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/// Creates a `CompactString` using interpolation of runtime expressions.
/// The first argument `format_compact!` receives is a format string.
/// This must be a string literal.
/// The power of the formatting string is in the `{}`s contained.
/// Additional parameters passed to `format_compact!` replace the `{}`s within
/// the formatting string in the order given unless named or
/// positional parameters are used; see [`std::fmt`] for more information.
/// A common use for `format_compact!` is concatenation and interpolation
/// of strings.
/// The same convention is used with [`print!`] and [`write!`] macros,
/// depending on the intended destination of the string.
/// To convert a single value to a string, use the
/// `ToCompactString::to_compact_string` method, which uses
/// the [`std::fmt::Display`] formatting trait.
/// # Panics
/// `format_compact!` panics if a formatting trait implementation returns
/// an error.
/// This indicates an incorrect implementation since
/// `ToCompactString::to_compact_string` never returns an error itself.
macro_rules! format_compact {
($($arg:tt)*) => {
mod tests {
fn test_macros() {
assert_eq!(format_compact!("2"), "2");
assert_eq!(format_compact!("{}", 2), "2");
assert!(!format_compact!("{}", 2).is_heap_allocated());