag, right_shuffled);
V::fmsubadd(left_real, right, output_right)
#[target_feature(enable = "avx", enable = "fma")]
pub unsafe fn pairwise_complex_mul_assign_conjugated<T: AvxNum>(
mut buffer: &mut [Complex<T>],
multiplier: &[T::VectorType],
) {
assert!(multiplier.len() * T::VectorType::COMPLEX_PER_VECTOR >= buffer.len()); for (i, mut buffer_chunk) in buffer
let left = buffer_chunk.load_complex(0);
let product = mul_complex_conjugated(left, multiplier[i]);
buffer_chunk.store_complex(product, 0);
let remainder_count = buffer.len() % T::VectorType::COMPLEX_PER_VECTOR;
if remainder_count > 0 {
let remainder_index = buffer.len() - remainder_count;
let remainder_multiplier = multiplier.last().unwrap();
match remainder_count {
1 => {
let left = buffer.load_partial1_complex(remainder_index);
let product = mul_complex_conjugated(left, remainder_multiplier.lo());
buffer.store_partial1_complex(product, remainder_index);
2 => {
let left = buffer.load_partial2_complex(remainder_index);
let product = mul_complex_conjugated(left, remainder_multiplier.lo());
buffer.store_partial2_complex(product, remainder_index);
3 => {
let left = buffer.load_partial3_complex(remainder_index);
let product = mul_complex_conjugated(left, *remainder_multiplier);
buffer.store_partial3_complex(product, remainder_index);
_ => unreachable!(),
#[target_feature(enable = "avx", enable = "fma")]
pub unsafe fn pairwise_complex_mul_conjugated<T: AvxNum>(
input: &[Complex<T>],
mut output: &mut [Complex<T>],
multiplier: &[T::VectorType],
) {
multiplier.len() * T::VectorType::COMPLEX_PER_VECTOR >= input.len(),
"multiplier len = {}, input len = {}",
); assert!(input.len() == output.len()); let main_loop_count = input.len() / T::VectorType::COMPLEX_PER_VECTOR;
let remainder_count = input.len() % T::VectorType::COMPLEX_PER_VECTOR;
for (i, m) in (&multiplier[..main_loop_count]).iter().enumerate() {
let left = input.load_complex(i * T::VectorType::COMPLEX_PER_VECTOR);
let product = mul_complex_conjugated(left, *m);
output.store_complex(product, i * T::VectorType::COMPLEX_PER_VECTOR);
if remainder_count > 0 {
let remainder_index = input.len() - remainder_count;
let remainder_multiplier = multiplier.last().unwrap();
match remainder_count {
1 => {
let left = input.load_partial1_complex(remainder_index);
let product = mul_complex_conjugated(left, remainder_multiplier.lo());
output.store_partial1_complex(product, remainder_index);
2 => {
let left = input.load_partial2_complex(remainder_index);
let product = mul_complex_conjugated(left, remainder_multiplier.lo());
output.store_partial2_complex(product, remainder_index);
3 => {
let left = input.load_partial3_complex(remainder_index);
let product = mul_complex_conjugated(left, *remainder_multiplier);
output.store_partial3_complex(product, remainder_index);
_ => unreachable!(),