pub mod master_trigger;
pub mod settings;
pub mod constants;
pub mod thread_control;
pub mod sine_fitter;
use constants::{
use std::thread;
use std::time::Duration;
use std::os::raw::c_int;
use std::sync::{
use chrono::Utc;
use core::f32::consts::PI;
use half::f16;
pub use master_trigger::{
pub use settings::{
use std::fmt;
use std::path::PathBuf;
use std::fs::read_to_string;
use std::io::{
use std::collections::HashMap;
use colored::{
use serde_json::Value;
use log::Level;
#[macro_use] extern crate log;
extern crate env_logger;
use signal_hook::iterator::Signals;
use signal_hook::consts::signal::{
use tof_dataclasses::DsiLtbRBMapping;
use tof_dataclasses::database::ReadoutBoard;
use tof_dataclasses::constants::NWORDS;
use tof_dataclasses::errors::AnalysisError;
use tof_dataclasses::errors::SetError;
use tof_dataclasses::events::{
use tof_dataclasses::analysis::{
use tof_dataclasses::RBChannelPaddleEndIDMap;
use crate::thread_control::ThreadControl;
use clap::{arg,
pub const MT_MAX_PACKSIZE : usize = 512;
pub const DATAPORT : u32 = 42000;
pub const ASSET_DIR : &str = "/home/gaps/assets/";
pub const LIFTOF_LOGO_SHOW : &str = "
___ ___ ___
/\\__\\ /\\ \\ /\\__\\
___ /:/ _/_ ___ /::\\ \\ /:/ _/_
/\\__\\ /:/ /\\__\\ /\\__\\ /:/\\:\\ \\ /:/ /\\__\\
___ ___ /:/__/ /:/ /:/ / /:/ / /:/ \\:\\ \\ /:/ /:/ /
/\\ \\ /\\__\\ /::\\ \\ /:/_/:/ / /:/__/ /:/__/ \\:\\__\\ /:/_/:/ /
\\:\\ \\ /:/ / \\/\\:\\ \\__ \\:\\/:/ / /::\\ \\ \\:\\ \\ /:/ / \\:\\/:/ /
\\:\\ /:/ / ~~\\:\\/\\__\\ \\::/__/ /:/\\:\\ \\ \\:\\ /:/ / \\::/__/
\\:\\/:/ / \\::/ / \\:\\ \\ \\/__\\:\\ \\ \\:\\/:/ / \\:\\ \\
\\::/ / /:/ / \\:\\__\\ \\:\\__\\ \\::/ / \\:\\__\\
\\/__/ \\/__/ \\/__/ \\/__/ \\/__/ \\/__/
(LIFTOF - liftof is for tof, Version 0.10 'LELEWAA', Mar 2024)
>> with support from the Hawaiian islands \u{1f30a}\u{1f308}\u{1f965}\u{1f334}
* Documentation
==> GitHub
==> API docs
pub fn signal_handler(thread_control : Arc<Mutex<ThreadControl>>) {
let sleep_time = Duration::from_millis(300);
let mut signals = Signals::new(&[SIGTERM, SIGINT]).expect("Unknown signals");
'main: loop {
for signal in signals.pending() {
match signal as c_int {
println!("=> {}", String::from("SIGTERM or SIGINT received. Maybe Ctrl+C has been pressed! Commencing program shutdown!").red().bold());
match thread_control.lock() {
Ok(mut tc) => {
tc.sigint_recvd = true;
Err(err) => {
error!("Can't acquire lock for ThreadControl! {err}");
break 'main; }
_ => {
error!("Received signal, but I don't have instructions what to do about it!");
pub fn color_log(level : &Level) -> ColoredString {
match level {
Level::Error => String::from(" ERROR!").red(),
Level::Warn => String::from(" WARN ").yellow(),
Level::Info => String::from(" Info ").green(),
Level::Debug => String::from(" debug ").blue(),
Level::Trace => String::from(" trace ").cyan(),
pub fn init_env_logger() {
.format(|buf, record| {
writeln!( buf, "[{ts} - {level}][{module_path}:{line}] {args}",
ts = Utc::now().format("%Y/%m/%d-%H:%M:%SUTC"),
level = color_log(&record.level()),
module_path = record.module_path().unwrap_or("<unknown>"),
line = record.line().unwrap_or(0),
args = record.args()
#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone)]
pub struct RunStatistics {
pub n_events_rec : usize,
pub evproc_npack : usize,
pub first_evid : u32,
pub last_evid : u32,
pub n_err_deser : usize,
pub n_err_zmq_send : usize,
pub n_err_chid_wrong : usize,
pub n_err_tail_wrong : usize,
pub n_err_crc32_wrong : usize,
impl RunStatistics {
pub fn new() -> Self {
Self {
n_events_rec : 0,
evproc_npack : 0,
first_evid : 0,
last_evid : 0,
n_err_deser : 0,
n_err_zmq_send : 0,
n_err_chid_wrong : 0,
n_err_tail_wrong : 0,
n_err_crc32_wrong : 0,
pub fn get_n_anticipated(&self) -> i32 {
self.last_evid as i32 - self.first_evid as i32
impl fmt::Display for RunStatistics {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
let mut resp = String::from("<RunStatistics:\n");
resp += &(format!(" first event id : {}\n", self.first_evid));
resp += &(format!(" last event id : {}\n", self.last_evid));
resp += &(format!(" --> expected {} event (ids)\n", self.get_n_anticipated()));
resp += &(format!(" event_processing #packets : {}\n", self.evproc_npack));
if self.get_n_anticipated() != self.evproc_npack as i32 {
resp += &(format!(" --> discrepancy of {} event (ids)\n", self.get_n_anticipated() - self.evproc_npack as i32))
resp += &(format!(" event_processing n tail err : {}\n", self.n_err_tail_wrong));
resp += &(format!(" event_processing n chid err : {}\n", self.n_err_chid_wrong));
write!(f, "{}", resp)
pub fn fit_sine_sydney(volts: &Vec<f32>, times: &Vec<f32>) -> (f32, f32, f32) {
let start_bin = 20;
let size_bin = 900;
let pi = PI;
let mut data_size = 0;
let mut xi_yi = 0.0;
let mut xi_zi = 0.0;
let mut yi_zi = 0.0;
let mut xi_xi = 0.0;
let mut yi_yi = 0.0;
let mut xi_sum = 0.0;
let mut yi_sum = 0.0;
let mut zi_sum = 0.0;
for i in start_bin..(start_bin + size_bin) {
let xi = (2.0 * pi * 0.02 * times[i]).cos();
let yi = (2.0 * pi * 0.02 * times[i]).sin();
let zi = volts[i];
xi_yi += xi * yi;
xi_zi += xi * zi;
yi_zi += yi * zi;
xi_xi += xi * xi;
yi_yi += yi * yi;
xi_sum += xi;
yi_sum += yi;
zi_sum += zi;
data_size += 1;
let mut a_matrix = [[0.0; 3]; 3];
a_matrix[0][0] = xi_xi;
a_matrix[0][1] = xi_yi;
a_matrix[0][2] = xi_sum;
a_matrix[1][0] = xi_yi;
a_matrix[1][1] = yi_yi;
a_matrix[1][2] = yi_sum;
a_matrix[2][0] = xi_sum;
a_matrix[2][1] = yi_sum;
a_matrix[2][2] = data_size as f32;
let determinant = a_matrix[0][0] * a_matrix[1][1] * a_matrix[2][2]
+ a_matrix[0][1] * a_matrix[1][2] * a_matrix[2][0]
+ a_matrix[0][2] * a_matrix[1][0] * a_matrix[2][1]
- a_matrix[0][0] * a_matrix[1][2] * a_matrix[2][1]
- a_matrix[0][1] * a_matrix[1][0] * a_matrix[2][2]
- a_matrix[0][2] * a_matrix[1][1] * a_matrix[2][0];
let inverse_factor = 1.0 / determinant;
let mut cofactor_matrix = [[0.0; 3]; 3];
cofactor_matrix[0][0] = a_matrix[1][1] * a_matrix[2][2] - a_matrix[2][1] * a_matrix[1][2];
cofactor_matrix[0][1] = (a_matrix[1][0] * a_matrix[2][2] - a_matrix[2][0] * a_matrix[1][2]) * -1.0;
cofactor_matrix[0][2] = a_matrix[1][0] * a_matrix[2][1] - a_matrix[2][0] * a_matrix[1][1];
cofactor_matrix[1][0] = (a_matrix[0][1] * a_matrix[2][2] - a_matrix[2][1] * a_matrix[0][2]) * -1.0;
cofactor_matrix[1][1] = a_matrix[0][0] * a_matrix[2][2] - a_matrix[2][0] * a_matrix[0][2];
cofactor_matrix[1][2] = (a_matrix[0][0] * a_matrix[2][1] - a_matrix[2][0] * a_matrix[0][1]) * -1.0;
cofactor_matrix[2][0] = a_matrix[0][1] * a_matrix[1][2] - a_matrix[1][1] * a_matrix[0][2];
cofactor_matrix[2][1] = (a_matrix[0][0] * a_matrix[1][2] - a_matrix[1][0] * a_matrix[0][2]) * -1.0;
cofactor_matrix[2][2] = a_matrix[0][0] * a_matrix[1][1] - a_matrix[1][0] * a_matrix[0][1];
let mut inverse_matrix = [[0.0; 3]; 3];
for i in 0..3 {
for j in 0..3 {
inverse_matrix[i][j] = cofactor_matrix[j][i] * inverse_factor;
let p = [xi_zi, yi_zi, zi_sum];
let a = inverse_matrix[0][0] * p[0] + inverse_matrix[1][0] * p[1] + inverse_matrix[2][0] * p[2];
let b = inverse_matrix[0][1] * p[0] + inverse_matrix[1][1] * p[1] + inverse_matrix[2][1] * p[2];
let phi = a.atan2(b);
let amp = (a*a + b*b).sqrt();
let freq = 0.02 as f32;
(amp, freq, phi)
pub fn build_tcp_from_ip(ip: String, port: String) -> String {
format!("tcp://{}:{}", ip, port)
pub fn waveform_analysis(event : &mut RBEvent,
rb : &ReadoutBoard,
settings : AnalysisEngineSettings)
-> Result<(), AnalysisError> {
if event.has_any_mangling_flag() {
warn!("Event for RB {} has data mangling! Not doing analysis!", rb.rb_id);
return Err(AnalysisError::DataMangling);
match event.self_check() {
Err(_err) => {
Ok(_) => ()
let active_channels = event.header.get_channels();
let fit_sinus = true;
let mut voltages : Vec<f32>= vec![0.0; NWORDS];
let mut times : Vec<f32>= vec![0.0; NWORDS];
let mut fit_result = (0.0f32, 0.0f32, 0.0f32);
if fit_sinus {
if !active_channels.contains(&8) {
warn!("RB {} does not have ch9 data!", rb.rb_id);
return Err(AnalysisError::NoChannel9);
event.header.stop_cell as usize,
&mut voltages);
event.header.stop_cell as usize,
&mut times);
fit_result = fit_sine_sydney(&voltages, ×);
let mut paddles = HashMap::<u8, TofHit>::new();
for pid in rb.get_paddle_ids() {
let ch_a = rb.get_pid_rbchA(pid).unwrap() as usize;
let ch_b = rb.get_pid_rbchB(pid).unwrap() as usize;
let mut hit = TofHit::new();
hit.paddle_id = pid;
for (k, ch) in [ch_a, ch_b].iter().enumerate() {
if !active_channels.contains(&(*ch as u8 -1)) {
trace!("Skipping channel {} because it is not marked to be readout in the event header channel mask!", ch);
event.header.stop_cell as usize,
&event.adc[*ch as usize -1],
&mut voltages);
event.header.stop_cell as usize,
&mut times);
let (ped, ped_err) = calculate_pedestal(&voltages,
trace!("Calculated pedestal of {} +- {}", ped, ped_err);
for n in 0..voltages.len() {
voltages[n] -= ped;
let mut charge : f32 = 0.0;
let mut cfd_times = Vec::<f32>::new();
let mut max_volts = 0.0f32;
match find_peaks(&voltages ,
× ,
settings.find_pks_t_start ,
settings.min_peak_size ,
settings.find_pks_thresh ,
settings.max_peaks ) {
Err(err) => {
debug!("Unable to find peaks for RB{:02} ch {ch}! Ignoring this channel!", rb.rb_id);
debug!("We won't be able to calculate timing information for this channel! Err {err}");
Ok(peaks) => {
for pk in peaks.iter() {
match cfd_simple(&voltages,
pk.0, pk.1) {
Err(err) => {
debug!("Unable to calculate cfd for peak {} {}! {}", pk.0, pk.1, err);
Ok(cfd) => {
let pk_height = voltages[].iter().max_by(|a,b| a.partial_cmp(b).unwrap_or(std::cmp::Ordering::Less)).unwrap();
max_volts = *pk_height;
let max_index = voltages.iter().position(|element| *element == max_volts).unwrap();
let (start_q_int, stop_q_int) = if max_index - 40 < 10 {
(10, 210)
} else {
(max_index - 40, max_index + 160)
match integrate(&voltages,
50.0) {
Err(err) => {
error!("Integration failed! Err {err}");
Ok(chrg) => {
charge = chrg;
}} let mut tdc : f32 = 0.0;
if cfd_times.len() > 0 {
tdc = cfd_times[0];
if k == 0 {
hit.ftime_a = tdc;
hit.fpeak_a = max_volts;
hit.baseline_a = f16::from_f32(ped);
hit.baseline_a_rms = f16::from_f32(ped_err);
} else {
hit.ftime_b = tdc;
hit.fpeak_b = max_volts;
hit.baseline_b = f16::from_f32(ped);
hit.baseline_b_rms = f16::from_f32(ped_err);
hit.phase = f16::from_f32(fit_result.2);
paddles.insert(pid, hit);
let result = paddles.into_values().collect();
event.hits = result;
pub fn get_rb_ch_pid_map(map_file : PathBuf, rb_id : u8) -> RBChannelPaddleEndIDMap {
let mut mapping = RBChannelPaddleEndIDMap::new();
let json_content : String;
match read_to_string(&map_file) {
Ok(_json_content) => {
json_content = _json_content;
Err(err) => {
error!("Unable to parse json file {}. Error {err}", map_file.display());
return mapping;
let json : Value;
match serde_json::from_str(&json_content) {
Ok(_json) => {
json = _json;
Err(err) => {
error!("Unable to parse json file {}. Error {err}", map_file.display());
return mapping;
for ch in 0..8 {
let tmp_val = &json[rb_id.to_string()][(ch +1).to_string()];
let val = tmp_val.to_string().parse::<u16>().unwrap_or(0);
mapping.insert(ch as u8 + 1, val);
pub fn get_ltb_dsi_j_ch_mapping(mapping_file : PathBuf) -> DsiLtbRBMapping {
let mut mapping = HashMap::<u8,HashMap::<u8,HashMap::<u8,(u8,u8)>>>::new();
for dsi in 1..6 {
mapping.insert(dsi, HashMap::<u8,HashMap::<u8, (u8, u8)>>::new());
for j in 1..6 {
mapping.get_mut(&dsi).unwrap().insert(j, HashMap::<u8,(u8, u8)>::new());
for ch in 1..17 {
mapping.get_mut(&dsi).unwrap().get_mut(&j).unwrap().insert(ch, (0,0));
let json_content : String;
match read_to_string(&mapping_file) {
Ok(_json_content) => {
json_content = _json_content;
Err(err) => {
error!("Unable to parse json file {}. Error {err}", mapping_file.display());
return mapping;
let json : Value;
match serde_json::from_str(&json_content) {
Ok(_json) => {
json = _json;
Err(err) => {
error!("Unable to parse json file {}. Error {err}", mapping_file.display());
return mapping;
for dsi in 1..6 {
for j in 1..6 {
for ch in 1..17 {
let val = mapping.get_mut(&dsi).unwrap().get_mut(&j).unwrap().get_mut(&ch).unwrap();
let tmp_val = &json[dsi.to_string()][j.to_string()][ch.to_string()];
*val = (tmp_val[0].to_string().parse::<u8>().unwrap_or(0), tmp_val[1].to_string().parse::<u8>().unwrap_or(0));
debug!("Mapping {:?}", mapping);
pub fn to_board_id_string(rb_id: u32) -> String {
format!("RB{:02}", rb_id)
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Args, PartialEq)]
pub struct LtbThresholdOpts {
#[arg(short, long, default_value_t = DEFAULT_LTB_ID)]
pub id: u8,
#[arg(required = true)]
pub name: LTBThresholdName,
#[arg(required = true)]
pub level: u16
impl LtbThresholdOpts {
pub fn new(id: u8, name: LTBThresholdName, level: u16) -> Self {
Self {
#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, PartialEq, serde::Deserialize, serde::Serialize, clap::ValueEnum)]
pub enum LTBThresholdName {
Unknown = 0u8,
Hit = 10u8,
Beta = 20u8,
Veto = 30u8,
impl LTBThresholdName {
pub fn get_ch_number(threshold_name: LTBThresholdName) -> Result<u8, SetError> {
match threshold_name {
LTBThresholdName::Hit => Ok(0u8),
LTBThresholdName::Beta => Ok(1u8),
LTBThresholdName::Veto => Ok(2u8),
LTBThresholdName::Unknown => {
error!("Not able to get a LTB threshold from Unknown");
impl fmt::Display for LTBThresholdName {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
let r = serde_json::to_string(self).unwrap_or(
String::from("Error: cannot unwrap this PowerStatusEnum"));
write!(f, "<PowerStatusEnum: {}>", r)
impl From<u8> for LTBThresholdName {
fn from(value: u8) -> Self {
match value {
0u8 => LTBThresholdName::Unknown,
10u8 => LTBThresholdName::Hit,
20u8 => LTBThresholdName::Beta,
30u8 => LTBThresholdName::Veto,
_ => LTBThresholdName::Unknown
#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, PartialEq, serde::Deserialize, serde::Serialize, clap::ValueEnum)]
pub enum TofComponent {
Unknown = 0u8,
All = 1u8,
AllButMT = 2u8,
TofCpu = 3u8,
MT = 10u8,
RB = 20u8,
PB = 30u8,
LTB = 40u8,
Preamp = 50u8
impl fmt::Display for TofComponent {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
let r = serde_json::to_string(self).unwrap_or(
String::from("Error: cannot unwrap this TofComponent"));
write!(f, "<TofComponent: {}>", r)
impl From<u8> for TofComponent {
fn from(value: u8) -> Self {
match value {
0u8 => TofComponent::Unknown,
1u8 => TofComponent::All,
2u8 => TofComponent::AllButMT,
3u8 => TofComponent::TofCpu,
10u8 => TofComponent::MT,
20u8 => TofComponent::RB,
30u8 => TofComponent::PB,
40u8 => TofComponent::LTB,
50u8 => TofComponent::Preamp,
_ => TofComponent::Unknown
impl From<TofComponent> for clap::builder::Str {
fn from(value: TofComponent) -> Self {
match value {
TofComponent::Unknown => clap::builder::Str::from("Unknown"),
TofComponent::All => clap::builder::Str::from("All"),
TofComponent::AllButMT => clap::builder::Str::from("AllButMT"),
TofComponent::TofCpu => clap::builder::Str::from("TofCpu"),
TofComponent::MT => clap::builder::Str::from("MT"),
TofComponent::RB => clap::builder::Str::from("RB"),
TofComponent::PB => clap::builder::Str::from("PB"),
TofComponent::LTB => clap::builder::Str::from("LTB"),
TofComponent::Preamp => clap::builder::Str::from("Preamp")