input/output for TOF only data as well as telemetry files (".bin").
- class, filter=Ellipsis)#
Read the GAPS binary data stream, dubbed as "telemetry"
These are binary files, typically with a name like RAW240716_094940.bin, where the numbers are the UTC timestamp when the file has been written.
These telemetry files contains data seperated by delimiters, called "packets". The TelemetryPacketReader will recognized the delimiters, and emit these individual packets.
When creating a new instalnce of TelemetryPacketReader, the intance will emit packets until the whole file is consumed. To re-use the same instance, call TelemetryPacketReader::rewind
# Arguments
filename - the name of the binary file to be read
- filter - emit only TelemetryPackets of a certain type. If set to
TelemetryPacketType::Unknown, all packets will be emitted
- filter#
Any filter will be selecting packets of only this type
If all packets should be allowed, set the packet type to Unknown
- get_packet_index(verbose=False)#
Return an inventory of packets in this file, where TelemetryPacketType is represented by its associtated integer
# Arguments * verbose : print the associated TelemetryPacketTypes (names)
- rewind()#
"Rewind" the file, meaning set the cursor to the beginning again.
All packets can be emitted again
- class
- Ack = TelemetryPacketType.Ack#
- AnyTofHK = TelemetryPacketType.AnyTofHK#
- AnyTrackerHK = TelemetryPacketType.AnyTrackerHK#
- BoringEvent = TelemetryPacketType.BoringEvent#
- CardHKP = TelemetryPacketType.CardHKP#
- CoolingHK = TelemetryPacketType.CoolingHK#
- GPS = TelemetryPacketType.GPS#
- GcuEvtBldSettings = TelemetryPacketType.GcuEvtBldSettings#
- GcuMon = TelemetryPacketType.GcuMon#
- InterestingEvent = TelemetryPacketType.InterestingEvent#
- LabJackHK = TelemetryPacketType.LabJackHK#
- MagHK = TelemetryPacketType.MagHK#
- NoGapsTriggerEvent = TelemetryPacketType.NoGapsTriggerEvent#
- NoTofDataEvent = TelemetryPacketType.NoTofDataEvent#
- PDUHK = TelemetryPacketType.PDUHK#
- RBWaveform = TelemetryPacketType.RBWaveform#
- TmP214 = TelemetryPacketType.TmP214#
- TmP33 = TelemetryPacketType.TmP33#
- TmP34 = TelemetryPacketType.TmP34#
- TmP37 = TelemetryPacketType.TmP37#
- TmP38 = TelemetryPacketType.TmP38#
- TmP55 = TelemetryPacketType.TmP55#
- TmP64 = TelemetryPacketType.TmP64#
- TmP96 = TelemetryPacketType.TmP96#
- Tracker = TelemetryPacketType.Tracker#
- TrackerDAQCntr = TelemetryPacketType.TrackerDAQCntr#
- TrkTempLeak = TelemetryPacketType.TrkTempLeak#
- Unknown = TelemetryPacketType.Unknown#
alias of
Work with telemetry and .tof.gaps files |