Event classes#
- class
- broken#
Check if TOF/tracker data can be unpacked an no errors are thrown
- from_telemetrypacket(packet)#
Populate a merged event from a TelemetryPacket.
Telemetry packet type should be 90 (MergedEvent)
- tof#
- tracker_v1#
- tracker_v2#
- version#
- class
- event_id#
- from_file(filename, start=0, nevents=0)#
- from_tofpacket(packet)#
- get_missing_paddles_hg(mapping)#
- get_summary()#
- hits#
- mastertriggerevent#
- pack()#
- rb_link_ids#
RB Link IDS (not RB ids) which fall into the trigger window
- rbevents#
- trigger_hits#
Get the combination of triggered DSI/J/CH on the MTB which formed the trigger. This does not include further hits which fall into the integration window. For those, se rb_link_mask
The returned values follow the TOF convention to start with 1, so that we can use them to look up LTB ids in the db.
# Returns
Vec<(hit)> where hit is (DSI, J, (CH, CH), LTBThreshold)
- waveforms#
- class
- edep#
Ttotal energy depostion in the complete TOF
Utilizes Philip's formula based on peak height
- edep_cortina#
Total energy depostion in the Cortina
Utilizes Philip's formula based on peak height
- edep_cube#
Total energy depostion in the Cube
Utilizes Philip's formula based on peak height
- edep_umbrella#
Total energy depostion in the Umbrella
Utilizes Philip's formula based on peak height
- event_id#
- event_status#
- from_tofpacket(packet)#
Unpack a tofpacket
- get_missing_paddles_hg(mapping)#
Compare the hg hits of the event with the triggered paddles and return the paddles which have at least a missing HG hit
- get_triggered_paddles(mapping)#
Get all the paddle ids which have been triggered
- hits#
- lost_hits#
The hits we were not able to read out because the DRS4 chip on the RBs was busy
- rb_link_ids#
RB Link IDS (not RB ids) which fall into the trigger window
- status#
- timestamp16#
- timestamp32#
- timestamp48#
- trigger_hits#
Hits which formed a trigger
- trigger_sources#
The active triggers in this event. This can be more than one, if multiple trigger conditions are satisfied.
- class
- baseline_a#
- baseline_a_rms#
- baseline_b#
- baseline_b_rms#
- charge_a#
- charge_b#
- edep#
- paddle_id#
The paddle id (1-160) of the hit paddle
- peak_a#
- peak_b#
- phase#
- pos#
Reconstructed particle interaction position along the long axis of the paddle. For the other dimensions, there is no information about the position. Reconstructed with the waveforms of both paddle ends.
- set_paddle(plen, clen)#
Set the length and cable length for the paddle FIXME - take gaps_online.db.Paddle as argument
- t0#
Reconstructed particle interaction time, calculated from the waveforms of the two different paddle ends
- time_a#
- time_b#
- version#
- class
- d_v#
- from_file(filename, discard_data=True)#
Load the calibration from a file with a TofPacket of type RBCalibration in it
# Arguments:
filename : File with a TofPacket of type RBCalibration in it
discard_data : Throw away event data after loading
- noi_data#
- rb_id#
- tbin#
- tcal_data#
- v_dips#
- v_inc#
- v_offsets#
- vcal_data#
- class
- Any = TriggerType.Any#
- ConfigurableTrigger = TriggerType.ConfigurableTrigger#
- CorCubeSide = TriggerType.CorCubeSide#
- FixedRate = TriggerType.FixedRate#
- Forced = TriggerType.Forced#
- Gaps = TriggerType.Gaps#
- Gaps211 = TriggerType.Gaps211#
- Gaps422 = TriggerType.Gaps422#
- Gaps633 = TriggerType.Gaps633#
- Poisson = TriggerType.Poisson#
- Track = TriggerType.Track#
- TrackCentral = TriggerType.TrackCentral#
- TrackUmbCentral = TriggerType.TrackUmbCentral#
- Umb3Cube = TriggerType.Umb3Cube#
- UmbCorCube = TriggerType.UmbCorCube#
- UmbCube = TriggerType.UmbCube#
- UmbCubeZ = TriggerType.UmbCubeZ#
- Unknown = TriggerType.Unknown#
- class
- adc_a#
- adc_b#
- apply_spike_filter()#
- calibrate(cali)#
Apply the readoutboard calibration to convert adc/bins to millivolts and nanoseconds
- event_id#
- from_tofpacket(packet)#
- paddle_id#
Paddle ID of this wveform (1-160)
- rb_channel_a#
- rb_channel_b#
- rb_id#
- stop_cell#
- times_a#
- times_b#
- voltages_a#
- voltages_b#
- class
- AnyDataMangling = EventStatus.AnyDataMangling#
- CRC32Wrong = EventStatus.CRC32Wrong#
- CellAndChnSyncErrors = EventStatus.CellAndChnSyncErrors#
- CellSyncErrors = EventStatus.CellSyncErrors#
- ChannelIDWrong = EventStatus.ChannelIDWrong#
- ChnSyncErrors = EventStatus.ChnSyncErrors#
- EventTimeOut = EventStatus.EventTimeOut#
- GoodNoCRCCheck = EventStatus.GoodNoCRCCheck#
- GoodNoCRCOrErrBitCheck = EventStatus.GoodNoCRCOrErrBitCheck#
- GoodNoErrBitCheck = EventStatus.GoodNoErrBitCheck#
- IncompatibleData = EventStatus.IncompatibleData#
- IncompleteReadout = EventStatus.IncompleteReadout#
- NoChannel9 = EventStatus.NoChannel9#
- Perfect = EventStatus.Perfect#
- TailWrong = EventStatus.TailWrong#
- Unknown = EventStatus.Unknown#