pub fn packet_distributor(
tp_from_sock: Receiver<TofPacket>,
tp_sender_mt: Sender<TofPacket>,
tp_sender_rb: Sender<TofPacket>,
tp_sender_ev: Sender<TofPacket>,
tp_sender_cp: Sender<TofPacket>,
tp_sender_tr: Sender<TofPacket>,
rbwf_sender: Sender<TofPacket>,
ts_send: Sender<TofEventSummary>,
th_send: Sender<TofHit>,
tp_sender_hb: Sender<TofPacket>,
str_list: Arc<Mutex<VecDeque<String>>>,
pck_map: Arc<Mutex<HashMap<&str, usize>>>,
writer: Option<TofPacketWriter>,
Expand description
Receive packets from an incoming stream and distrubute them to their receivers while taking notes of everything
This is a Pablo Pubsub kind of persona (see a fantastic talk at RustConf 2023)