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//! Line search methods
//! * [Backtracking line search](backtracking/struct.BacktrackingLineSearch.html)
//! * [More-Thuente line search](morethuente/struct.MoreThuenteLineSearch.html)
//! * [Hager-Zhang line search](hagerzhang/struct.HagerZhangLineSearch.html)
//! # References:
//! [0] Jorge Nocedal and Stephen J. Wright (2006). Numerical Optimization.
//! Springer. ISBN 0-387-30303-0.
//! [1] Jorge J. More and David J. Thuente. "Line search algorithms with guaranteed sufficient
//! decrease." ACM Trans. Math. Softw. 20, 3 (September 1994), 286-307.
//! DOI:
//! [2] William W. Hager and Hongchao Zhang. "A new conjugate gradient method with guaranteed
//! descent and an efficient line search." SIAM J. Optim. 16(1), 2006, 170-192.
//! DOI:
/// Backtracking line search algorithm
pub mod backtracking;
/// Acceptance conditions
pub mod condition;
/// Hager-Zhang line search algorithm
pub mod hagerzhang;
/// More-Thuente line search algorithm
pub mod morethuente;
pub use self::backtracking::*;
pub use self::condition::*;
pub use self::hagerzhang::*;
pub use self::morethuente::*;